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lost in a sea

what you said was very insulting to me,,

but hey if it makes you feel better i wont call a spade a spade then..

i probably need both but i never regret what i say..

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
what you said was very insulting to me,,

but hey if it makes you feel better i wont call a spade a spade then..

i probably need both but i never regret what i say..
Frankly I find it insulting when anyone who doesn't agree with your favourite conspiracy theories, are referred to as stupid, sheep or asleep, but I don't whine about it.
There is no right to not be offended or insulted.
Have a good evening:tiphat:

lost in a sea

really ?? then why dont you spread some common sense mate? and counter act my "favourite conspiracy theories"

maybe you just dont know anything? and what i say causes cognitive dissonance inside your brain :dunno:

you know the whole fight or flight response firing from your brainstem ??

but honestly im sick of fools like you my friend and i hope you all die out.. either that or show that you actually know something because hiding behind the whole "conspiracy theory" bullshit has been done ad nauseum and its time people like you showed you know something,, that would be nice but all i hear is people hitting others with the conspiracy theory stick and its so pathetic i dont know where to start...

i hope you do too :tiphat:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
really ?? then why dont you spread some common sense mate? and counter act my "favourite conspiracy theories"

maybe you just dont know anything? and what i say causes cognitive dissonance inside your brain :dunno:

you know the whole fight or flight response firing from your brainstem ??

but honestly im sick of fools like you my friend and i hope you all die out.. either that or show that you actually know something because hiding behind the whole "conspiracy theory" bullshit has been done ad nauseum and its time people like you showed you know something,, that would be nice but all i hear is people hitting others with the conspracy theory stick,,

i hope you do too :tiphat:
See, you cant even respond without calling me a fool, and wishing death upon me, you are a Zealot.
I used to believe all the same shit mate.... and there are conspiracies--but they are very mundane, and not very secret, all the outlandish stuff is mixed in there to discredit all "alternative views" and folks such as yourself are doing a stellar job of doing just that.

lost in a sea

fine whatever just next time show that you know something instead of just bringing out the crazy stick,, if you "used to believe all the same shit" which is still a bit of a glib statement to say the least, you should understand why im hostile to people making statements like that,,

i apologise for my insulting waffle.. its not conducive to my argument..

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
fine whatever just next time show that you know something instead of bring out the crazy stick,, if you "used to believe all teh same shit" which is a bit glib to say the least, you should understand why im hostile to people making statements like that,,
I never said crazy, I never called you crazy, or said what you believe is crazy. You made that leap and assumed that all by yourself, I was commenting on your knee-jerk reaction-which is to insult anyone who disagrees with you, and I only mentioned that in response to you saying that you felt insulted.
I do however believe you are misguided, as was I, I could point you to a lot of things which helped me to alter my viewpoint, but I think they would be dismissed summarily, in the same way a hardcore creationist would dismiss information on transitional fossils from Talk origins. I know because I did the same thing at first. I will say-look at all the money being made out of "Conspiracy Theories"
Anyway I don't like to biccer , so at this point I will request that we agree to disagree.
So, back to topic..


I guarantee they was'nt 'asians' that beat your friend,they would have most certainley be muslimes.. dont you know u can only be white to be racist not that islam/muslims are a race.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I guarantee they was'nt 'asians' that beat your friend,they would have most certainley be muslimes.. dont you know u can only be white to be racist not that islam/muslims are a race.
You may well be partly correct..
the lads in question were British born lads, of Pakistani descent, who happened to be muslims.
Guess what continent Pakistan is part of.
I got mugged by a group of white lads a few years ago, garbage is garbage, whatever amount of melanin their skin contains.


Thick as fuck you mintz youve even spelt 'go fuck your dirty white mother wrong' ffs hahahahhhhahah

Date Posted By Comment
UK to track all emails,... 06-18-2012 06:35 PM mintz Helpful Answer Positive Rating
off topic arguing about... 06-17-2012 06:51 PM Elsweeto Grow up little boy. Its a big world when you open your eyes.
off topic arguing about... 06-17-2012 04:06 PM gingerale Have one on me
off topic arguing about... 06-17-2012 11:01 AM mintz why dont you just poison your self and all your blood line you inbreed son of a 1000 fathers
off topic arguing about... 06-17-2012 10:32 AM RudeDog Stop being a cock end. You are far from the truth, Islam is a backward religion. Just like the E, E, EDL are thick as fuck. Wake up to what is going on.
Vigilantes in Northern... 05-30-2012 08:55 PM mintz go fucker your dirty WHITE mother,from dankski and me ,pussy hole,still waiting for ya,come and get some,mug


Sure the quote you posted from me (well it wasn't really a quote but I figured out what you were trying to say) was a rep comment or my personal opinion; that your a scared little boy who needs to be brave and see the world as something to explore not fear.

