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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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Ganja baba

Active member
will let him know guys thanks , some of the heads from these were chopped a few days after these pics were taken , some rot was spotted , even though humidity never got past 48 most of the time it was 35 to 40 , even at night , no dead leaves were the rot is , iether also these buds were rock solid , really solid ,

ill pop round and take some more pics when all the calaxs have fattened and swelled , the lemon is stinky really strong like lemon air freshner ,

heres a macro of the pursang from ages ago


Ganja baba

Active member
yep - here's to monty!



Heres a question for you, and it's a biggy :)

for those of you lucky enough to have some of the US elite clones or tried the weed,

how do the OG Kush, Chemdawg cuts and the like compare to the Uk clone only's?


well i am a big fan of the kush's , chems bubba so on , for dank smoke they are by far one of the top families of indica type smoke , we dont really have any thing similar in that respect ,

1 thing i will point out , uk growers mainly like to make the most of things cash wise , and the bubas and kushs dont add up weight wise , most would never grow them for commercial , because a higher price would not generally be accepted , for all the longer veg and less yield ,

What we do have though . Is quite a lot of old timers with old strains from sensi and other well know seed comps of the past , you can on any given week , be blown away with strains you thought to be gone with the wind .
indicas like shiva , big bud , super skunk , northern lights , all the originals are still kicking about , they are very unique compared to now days crosses and stand out well in a crowd ...

the thing is with the american elite's is , they are mostly related in smell and taste , to a point i would not call them elite in the same sense as before , due to the high demand for kush and crosses of kush , there are many breeders now offering strains in seed form that are as good if not better than the original elite ,

standers are getting higher in some areas of the cannabis gene pool , kush is a good example . its taste and smell seem to have come out of now where , and now dominates crosses like sk1 used to ,

The weed we smoke , decorates our mental land scape and transgresses to our physical life , we will look back and remember the weed we smoked and also the feelings and memories associated with it .

we have cheese , uk pineapple and like the kush we have amazing crosses of our elites ,
we have all if not most of the american elites in the uk now .. the world is a small place when we have friends every where .

happy smoking guys ,
cheers verdant

Elevator Man

Active member
I've got the Abusive OG Kush from clone, and Appalachia (Green Crack X Tres Dawg), which I grew from seed, and both are superb, and quite potent - the OGK lacks a little in flavour and smell, but has a great high, and the buds are very attractive - as are buds from the Appalachia, which whilst not as dense and hard as the OGK, are far more bulky and fluffy, and it's really fast too - eight weeks done in soil:


I would say they stand up to clone-onlys I have experience of, like the Blues and Mystery Strain and definitely Cheese - not as smelly, but the highs are more stimulating than the Blues, so I generally prefer them for that, and they're both more resistant to bugs than the UK ones. OG Kush is damned stretchy though, and in that respect it can be a low yielder, but keep the internodal length down and it can also be quite high - I know two friends who've pulled over 3 ounces from a 3-foot plant.

Interestingly, someone was pestering me for some clones recently - for a commercial grow his mates were doing, and they wanted the Blues or similar. I only had some Appalachia, which he's smoked, and loved, and has seen my plants growing, so he knows their commercial potential, but when he told them that's what there was, they weren't interested.

I don't keep the Blues myself, as I find it dull, but it's the smell they're after, basically, and that zonked-out stone - and easy to shift 1-gram bags of that for a tenner - which is partly why I'm not touching those strains any more...:)
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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks guys

ganja baba makes a great point about pricing - there really isnt much of a general market for higher grade weed here - certainly not like there is in the US. ive seen OG Kush auctioned on a boutique type website and im sure it went for $200+ for a quarter. and looking at the med scene people talk about $20 a gream being cheep. here in the uk unless you had some discerning customers you would be mugging yourself growing a 12 week strain to sell because you would have trouble getting a wholesale price for it better than you get for generic 'skunk'
so i guess that is a big influence on the clones that get the widest recognition.

Ganja baba

Active member
thanks guys

ganja baba makes a great point about pricing - there really isnt much of a general market for higher grade weed here - certainly not like there is in the US. ive seen OG Kush auctioned on a boutique type website and im sure it went for $200+ for a quarter. and looking at the med scene people talk about $20 a gream being cheep. here in the uk unless you had some discerning customers you would be mugging yourself growing a 12 week strain to sell because you would have trouble getting a wholesale price for it better than you get for generic 'skunk'
so i guess that is a big influence on the clones that get the widest recognition.

spot on mate , it seems the good strains and elites are mainly grown by people that grow for them selves and not on a commercial level , private growers tend to stay away from the hustle and bustle of big buisness .
Most commercial growers i know do not go on the internet , where as i have friends that have just started growing weed and are growing og kush .

