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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
fuck yeah. those guys are on top of their game, the G.Gold/D.Passion F3 were potent n skunky, done in september.:D

Sounds like it might make a slightly better starting point for the English Land Race project than the Hemp crossed Wymonham Airbase Pheasant Pen Phucker.... :biggrin:


well, maybe so, but i think that a cross to it would be wicked, the pheasant-ganja is acclimatized, and the danes like it better here than Denmark so its a match made in heaven i think....:)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
if i were growing/breeding outdoor strains i would definitely use Geurilla Gold - early and potent and hardy. big up to the canadians for their early stuff too. :D

or you could look at it's ancestors which i believe are mighty mite, auto afghan and kodiak gold. in pretty sure the auto affie isnt anything to do with ruderalis either which is probably a good thing imo.



yeh man,,,,its exactly like Rudy and Auto`s,,,,,if we could take a plant Indigonous allready to the UK, make it grow reain glands,,,,wow,, we could hash the lot londinium bro,,,even if the best traits only last 4 seasons, thats good enough for me,,,can you emagine it, it would be AMAZING,,,i wana make buds grow outa the pavement

What do you mean about the traits only lasting 4 seasons you will get more seeds, if you put a thc rich plant say a female 1 in a field with hemp it will be pollinated then the seeds from that could be propergated under artificial lights to be planted in the field the next year (asuming the farmer don'ty catch you and grows there with the same seed next year.) then you could have males to pollute the hemp with thc vigour from the female parent do this a few times hey presto.. I like EM idea its more logical.. Has any1 checked out uso31.
(It sounds like POS51 from the 51st state but isn't) its Ben Dronkers legal hepflax seeds made for fish bait and ground cover I belive its all S1 stock. He has a goverment project for it. you can buy a pkt from sensi for $75 and get a 1kg sack from the hempflax company he owns for $250 or something. Read what it says on sensi seeds site about hempflax. As if you have the land and regester you can sell the fiber and all matter to cloathing companys and the goverment will SUBSTIDISE it LOL...


Active member
Hemp isn't acclimated to the Uk at all. Most Uk crops are fibre, and you grow a fibre crop till it stops getting any taller, then you cut, which is at the end of the stretch at the beginning of flower, so a hemp plant for fibre is mostly stem with just a few wispy immature flowers on top.

Seed crops are not often grown in the UK, but when they are, they cut when the seed is mature, which is several weeks before the plant is mature, so hemp varieties for seed aren't acclimated to the Uk either, there is nothing natural in the way they grow hemp so it doesn't acclimate, they grow carefully maintained seedlines that don't change from year to year, no acclimation goes on, they don't produce the seed they sow themselves, they, by law, are required to buy seeds from a registered supplier and there is a fairly short list of cultivars to choose from, they have to grow a licensed variety and those are all very carefully maintained so that they don't change as all characteristics are designed to fit within the regulatory requirements.

Hemp fields are of zero use in establishing a wild population, they are a hinderance as you don't want any hemp genes in your drug line, it will ruin it. Look at lowryder, they bred it from a hemp parent and a drug parent and had to work it 9 gens before they could release it and even then, in original pure form it was very low potency. They used to grow the industrial hemp strain Finola all over canada and during govt inspections they kept finding small numbers of dwarf auto flowering plants which had slightly higher than allowed THC levels. One of these dwarves was crossed to a micro pheno of Closet Queen to create the initial F1 cross that became lowryder.

The climate in the Uk and Denmark precludes natural selection for drug qualities, so any drug strain going wild here would, through natural selection turn into crap. In places like Thailand and Colombia, there is extremely intense sun, this means natural selection is for not a lot of leaf and a lot of flowers, making it very easy to maintain a line there, nature does the work for you. Also, the high UV levels mean natural selection is for high THC plants with lots of resin which contains two carotenoid terpenoids that protect the plant against UV, the same carotenoids are found in the human eye and skin for the same reason.Natural selection in the low sunlight and uv levels in the Uk would favour lots of leaf and little flower, to maximise the ability to gather in the weak sunlight and for low THC levels and little resin. Any drug strain acclimated here would be useless for smoking, you would have to turn it into hash, and even then, you'd end up with crappy low potency hash.