lost in a sea


only sticks and stones brake bones HG, this isnt nursery school..

all i wanna say is personally i prefer people to present information to back up points they make if they are attacking something said by anyone on any subject,,, ive heard the misguided thing many a time and its just what people say,, just some automated anthropomorphism,,, doesnt make you right, only the truth makes you right, so maybe add more intelligible words about the subject and worry less about allegorical names and words then it wouldnt turn into bickering,, as well as me being a conspiracy theorist, spreading misguided lies,, "everything" of which you used to "believe" in (of course you know me that well ;)),, you also you did imply that i was a racist against my own skin tone, in my world there really is only one race of human being,, and anyway every other possible denomination in the world calls their dreg "ultra consumers" of society trash,, does it make them racist against their own people/identifiable culture !? the notion just confuses me,, seems communist..

and after all, they cant hurt you you know words,, unless they are, or might be, true and you dont want them to be of course,, otherwise it should just be empty noise..


"Our proposals are sensible and limited,” HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!:thank you:


Taqiyya (alternate spellings taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah), meaning religious dissimulation,[1] This means a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are under those risks.[2]

This practice emphasized in Shi'a Islam whereby adherents may conceal their religion when they are under threat, persecution, or compulsion.[3]Taqiyya was developed to protect Shi'ites who were usually in minority and under pressure. In the Shi'a view, taqiyya is lawful in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby.[1]

The majority Sunni Muslims rarely found it necessary to hide their beliefs. However, there are examples of practicing Taqiyya among Sunnis where it was necessary.[4] In the Sunni view, denying your faith under duress is "only at most permitted and not under all circumstances obligatory".[5]


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
View Image

only sticks and stones brake bones HG, this isnt nursery school..

all i wanna say is personally i prefer people to present information to back up points they make if they are attacking something said by anyone on any subject,,, ive heard the misguided thing many a time and its just what people say,, just some automated anthropomorphism,,, doesnt make you right, only the truth makes you right, so maybe add more intelligible words about the subject and worry less about allegorical names and words then it wouldnt turn into bickering,, as well as me being a conspiracy theorist, spreading misguided lies,, "everything" of which you used to "believe" in (of course you know me that well ;)),, you also you did imply that i was a racist against my own skin tone, in my world there really is only one race of human being,, and anyway every other possible denomination in the world calls their dreg "ultra consumers" of society trash,, does it make them racist against their own people/identifiable culture !? the notion just confuses me,, seems communist..

and after all, they cant hurt you you know words,, unless they are, or might be, true and you dont want them to be of course,, otherwise it should just be empty noise..

Blah blah blah...
Lots of words there, but you don't really have anything to say either...
Automated anthropomorphism.LOL do you even know what anthropomorphism means. The foxes biscuits panda--an anthropomorphised animated Chinese mammal, in the character of a stereotypical Italian american mafia boss, selling biscuits from Batley.
I'd love to see where this "automated anthropomorphism" is in my posts.
Anthropomorphism, is the projection of human qualities onto animals,
Mickey mouse, the Cheetos cheetah--anthropomorphised characters.
You should get in touch with the people who run the A V conference..you could make a lot of money.
Big words---great when you know what they mean.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Government are sounding paranoid with this law coming soon. This is representative of the whole of the fascist Western World. Not all of us are sheep and our time is coming soon.

Let the idiots carry on.....we know what their doing and they will not get anywhere with it.

Sad times for us humans but I know there is light at the end of a very dark tunnel.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Nah, governments aren't paranoid there are people out there doing their best to destroy them. :)

Seriously though, these things are going to be used for more then just terrorism, that's how they sold the Patriot Act here in America though and an easy sell it was after 9/11 as the train bombing in Spain or the bombings in London probably helped sell this thing. The thing is it's not an increase in power, all these things they could and have done for a while but they had to get a court to okay it first. Things like this and the Patriot Act removes that check and balance the court provides. What's to stop them from doing this to anyone? Who is to know? If they happen to find something your doing they'll just use the information they get to help them find evidence they might not otherwise find and then use it to get the court order before they bust you, so it'll be all legal in court. Of course that's just your average law enforcement, agencies like the CIA, MI6, etc they've been gathering info like this for quite some time.

Of course they swear and promise it won't be used that way but they also swore to serve the will of the people that voted them into power. So they have zero credability. :)


Smoke me-the Edl is an association of odious cretins who only appeal to other odious cretins..

Now this isnt exactley true,admitidley in the beginning it attracted every nutter around not surprising with this kind of movement,and when they show themselves to be trouble they get a slap and are ejected straight away,what you,ll find is its the left/UAF that are the real trouble makers which they prove time and time again.

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