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UK outdoor growers 2015


Well-known member
Spot of lunch on the plot today.. mmmmmm....






Busy week ahead...


Well-known member
Its a fucking awesome place to hang out,... until you get bud blindness and need to fuck off home to sleep thinking same time tomorrow.... lol


New member
Oh my word, I just can't imagine how much chopping that is going to take, or how long it will take! :yoinks:

Somebody is going to end up with sore hands and sore eyes for sure. Hope you have some trusted helpers to lend a you hand.


Well-known member
So it looks like iv just been banned from yet another forum for some perfectic reasons known to me , (posting canna pictures on a cannabis forum lol) well so they said , it seems to me its a bit more than that clearly didn't want me there because I was talking about breeding my own shit and not sponsoring there site , funny thing is I actually had a life time subscription pending and money in the envelope on the kitchen side ready to send , and was going to pm the site owner about sponsoring when I got all my shit together and ready but now it looks to late,...

The reason im really pissed tough is the way they go about things over there , I mean I was told don't post huge plots yes fair enough so I didn't post certain pics because of being told and held back big pics like the last one I posted here because I knew it was something they might stress over, but no I got the shit stick treatment in a sly shifty way, was told they edited my pics, I said oh ok sorry thought they was ok (because some other members posted pics with plant numbers similar or more on a few accusations ) I apologised and said sorry I thought they was ok and I wont post anymore pics , they took my account away over night so when I woke in the morning Bam your gone outa here buddy see ya... Fucking nice innt could of pm'd me and spoke to me and at least let me rescue my 4yrs of pictures of all stuff I need for things like a website im trying to get built fucking piss takers , the worst thing is none of them even want to say , people asked on a few accations is he banned or suspended and didn't get a reply ,

I sent a lot of traffic they way to the forum with promting the ste through youtube vids and all sorts and that's the thanks I get fucking nice one,.. so looks like this is where my key tapping ly's from now on , lets hope I don't get all the negative shit about pics or talking about creating my own strains For fuck sake,...


Dutch Aln

Panikz...Real good to see your pics.
Keep posting em here:biggrin:
Considering the year i`m having outdoors,it`s great to see someone having success.Well Earned old chap.
I for one,would gladly try your genetics,should you ever release em.
Was readin all the posts on the other site,cant believe they banned you.
Then again,i can remember still the day they banned Heath Robinson.
I mean.....fer fucks sake.I reckon they`re just jealous.
All the best.


Well-known member
I know mate im pissed off that they just fucked me off and iv lost all my pics of 4yrs of work.. They say its the pics but its more than that they clearly didn't like me talking about strains im creating and coz I don't sponsor the site I cant talk about that stuff, I mean whats the point of a fucking cannabis forum you can only post popcorn bud shots , the people want to see and learn and be expeiernced by the guys that are doing it that's the whole point, when I was starting out id read look at every diary every good grower that was not just saying things but doing them , a picture speaks a thousand words and a video a million its how people learn ,I always thought if I do this or that id always show people the ins and out how its done properly give um the insight what they want to see,..

I obviously upset someone so fuck it ,its done but im fucking pissed off they way theve gone about things not really good modding if you ask me people will leave and whats the use of a forum to help people if you delete there pics all the time and threads don't make sense or are full of shit advise from people that don't know shit or aint done it....


GReen dreAM

Well-known member
what was that another forum mate ?

Your garden is as always inspiration........

take care and stay on NORMAL forum where people enjoy watching huge numbers outside or inside.....


Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Hey Panikz, as the others are reminding you here in the IC Mag forum, your photos showing drool-worthy fields of green stretching to the horizon are much appreciated and seriously inspiring, as were the series of pictures posted by Buddymate, before he went incognito and slipped stealthily back into the shadows.

Correct me if I am wrong, but IC Mag is the most heavily visited weed forum on the net, so if some lesser outfit decides to regulate you out of their forum, I'd just walk away and regard the ban as their loss. In other words phuck 'em if they can't take a joke ha ha.

Yeeeeeeehaw ! IC Mag rules ! Panikz is da man with da BIG plan, holding down, keepin' it real, and representing big time in Old Blighty.

Take no prisoners, UK bud-meisters. Steady as she goes, and full steam ahead.


Well-known member

Pissed for them shits deleting 4 yrs worth of images of your. I say, like the rest.... - Fuk'em mate!

Do your thing. And let the rest do theirs!

All the best.



Active member
the wet weather has fucked with mine a bit, pulled lots of mouldy tops off the sleestack skunk! It has terrible resistance to mould


Active member
PANICKZ, your growing skills are awesome. I bet the glove hash is a nice treat too! I love the glove hash just from harvesting a handful of plants.

Keep up the incredible work!


Well-known member
Hey Panikz, as the others are reminding you here in the IC Mag forum, your photos showing drool-worthy fields of green stretching to the horizon are much appreciated and seriously inspiring, as were the series of pictures posted by Buddymate, before he went incognito and slipped stealthily back into the shadows.

Correct me if I am wrong, but IC Mag is the most heavily visited weed forum on the net, so if some lesser outfit decides to regulate you out of their forum, I'd just walk away and regard the ban as their loss. In other words phuck 'em if they can't take a joke ha ha.

Yeeeeeeehaw ! IC Mag rules ! Panikz is da man with da BIG plan, holding down, keepin' it real, and representing big time in Old Blighty.

Take no prisoners, UK bud-meisters. Steady as she goes, and full steam ahead.

Ha ha .. yeah thanks mate for the warm welcome , I for one really cant understand the logic over there they keep editing all the posts and anything that mentions me or my strains , someone got a issue with me fucking numptys,.. funny thing is people have posted large photos since iv been fucked off without anything said so clearly some personal issue with me, that place will be shit soon everyone will leave just like before most the good growers went to seedheaven and it was a ghost town there for ages now im sure it will happen again , people want to see what happening and how to do things not look at popcorn fluffy bud shots , how is that ever going to teach people as it were , that's there moto come here to learn grow your own ditch the dealer yeah right whos going to learn shit all the good growers are gone banned or left,.. silly really there only fucking it up for them selfs...


Well-known member

Pissed for them shits deleting 4 yrs worth of images of your. I say, like the rest.... - Fuk'em mate!

Do your thing. And let the rest do theirs!

All the best.


That's why im fucking pissed off mate I needed them photo and that's were they all were in that album , they knew that obviously coz they read pm's not exactly private messages if they get read is it..piss takers..

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