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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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Hmm, Exodus, I'm annoyed now, it looked so nice but now I know I don't like it! Hehe

Eman has made KC crosses, he has done a load of work on J-Lo which is KCxFlo. A friend grew 3 females of it and they were very nice indeed.

Doc did a cross too but it looked like it had a lot less resin and very little budmass.

I have at least one cross in my stash, KC x Purple Afghan/Abusive OG Kush, there are only a handful of them as it was an accidental pollination. Should be interesting seeds to grow out sometime.


Active member
the beans sound interesting. i like the sound of jlo funky, whats she taste like and whats she made from other than kc.

ps well done on the tact in your last post im proud


Active member
Eman has made KC crosses, he has done a load of work on J-Lo which is KCxFlo. A friend grew 3 females of it and they were very nice indeed.

kentish creme x flo (bred obviouly br dj short)
btw i wonder if dj short is a D.J. or short in height.
like a midget on some technic 12-10's...:ying:


I'm too northern to know what tact is, sorry. Just say what I see innit.

Hehe, I often wondered where the DJ Short name came from! I have actually seen a female midget DJ many years ago at art college, I was tripping my nuts of at the time so thought it was my eyes at first.

I didn't get to smoke my friend's KC crosses, I saw em a week or so before harvest, rubbed the stems, smelt em, some very interesting complex and gorgeous smells and they looked very exotic, none exactly like KC but you could see the KC in all 3, the flo looking one probably had the nicest aroma. My friend said the smoke was really good I seem to recall.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i tried to cross the KC S1's to Herijuana but the seeds ended up all hollow. timing was sightly off maybe. shame because that could have been a decent cross, bout the only seeds ive ever made that didnt come out.


ICMag Donor
Kentish Creme is the only clone we told them to keep !!!

Here grown by Max Lumens..




kentish cream has been around for ages but ive never heard of any crosses of her

Green Knot Kush [FRT] (outdoor test) = Kentish Creme x Orange Kush


Kentish Creme x Blueberry [cannaboy] (untested)


peace n flowers


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
come to think of it i have some KCDC seeds (kentish creme x Deep Chunk) BeAn made them from some DC pollen i shared with him.



ICMag Donor
Yeah man :yes: BeAns gear is really nice stuff. The Congo x Nepal or Congo x Nepal x Pakistani (I always get confused cause he's got so many fresh hybrids worked from landrace parents now) was some of the best dope we smoked last season.. like stepping back in time :canabis:


I discovered a bagful of White Rhino x KC seeds last night, only problem is they are from when the Rhino grew male balls so they aren't much good for anything, hermies begat hermies.


Kentish Creme x Blueberry [cannaboy]

Interesting, that slim blue fellow in his first post last night said that he had just made some kc x bb seeds.

Ah, now I see he's edited his post so it doesn't mention that.

Think I can guess who slim blue is! lol

Busted after one post! rofl


Damn this uk thread is awesome, bit cluttered by people with more to say than show but still a good example of what the uk has to offer (not counting the bitching).
One thing i always worry about is taking advice from people who cant produce a decent sample and there seems to be a few of those around.
So whats the most hyped/sought after cut already on our shores at the moment?


Active member
come to think of it i have some KCDC seeds (kentish creme x Deep Chunk) BeAn made them from some DC pollen i shared with him.

sounds like a top cross verd ive not seen bean on here for ages wheres he at.
i have always liked the look of deepchunk one of the plants i always wanted to grow was afghan. ill get round to it one day. yet another to add to the list, im growing to like the knock out affects of afghans they sort my back out so i can sleep properly.

thor the most sought after strain atm is bullshitblues:ying:


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
the DC is a good experience to grow, and a great one to have genetics of being a pure hashplant/indica. yield is sh1t but the smoke is lovely. Toms release last year seemed to sort out the vigor problems too. i didnt find it to be a slow vegger at all. i kept all the males and made seeds with all the females. got a quadrifoliate girl from some of those seeds i recently popped, rooted a cut of it too so i hope it stays quad.
in veg

flower - 4 fat nugs at each node might help the yield ;) about 4 weeks in




Active member
Hashbean has a seedline called Klar that is an inbred G13 derivation, dunno what he started with, probably G13 x HP, Hashbean bred it for resin production to make hash from. I still have a pack of reeferman G13, from his recent-ish release, I grew his G13 a few years back and it was utter garbage so doubt I'll be growing the more recent version.

Rest assured, KLAR is bomb weed, so stinky and tasty, grows nice. Gave a friend two seeds, of which he popped 1 and got a baby-puke, sweet'n'sweaty skunkyness lady, oh so good, exellent potency. Complex full stoned high.

HashBean got his seeds from a friend in Hawaii who got them from a Overgrow member named Swampy, he doens't know more than that, I think.


I've wasted plenty of time and effort on DC and really don't rate it at all, taste is shit, potency is mediocre, bud mass is minimal, vigour is non-existant, just leafy shit, it happens to be covered in resin but that's all it has going for it. I grew a pack of the original release, they got thrown away in the end becuase they just wouldn't grow, the vigour was gone altogether, 3 months of veg and they were tiny. Then I got a cutting, that was just as bad and produced bad end product that was more leaf than bud in a ratio of about 5 to 1 and tastes like tea leaves and wet grass (lawn) so had to be turned into hash. I got some more seeds of a later release and they were slightly better, they actually grew almost normally but still had no yield and no pleasant flavour. I still haven't grown the f2s verdant kindly gave me, I was interested in finding a breeding indica but given up on DC and am looking at other ibls instead.


Active member
have you tried the X18 FM?

got some seedlings going now, please tell me their gonna be the best thing i've ever encountered.


Only X18 I've come across was the cut Raco gave to Random that was then passed to DNA. I saw it in Spain and it is one of the nicest smelling and tasting kush types I've seen, as nice as Bubba. However, it suffers several issues, it has no vigour, grows very slowly, has very small yield and is leafy. It would probably be good for breeding though, would be interesting to cross soma sativa males like the Colombian Gold one I have to it.

Tom Hill says that Raco cut is stypical of the quality to be found in X18 but not typical for the yield and most plants will yield more.

If I were you, I'd put any promising X18 males to one side for making seeds as I think you may well find that the best way to appreciate the X18 genes is in a hybrid. X18 male crossed to the Purple Kush would be the first cross I'd think of if I was you, then I'd cross it to the most sativa thing I could find.

Elevator Man

Active member
Yeah, JLo is Kentish Creme X Flo, though for the latest batch, the Flo was an inline f3, which produced stable offspring - the first batch I made had hermie tendencies in the few I grew, though one had a spectacular high.

I've got them to F2, and have two batches - just waiting for the opportunity to start a few, but with the room I have, that will take some time. There's a link to the JLo test thread in my signature.
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