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UK Cheese (Exodus) Grow



Cheese Chopper said:
Spot bollock Hazeseeker, cheesey goodness all round. My nose is red raw from harvesting cheese from 2pm yesterday, the shit sets me off worse than a high pollen count.

Its Stacks btw bruv.
Hi Stacks :rasta: ,
howz it goin man?, i know what you mean about harvesting the Cheese bro, this clone was only small but the smell when harvesting was like a stink bomb had landed, trim was sticky as hell, was getting ready to pop out to the shop after i trimmed + hung the plant, looked down and had about half a plant worth of trim stuck to my jeans and trainers, nightmare trying to pick it all off 1 by 1, can't wait to smoke this in a couple of weeks, gonna be a true blessing through a bong :joint:
Looking at them cheese pics is making my eyes water through the screen man, just reminds me of what i was doin all bloody weekend, its depressing, the good part is a week later when you can find out the yield.