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UK Cheese.. Difference between Exodus and Brightside cuts..


Active member


Beasted cheese, lol.

This is not true. I have had amazing cheese, soil grown
Environment and dialing in are key in any strain.

No resin is down to grow conditions and cutting too early.

I agree, soil or choir tend to help bring out some great flavours in anything (including cheese)


I have grown lots of cheese cuts,and seeds bx's....all cheese's n cheese crosses have that strong smell. I dont undertsand guys here they say brightside if grown in righ envirmoments have that that no one had,to me ist look like that those boys never grow weed. the same cut with same light intensity sam nutirents sam ppm all the same are different in summer and winter. differnet smell and look if room is not 100% sealed. even the same plant if it is bigger have different taste on lover and upper buds. even upper with light intensitiy difference have differnet look and smell. For cheese i have 2 phenos one is big buddah which is citrusy/fruty cheese and one Uk/exodus which is that cheese with little berry under tone. whihc is differnet from blue cheese its more berry on exhale. Thats the 2 kinds of cheese cuts i know. but now with more and more growers evry day growing all that gray area names elites and plants from the past is now getting no sense becouse some growers can make selection on aobut tousent of plants with good gentics and breeding u can over power any elite that we have today. elites cuts where meanning something when few grower make this business now u have firms who run thousent of plants and every day elite is found....so to me that my point of look on things.


Active member
It’s prob been said a 100 times but they are the same cut. Bright side Cheese and Exodus Cheese, same Sensi 89 Skunk 1 from OfTheHill.


Well-known member
It’s prob been said a 100 times but they are the same cut. Bright side Cheese and Exodus Cheese, same Sensi 89 Skunk 1 from OfTheHill.

That may be the case , but there's at least 7 different cuts of "Exodus cheese" going around and none of them match up to brightsides believe me ...


Active member
That may be the case , but there's at least 7 different cuts of "Exodus cheese" going around and none of them match up to brightsides believe me ...

I have no doubt there are fakes. Lots of good cuts have a ton of copycats from ppl trying to cash in on the name. But the real exodus is the real brightside. But if it’s better to go by that name because there are less fakes I’ll use it from now on. I appreciate the info! :tiphat:

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Lost my cheese years ago due to paranoia. Funny times but anyway I haven’t been anywhere near it lately so thought I’d try some mango n cheese seeds from connoisseur genetics as it’s allegedly Brightsides cut crossed to silver Neville.


Their is only 1 exodus cheese but i wouldnt say she was berry at least not as berry as her sister the bluez/liverz cut which i prefer and i do think she is louder but id happily take the exodus cut

The real cut of exodus is more lavender floral earthy cheesey and the buds are light green coloured ... ive been smoking quite a bit of the exodus this summer and i never got bored of her..


The " BRIGHTSIDE " is like NOooo Other Ya might be told of... " g " :) :smokeit:

. . .The " Sheer Pong " be making others "Jealous "

. . . back to HillClimb2
just- had victory over brother :yay : . knew that car was FasT . :yay:

Hey, Don't Dri' Fast . :D


Uhh, uhh, welcome to Mame-

Ya Got 5-7? Second from the plane window -
That whats Going on, I mean his eyes. ... . Uhh, you 'll get there , after sleep or 2. :)
YAR YAR Ordinary Speak YAR " freshman ". Raar jus how I feel

Context of aLLL.
( y'all ) :)
That image limit again Gypsy - what ya like
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