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Making a Topical HERB'all Cocoa Butter Rub with BrainSellz...


Active member
making a topical "HERBall Cocoa Butter Rub"...(also edible)

what you will need..
1 100% cocoa butter stick (organic if ya can) and plastic tube that comes with it....

2.5 grams of pure THC oil or whatever you think you need....(2.5 grams)

1 small pan thats easy to pour out of or a turkey baster to suck up the butter and inject it back in the tube...

1 of something to stir and break up the THC oil in the pan with...something that a lot of butter wont stick to....

1 cup with ice and a bit of water or something of the sort to keep the tube cold so the butter doesnt stay liquidy and dribble out the bottom (the container isnt sealed)... however you could very well use something else to store it in...

1: melt the butter on low heat ( 2 or 3 on the dial) be careful as i believe cocoa butter burns at a lower heat....

2: once the butter gets about half way melted go ahead and throw the resin in (not the best pic)....



3: move the resin back and forth and what not so it starts to break up, do this until it completely dissolves...take as long as needed...



5: once you achieved this consistency dump back into the original container and let sit for about 5 minutes...


4: get the container that the cocoa butter came in and rap tinfoil or plastic around it so you can submerge it in ice water without water being able to get back in the tube...basically just seal the bottom so water cant get back in...


6: remove from water, set on plate standing up and put in freezer for a few minutes...you could probably just put in fridge... once completely hardened its done and applicable...


a sort of before and after

Cocoa butter is edible however this was made as a topical rub for someone...HIGHly potent....

Using tin foil as a mold instead of the plastic container since the butter is HOT and might cause the plastic to release a toxin or who knows what...just being cautious



and then just slide the tube back over the butter to get it back into the tube, i had some excess butter that scraped off the sides that i smushed back on the top.... re'refrigerate and it will look like normal...
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Active member
thank you

thank you

Very innovative. How Potent is it? Is it more effective if used on different parts of your body?
right on GhettoInc....its 1 gram of oil per 3 quarters of an inch of the stick...i dunno and dont wanna say since different areas of the body absorb different....this is being used on someones face as they just had a form of cancer removed called Basal and want to keep it from coming back as its been back twice....

Excellent guide Brain, thanks for the great post
and you are very welcome Ramius...

i have never seen it in tubes.
;)...it makes for an easy application....
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How does it make the skin feel?.

How does it feel on the lips?. Will it make a good tool to make kissing feel amazing?.


Active member
very cool. been looking for something easy like this for a topical application.
yeah man this is nice....

How does it make the skin feel?.

How does it feel on the lips?. Will it make a good tool to make kissing feel amazing?.
it makes the skin feel awesome, feels just like cocoa butter with maybe a layer of something that is slowly absorbing through the skin, kinda hard to describe, it also has a hint of the thc oil scent:)....

you will have to make it and find out ;)...
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Active member
just found out there was a checkup done recently on the person this was for and in 3 weeks hes going back to get another check up before getting more cancer removed from his back.... he will be applying this butter daily for the next 3 weeks to hopefully get some type of results....small or big it doesnt matter as this is a first "sorta" real test with doctors involved however they dont know about the butter;) and the cancer is being removed regardless....

ended up making 2 more sticks as some one else has asked if it helps with arthritis....:)
they're gonna love this as I've been using it now for two days...applying it to my wrists as they hurt from typing and it seems to make them tingle a little and kinda numb them in a very comfortable way adding a bit of heat after about ten minutes:):)
anyhow when i get feedback i will feedback......


just don't molest my colas..
that is exactly why I'm looking into making this. I have patients with bad arthritis and are on heavy doses of opiates for the pain, but are not interested in any possible psychotropic effects of ingesting in food or smoke/vapor. personally, I wouldn't mind a littie euphoria with my pain relief, but to each his own I guess.


Active member
that is exactly why I'm looking into making this. I have patients with bad arthritis and are on heavy doses of opiates for the pain, but are not interested in any possible psychotropic effects of ingesting in food or smoke/vapor. personally, I wouldn't mind a littie euphoria with my pain relief, but to each his own I guess.


man from what i am gathering it seems it will definitely work for most arthritis pain as it seems to numb and heat in such a soothing way....

I believe the right amount in the butter will definitely do the trick....the next batch will get 5 grams of oil to make a super strength and that will be used to compare the half strength on the same individual...



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
this is exactly what I was looking for

arthritis since I was a teenager and fuckin hated the pills and everything they had me on.

makin a topical sounds fun and would love a strong strong one to test things out.

great thread


cant wait to try this out i cant seem to find that butter here tho gotta order it my back is riddled with arthritis and nerve damage


just don't molest my colas..
any suggestion on where to pick up a stick or two of that queen helene butter so i can make a test run before i grab a bulk order from amazon?


That was a cool tutorial. Thank you.

Im still waiting for someone to go all american pie with this and report back the results.


just don't molest my colas..
found some cocoacare butter, gonna try to make some of this with some old BHO from the fall outdoor harvest.


just don't molest my colas..
just made my first batch. super easy! and it works for joint pain! I played baseball for the majority of my life and pitched for 8 of those years.... so needless to say I did some damage to my arm.

for the last few years, since I've been growing pretty much full time and not doing extremely heavy labor, I've lost a lot of muscle, causing my rotator cuff and my elbow in my pitching arm to get pretty weak. for the last year I haven't been able to hold a 10 lb weight out for more that 5 seconds without my arm wobbling.

so i felt like testing this butter on myself and my aching shoulder before giving it to my patients. I rubbed a bunch all over my shoulder and elbow and within 5 minutes it felt warm and loose and I wasn't getting the pain deep inside that I normally get doing certain stretches. so I did the weight test, and I was able to hold the 10 lb weight straight out at my side for well over 10 second with no pain or wobbling

this will be great for my patients with arthritis.

pics of the run to come later. thanks brainsellz!


just don't molest my colas..


I took this stick over to my mom to give to my grandma who has bad arthritis, and my mom happened to have neck pain at the time, so she rubbed some on her neck and said it felt better instantly.

here's some pics to show that it's just as easy and Brainsellz says...






Before on the right, after on the left. :dance013:

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