The commercial grower wants to stay away from most people .And the personal grower wants to stay away from the small growers for profit and general hoodlums that could possibly rob their crop .

Another factor on what strains hit the street is lazy growers that cant take thier own cuttings or plant seeds , so the same old strain gets grown again and agian .

A lot of growers i know would choose a plant that produces 4 oz in 6 weeks with no taste and generic high than a 8 weaker that gives the same weight but with an amazing taste and high , just the times we live in , change will come now the dutch have the kush collection , tw and other elites . they will get into there gene pool and hopefully spruce it up a bit . lol

Elevator Man

Active member
I tried to convince someone to grow out a clone of my Oaxacan Gold on that basis - it takes 12 weeks, but yields huge - my average weight from most strains a while ago was around 38g in 8-10 weeks, whereas the Oaxacan did 65g both times - but he just couldn't wait 12 weeks. He just wants the Blues too...won't get it from me, that's for sure...:)


It's interesting to notice this "backlash", for want of a better word, from growers such as yourself, EM. Other people I've spoken to have stopped perpetuating the skunk cuts too, stopped doing trays for commercial chaps, etc.

I'd absolutely love there to be more variety out there "on the street" - don't see it happening any time soon though. As has already been stated, the market's insatiable appetite for the skunks shows no sign of abating. (says the guy flowering Psychosis.. hehe.. can't blame me for being late..)


ICMag Donor
Yep. we stopped donating genetics to commercial growers,, we'd much rather help medi users instead :D


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i love growing as i am now - for personal - i can grow long flowering strains or what the heck i like. my only problem is how am i going to smoke it all ;)

.... OG Kush is damned stretchy though, and in that respect it can be a low yielder, but keep the internodal length down and it can also be quite high - ....

hey EM, would you are anyone care to share some tips on how to keep the stretch down? for myself with scrog some stretch is quite useful but the way i grow seems to encourage it more than most. i even got the cheese to overgrow my screen! (i think anything will stretch if you repot it from a 3-4 litre pot into a 12-15 litre pot when you put it to flower!
here it is at 23 days on one of my foot square screens

although it can be a challenge to manage, i do quite like my scrog to fill the screen and end up about 6 inches above by the time it's topped out - that really maximises the yield and you get some nice long colas.

having said that i'mgoing to push it too far one day and have a problem so knowing how to reduce stretch would be good. i have a MH bulb but it is hard to use due to the perpetual nature of my setup.



I just grew out the psychosis-sister - gift from LLP through a buddy of mine at another site. Thanks again LLP!!!

I left this site a couple of years ago - mojo is my name and just plain 'mojo' was taken when I came back - so I want with mojo420, LOLOL....

Here's a couple of pics of the tray before harvest - kept 3 moms and chopped all but the really, really good one - :D

These were grown in 7" square pots - I've been known to call em my 2 gallon pots but I don't think they're actually that capacity.

Grown in canna coco, using their A and B 2-part - nothing else cept some pH up. I pH'd my res to 6.1-6.2 before each of my two-a-day waterings/feedings. These ate at about 1.3ec. I use a recirc top feed system and run 2 - 3X6 trays.

The gal I kept a cut of is the one in the far right corner in pic 2...

I can't see the pics I just posted - may be a new-guy thing... at any rate, it is what it is - :D


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i got this clone only from a friend whos had it for around 10-11 years an passed it around the area i live in, he found it in the back of some guys vw golf growing under cfls in the boot an decided to rescue it which paid off as its some amazing bud. no one seems to know wot it is the guy i got it from thinks it has northern lights in it but is unsure.
it has an really really fast flowering time, an i mean fast 40-45 days an you can crop this bitch an the nugs are still solid an dense, but will go 9 weeks if you let it.
when grown correctly she has a pungent stink of sweet grapefruit, it really does smell jus like grapefruit an the resin production is amazing with it seeping all the way down the main stalks/stems most of the time
an to top it off the yeilds pretty good, not amazing but avge to good its better than uk cheese on yeild but packs on more resin an is done about 2 weeks early. (i got cheese which was flowered at the same time but needs another 10 days to 2 weeks to finish off)
it has quit slim skinny stalks with very sharp defined sativa leaves an i can imagine that when grown fat an big shel need some support, i havnt had the chance to see wot she can really do yet so not sure on that one.
but anyways il post some pics of her
if anyone has any ideas wot she could be let me know
it has gone by a few names silver haze being one but its obviously not the sat original