Look at Afghanis like Deep Chunk and X18, they come from a cold climate but there is strong sun and UV due to the altitude, so they grow thick, strong leaves and foliage to withstand the climate, but produce lots of resin to protect against the high UV. Of course, the hand of man is involved to maintain the line, but man can only work with what nature will give him and you must remember that phenotype - genotype + environment. In the UK, your phenotypes would suck because the environment sucks, you might get the odd decent plant because the genotype used originally was good, but natural selection would make the number of decents plants less and less until within not many years, you have Ruderalis. Examples of how climate plays a big part in drug qualities are some of the old Danish lines like Thyphoon and Leb27, both of which are low to moderate potency, they have been carefully maintained over decades, but due to the crap climate, some reduction in potency has inevitably occurred. It's not the fault of the people who have maintained these lines, it's the fault of the crap climate, if they had been maintaining those lines in Colombia, Thailand or Hawaii, they would have found it easy to maintain a high level of potency and overall drug qualities, in Denmark, they are only able to maintain what nature allows them to and she doesn't allow them as much as she does elsewhere.

Ruderalis populations are the feral legacy of the Russian hemp industry, plants that descend from the hemp crops before the introduction of sterile industrial hemp varieties in the 1950s. I've seen and smoked wild ruderalis in Moravia, Czech Republic, we even rubbed the best plants to make charas, and even that was such low potency it wasn't worth smoking. It looked like good charas, smelled good because the plants do produce terpenoids in their trichomes still, and no doubt there were plenty of cannabinods present, but what there wasn't was much THC so it was worthless as a way of getting a psychoactive effect, it just made you hungry, tired and if you persisted in smoking more, eventually a bad headache.

The reason why the best cannabis used to come from Thailand, Colombia, Hawaii, Jamaica and a few other places is that they are 'sweet spots' where the climate is ideal for growing high THC cannabis, all the requirments in terms of strong sunlight all year round, high levels of UV, warm temperatures all year round, high humidity levels etc are all met naturally so all the farmers need to do is the basics of weeding out the runts and mutants and nature does the rest of the work as she provides the conditions which cause the plant to grow more flowers than leaf, lots of resin, lots of THC, the things we look for as drug qualities. In the UK, you are working against nature, not with it and that is a battle you can't win unless you change the rules of the game by artificially creating favourable conditions and that means growing in a glasshouse with heating and supplemental lighting.

It's perfectly possible to produce a wild population of cannabis in the UK but it's next to impossible to produce a wild population that has plants worth smoking. Growing hemp is not at all the same as growing weed, in many ways, drug cannabis plants are as similar to industrial hemp as a 200lb Alaskan Timberwolf is to a 2lb Yorkshire Terrie - same species but practically nothing in common.
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
great post Indifferent! - interesting the story of lowryder. i grew it once and it absolutely stank like strong weed but was of low potency.



Active member
funny you say that verdant i have 2 lowryder 2's a week from chop in my flower room on the sideline and they REEK i was shocked. they were outsmelling my nl x g13 x widow , one smells like its gonna be shit but nice trichrome coverage and the other looks battered in crystals and smells fruity tooty :) i dont see why lowryder has such bad rep, mind you im growing an inbred f5 version of lr2.
which lr did you run verdant?,,, i need to know if im growing that shit that looks pretty but dont do fuck all :)


ICMag Donor
fukin amazing post,,,,if you woulda sat infront of me and started talking like that ,,i would got the flipin video camara out:),,,PRICELESS!!

them dwarfs in the hemp population are very interesting to me,,,,sounds like an equlibreum:)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
chizzle - it was LR1 that i was growing, LR2 is meant to be much better!
LR1 did get you stoned - just not hugely potent or inspiring imo.



great post Indifferent,
i'm sure you're right about using hemp fields (Sweetcorn fields are good though-harvested mid Oct in my area:whistling:)

dissapointing to hear that the Danish shit is not that good-it looks great doesn't it?

what i don't understand is how our climate would have such an adverse effect on THC levels in such a short time. I've often read the more experienced crossers/breeders stating this-but i haven't grasped how this would happen. I can see how selection might operate in a few seasons to favour early maturing genotypes, more hardy genotypes-those less suseptable to cold/mould-but don't get why low THC would be selected for. Low light levels may stimulate less THC production in a given plant-but that doesn't alter the geneotype does it? The genes are there but the trait is not being as fully expressed as it could be.

That's where i'm getting stuck-on what processes of selection would take out the THC.

This is not just theoretical-i had an idea about putting a pack of Sensi's H KusH out this season, and letting some of them pollinate at a patch to see what happens



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey eddie, im no expert, but i think it would probably that high THC WASN'T being selected for that would make it decline.

as for early strains i have tried a few and i found that early AND potent is quite a rare combination and the G Gold was way ahead of anything else in that respect.



