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U.S. Government spying on entire U.S., to nobody's surprise

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please stay away from politics so this discussion can go on. the program originates with the donkeys after all, even if the elephants are running it and expanding it now. i for 1 am glad that this information has finally trickled out to the main stream.

I think you might have that backwards (the mascots) but yeah.


Active member
the police state is here

The Terrifying Future of The United States


I love my life
...Oh and I think are government are nothing like nazi's that is a pretty poor comparison go live in Syria if you are not happy here in the good Ol USA...

Said the brown shirt to the Jew......

Yep nothing like the NAZIs at all


To me it seems like our government is really more worried about our own people committing "terrorist" attacks. I doubt foreign terrorist use and communicate through yahoo email,facebook etc. anymore. I'm surprised they haven't banned the prepaid disposable phones yet.


yeah the thing is if it were for terror or child porn, they would easily be able to do it with individual warrants. they can get warrants very quickly. this is something else, this is more akin to watching and reading every ones communications, they are not even waiting for trigger words anymore, now it's just massive data dumps every day on everyone in the whole world, just in case they might want to go back and check who someone was talking to online about what for how long. some one said that this is beyond what the east German stazi managed and it's 100% true. the US intelligence. agencies have much more info on their citizens then the stazi had on their citizens.

what i wonder, is if it will make a difference that it's all come out? or will it just be done in the open from now on?


Active member
Folks wake up this is not some new breaking news. I work in the Telecommunications industry for 15+ years now and the government has always had access to the systems. I have worked for some of the largest Telecomm companies in the US and they have had access since communications was started...Oh and I think are government are nothing like nazi's that is a pretty poor comparison go live in Syria if you are not happy here in the good Ol USA...

Yup, they have been mining info forever. However, they didn't have a $2,000,000,000.00 storage center like they have now in Utah and the computing power to connect any dots they need to in seconds.

Can you guys imagine what would have happened during WWII if Hitler had this kind of awesome power? There would not be a Jew left on earth. I can only pray that the USA doesn't turn totalitarian, however I am not sure if any other direction is possible with how things are going. It's digital tyranny. Pray for America, she was once great, and can remain great once this filth is removed. (both dems and Rep)


the story continues with facefook founder and google ceo saying that there is no gov back door access and they never heard of prism before now. so it's looking like they did some of it without telling the targeted companies. or possibly they are creating deny ability by refusing to admit their cooperation with the government on this affair which breaks the highest law of the land. constitution on bill of rights. i bet in the end it will come out that they didnt give the give some shady back door access but instead gave them the front door access, key and all.....

Bowb Aandweeve

New member
I can't believe anybody is surprised or offended. Once communications went wireless all privacy was gone. Anybody that doesn't realize that is either hopelessly naïve or sadly outdated. If the information is out there it can and will be looked at. I grew up during the Viet Nam era, I have no illusions about the federal government.


Active member
I really don't get since they have been doing this for years, or since it's just so damn EASY with the wireless technology, how at all does that make it okay for the government to collect and collate it's citizens personal data? I think we have heard that convoluted logic before. It's wrong, no matter how you want to paint it. No matter how you justify it.

"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothing, if it ain't fee." Jesus, Janis sang that almost was almost 50 years ago. NOTHING ever changes I guess. US sure the hell ain't free.

That "love it or leave it" bullshit has always annoyed me. The protesters on the front lines love their country so much they are willing to risk there very well being to make it better. MUCH more than some idiot who blindly says,"Dupe de dupe, if you you don't like it, move to Syria." Who's trying to make life better there?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
To me it seems like our government is really more worried about our own people committing "terrorist" attacks. I doubt foreign terrorist use and communicate through yahoo email,facebook etc. anymore. I'm surprised they haven't banned the prepaid disposable phones yet.

Yeah this Gov is so freaked out about terrorist that they become exactly what everyone fears (the Real terrorists is the US Gov. ) Canada and England are just as bad. It is just plane stupid to think they aren't watching the shit they have fucked up royally .headband 707:pimp3:


Active member

Sure hope they don't find my dick selfies complete with lighting and photobox.

With macros of my sack in it's "cold state."
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
They say they only keep track of emails and phone calls, do not listen to or read what is in them. Look for patterns that might have to do with a terror network.

If what they say is true, then I am ok with this. They completely failed with the 9/11 guys, had them on traffic stops on expired visas and let them go. Boston bombers....

Hard to say if they go too far with this info and what good comes of it. The FBI has been luring Muslim dip shits into terror plots that were fake plots made up by the FBI. What good is that?


If they can spy on us, we ought to be able to spy on them. See how these Washington parasites like having their illicit doings published for the world to see. Cameras in every smoke-filled room, and public access to every email sent on the taxpayer dime.

Besides, if you're not doing anything wrong...


yes and now they will probably stop bothering to try and keep it secret.

the other point is that on a pure statistical basis, a human being has more chance to be stung to death by a bee then to be killed by terror. so saying that terror justifies spying on everyone all the time is bs in my opinion.

they said they are not listening to phone calls, just keeping track of who called who for how long when and where. but emails and sms messages are stored according to what i read. basically it's not legal. it's a un-targeted massive invasion of privacy. they are supposed to have this little thing called probable cause before they go snooping. the way they are acting now is worse then the commies back in the USSR days.

but the lamest excuse i hear is; if you don't do anything wrong you will have nothing to hide. that is the mantra of the police state. why should every aspect of ones life be open to scrutiny. what business is it of their's who you sleep with, what meds you take, who you do business with, where you work, what your religion is, what your politics are, how much money you have, and on and on? it's madness, it makes the listener all powerful, he can blackmail 99% of the population with something or other in their life that they want kept private. even if it's not illegal. it's a very slippery slope and at this point the US gov is half way down said slope.
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Active member
I am so happy to see so many people are awake to this now. Five years ago people would have yelled "conspiracy theory" to me when I talked about this. Next on the list to open peoples eye to, the war in Syria, or should I say upcoming WWIII.


wow .... just fuckin wow

when one of the authors of the patriot act gets on fox and says what you are doing is over the top it must be over the top.:whee:

the guy who wrote the book that made it legal to do what the government is doing says it is a bad thing to do :thinking:

is this shit scripted or what? why is there nobody asking about the NSA's track record as far as spying on citizens goes? i am NOT making any excuses for the underhanded shit that goes OR has gone on, but some days it really seems like nobody remembers WTF was in the news more than a week ago.

this fucking country is being slowly strangled by a four letter word ..........

notice that i used the color yellow ......... thats the only neutral spin you are going to see today:tiphat:
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