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hi GrimWeeder nice plant u have there...To be honest it does Actually look a whole lot like "Original SensiSeeedbank SilverHaze" to me but if it is it would most lukely have some Hazey(herby,flowery,sandalwood,spicey) essence to the taste and nose and thats not what you've described as the flavaz and it would be loger blooming....Deff o looks like SilverHaze though...The Calyxes and structure are a ringer to me...She looks a bit like a Skinny Cheese or Psycho as well....If u r only one with the cut then loook after her and make sure u share b4 u have a problem and shes gone 4ever!! Luck and Lumens JBo ;]


hi londinium mate, it defo has a floral scent in amongst the smell thats exactly wot i thought when the guy swapped me some of my kings kush for a Q of this, he said its grapefruit smell which it is but it also has that hazey floral not too spicy scent, i couldnt quit put my finger on wot the other scent was before but you hit the nail on the head mate,
an yea its bud shape is like a skinny cheese,
so i think il agree with you that it could well be the silver haze original.
any ideas how its different from the silver haze 9 thats available now from sensi?
im not the only one with the cut i know theres a few bods with it, the guy who gave it to me has been passing around for a while. il keep hold of it for sure.
thannks for that londinium


Active member
She looks really sweet mate. I was pondering on ordering the silver haze #9 the other day, but went for the NL#5/Haze fems instead. I know folk say sensi stuff has changed over the years and shit ain't the same, but to be honest, i was never growing back then so couldn't tel ya one way or the other, but i like what i've tried, and when people say things like, "they lost alot of their parents" or "they reworked all their stuff", i never see any evidence apart of it apart from heresay, and i'm sure someone like ben drinkers or whoever at sensi could resource these cuts and/or would have had them backed up at other places.

I am sure the NL#5/Haze should be the same, as who would want to add something to a winning cross like that, it's allways been good, so why mess with it, just a cross of two clone parents.

I rekon i'll do the silver haze #9 next, and the shiva skunk was quite cheap. If it comes out looking anything like that i'll be more thanh happy. Respect, grest growing.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
agree with you S. you would have thought sensi would have the resources to back stuff up!

its as bit like people who have been killing their taste buds for the last 20 years bemoaning the fact that weed doesnt taste like it used to or people who have serious tolerance built up over years heavy smoking complaining that the weed isnt as strong these days ;)


p.s. those buds look killer gw!

Ganja baba

Active member
I once had a meeting with some of the sensi guys to ask about buying some old seeds , the older the better . even if they are from old display stands ,
They got back to me and said they dont keep any old beens , stock gets burnt if they are old , this is to ensure good germination rates ... i was a bit gutted

Then to top it of , I went to the old indian head shop , on the edge of the red light in the dam on that stretch that leads to the blue bird .

I used to go in there all the time , then one day I got a brain wave , the lady that owns the shop had display cabinets , they had doctor wiet seeds in them , also lots of old sensi stuff , positronics .

So booked a flight and went to the shop , after all the years of them sitting in the shop , a guy came by just the week before and bought them from her and gave her a good price , she said she would have given them to me free ..

well you win some and loose some , i just hope who ever the lucky guy was hes doing some thing good with um ,

Doctor weit was the first person and female to sell cannabis seeds in Amsterdam

daddy fingaz

Active member
She looks really sweet mate. I was pondering on ordering the silver haze #9 the other day, but went for the NL#5/Haze fems instead. I know folk say sensi stuff has changed over the years and shit ain't the same, but to be honest, i was never growing back then so couldn't tel ya one way or the other, but i like what i've tried, and when people say things like, "they lost alot of their parents" or "they reworked all their stuff", i never see any evidence apart of it apart from heresay, and i'm sure someone like ben drinkers or whoever at sensi could resource these cuts and/or would have had them backed up at other places.

agree with you S. you would have thought sensi would have the resources to back stuff up!

its as bit like people who have been killing their taste buds for the last 20 years bemoaning the fact that weed doesnt taste like it used to or people who have serious tolerance built up over years heavy smoking complaining that the weed isnt as strong these days ;)

Stoners arent exactly known for their accurate memories hey, but everything was better 'back in the day' of course!
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