Active member
great post indifferent im glad some1 knows there shit about hemp because most of my knowledge is guesswork cheers for your input


ICMag Donor
This hemp plant was grown from the seed we originally collected from a hemp field,, in the UK.


The genetics terminated in the 3rd season... in several locations,, suggesting the variety was GM / genetically modified.

Hope this helps


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
hey eddie, im no expert, but i think it would probably that high THC WASN'T being selected for that would make it decline.

as for early strains i have tried a few and i found that early AND potent is quite a rare combination and the G Gold was way ahead of anything else in that respect.


From what I have read, the Canadians are the ones you should be keeping an eye on for UK outdoor, Next Generation and the private breeders on UtG who carry on Breeder Brads Guerilla Gold and Mighty Mite influenced lines. Someone said [iirc] that the Auto Affie was going to be released not hoarded.

Erdbeer never seems to get a UK mention for some reason and the Swazi I had years ago was brilliant outdoor in the UK, after seeing 20 indoor crops of her, I was blown away by the smoke from 3 spare clones somebody "dumped" in next door's overgrown garden. This was the worst outdoor season I ever saw in the UK, solid rain from Mid August onwards, many Sativas just laugh at the rain from what I have seen.


tissue culture samples are the future...but till then,..most will just have to dream of the real cheese..i think the exodus cheese was the first then the blues then livers... this is the order ive heard up north.... our first tasteof blues came from sheffield...not cheese!!for sure!!....sound like exodus select "type" to me.. they sarted partys in sheffild ages ago dident they?...i think we might see more from groups like these..

hopefully one day we can have a line of real heavy elites like them "yanks"...with there great cali med/og clubs

Exodus ran their parties in and around Luton, I used to go to all of them..... great stuff! You could not buy cheese at their parties, but if you went to first aid and said the pills were freaking you out they would roll a few!!


Active member
Glad some folks found my post helpful, I was smoking some highly speedy Mexican so it just flowed out of my addled brain.

Interesting about the line dying, what happened doc? Did they just shrivel and die? As far as I know, the Monsanto Terminator genes don;t work like that, they just produce non-viable plants that won't make seed so you have to keep buying new seed from Monsanto.

Erdbeer isn't great pot, it's your typical Afghani type really, accrid and harsh smoke imho, the strawberry in more in the smell, the taste is more your typical hashy Afghan with only a hint of something sweet. I expect it could be crossed though to take advantage of it's adaptation to cold short outdoor seasons. Owl Productions has some other strains that are more potent, I met Felix a few years ago and he had an Afghani that was incredibly potent, I forget what it is called now, Heaven perhaps?

Interesting about the Swazi, I find Swazi and Durban types to be extremely tough and hardy for some reason. I had a Durban x Skunk cutting that was all Durban traits and tasted like black licourice and hash, back in the 90s she was my staple for a few years, indoors and out, she laughed at bad weather.

I know for a fact that blues/livers was around before Cheese up here in the north, we never saw or heard of cheese till the 2000s, it was a SE thing. According to the original finder, Cheese was first grown in 88 and was passed to Exodus in 95. I remember 1995 quite well and most people I knew who were doing commercial were growing a Northern Lights cutting, I remember that cutting well, it produced 2 foot single cola budsticks if put straight into a DWC bucket as soon as rooted, resin was outrageous and it stoned you to the bone, there was a half hour to 45 mins of being high, then your ass had to crash land on the sofa. Smelled like pine and piss if you ran it hard in hydro, in soil it was pine and berries. I don't know what happened to that NL, I think it's still around just it gets called something else. I like in a different county these days so I don't know what's being grown where the NL used to be.


Erdbeer never seems to get a UK mention for some reason

Afghani x Erdpurt will finish in the uk end of sept first half of october & is a first class smoke, Paddi grows it regularly in Denmark, I reckon because it works. Blew me away, dense buds, bag appeal, & hardy.
Erdpurt works too, huge buds, bag appeal. I dont think I will grow anything else. Mould resistant as well, but you got to watchem the last few days. Good luck.

Ps next time you stop by a field of hemp you might notice that most plants are hermies.


ICMag Donor
that was a mint post indiffernt bro,,,,,:)...1 day id love to sit down with you an chat like that,,,smoke some of that loco shizz

whats the deal with them dwarf plants in that hemp populations???,,,,,it sounds like some sort of equilibreum going on in possible phenos,,,,

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a pheno of indifferent's OG Kush X Purple Afghan that I just chopped today at 73 days - looks awesome for organic soil:

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