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U.S. Attorney Will Prosecute Dispensary Owners


I love my life
Where would you direct your children!

Ayn Rand and George Orwell, then the founding fathers, then Aristotle, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius.

You have to surround your self with intellectual giants if you hope to attract other critical thinkers.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Ayn Rand and George Orwell, then the founding fathers, then Aristotle, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius.

You have to surround your self with intellectual giants if you hope to attract other critical thinkers.


hydroson, you are someone i feel i could learn a lot from. if you dont mind, i may be sending you a few PMs here or there asking your opinion on things. i get mad at the people around me, when i really need to just do exactly what you said. time to go pick up my copy of The Fountainhead and start reading. Guess since i am an architecture major it should make a lot more sense to me now then it did ten years ago. Peace and love to ICMAG, you people KEEP ME SANE!

I don't think it would be possible for your comments to be further off base.
The current generation are a bunch of hypnotized droids. They know nothing about history, world or American. They know more about who's banging who on "Jersey Shore" than they do about their own history.They spend more time watching TV/movies and playing video games than anything else. They don't read books. They do nothing to protest the many outrages that are being perpetrated by corporate America and the government. Do you think they would have the balls to take to the streets and close down universities across the country to stop the Vietnam war, like we did? No! They are sanitized, anesthetized, and hypnotized. As long as they have a new gadget to play with every few months, they are happy. Big Brother has dominated their lives for so long, they know nothing else. Our personal freedoms have been castrated, but they don't know the difference, because they were born into it. I have a young couple who live nearby who I visit,and the female has never read a book in her life, and see's nothing wrong with that. Their information comes from movies, you tube or Google. I had co-workers who watch 4, 5, and 6 one hour TV shows per day! These people are never going to get up off their couches to protest anything. They are dumbfounded! Crippled from birth by the controlling media, and subjugated by their corporate hacks. They are stuck in this world, don't know anything else, and will never get out of it. Don't rock the boat, political correctness in all things, and if not, the man will be kicking in their doors. This country was built be revolutionaries, but that revolutionary spirit has been relegated to add campaigns and sound bytes.
A complete loss of privacy and total control by the nanny state, and they don't even notice, because it's all they've ever known. This country/empire peaked in the 50s-60s, the post World War II years, and has been in serious decline since. And it's getting worse every day.
I don't know what world you live in.
But you're just running with personal anecdote. Not evidence. I would ultimately do the same, unless you request the data which suggests that this current crop of youngsters are more educated as to the issues than any other generation in the past fifty years. For our Jersey Shore, your generation (assuming) had Happy Days, or whatever it was. We can go tit-for-tack in this way all day long. We have technology, you had...whatever it is you had. But the end-result of awareness is what matters, isn't it?

I submit that you nostalgically long for a time that didn't actually exist in the way you choose to remember it, a common psychological phenomena. The 50's and 60's were a time of intense stupidity, bigotry, hatred and filth in the world as compared to now. Western Historians and ethicist's universally agree that there is less pain and suffering in the world today than at any time in human history. By far.

Let's consider Iraq and Vietnam in sound-bite length. 58,000 American casualties compared to 3,500. Moral kids fighting wars due to drafts and subsequently no choice in the matter vs borderline-retarded, sadistic kids who knew what kind of amoral murder they were getting into, and were game for it anyway.

And yet even still, according to United Nations data, 36 million young people across the globe protested in over 5000 anti-Iraq War rallies in 2003 alone.


I love my life
unless you request the data which suggests that this current crop of youngsters are more educated as to the issues than any other generation in the past fifty years.

I don't know how much or how recently you have attended university or post graduate school, but no amount of data can make todays graduates smarter than those 50 years ago. The SAT test had to be changed because the populace was scoring lower and lower each generation.

Your qualifier "as to the issues" is really scary. Does that mean they are politically aware and correct, paying attention to the issues and all?

Having truthiness in your heart and an aversion to reading doesn't equate to EDUCATION by my understanding of the word.



I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
yea i am sorry, but if you honestly think that American kids are as smart as they were a few generations ago your bugging. like hydro sun said, they had to change the SAT because motherfuckers are stupid. i dont have any hard info right now, but i went to school in Europe, and school in America. The shit i learned in 4th grade in Italy was about equivalent to what i learned in 8th-9th grade over here. im sorry man, but this generation for the most part are stupid fuckers, no ifs ands or buts. and this is coming from someone who is apart of said generation


"You have to surround your self with intellectual giants if you hope to attract other critical thinkers."

A good line up Hydrosun. Isn't Ayn Rand kind of a bad word now though?

I haven't read her works, but thought it was all about free market capitalism, personal gains and more or less outdated and perhaps misconstrued by business and law schools in molding free agents of doom... mean hell Machiavelli is a damn good read

I know it must be hearty material, just thought that this may be one where how you digest it really counts
I don't know how much or how recently you have attended university or post graduate school, but no amount of data can make todays graduates smarter than those 50 years ago.
Yes, infinite knowledge cannot surpass the wisdom-filled generation that gave us Vietnam and Nixon. Why bother learning? We cannot out-learn as we advance. Computers are just wastes of time, anyway.
The SAT test had to be changed because the populace was scoring lower and lower each generation.
That's a misleading statement. They changed gradually over time in accordance with our increasing understanding of questioning validity via a variety of social issues. They never became "easier;" Striver considerations were race and class-based alterations, and not even close to carte blanche "easier." SAT test's change regularly and always will as our understanding of the complex issues involved changes. I'm not one of these people who thinks cultural considerations in testing is a sexy way of coding "pandering to stupidity." Maybe you are.

Your qualifier "as to the issues" is really scary. Does that mean they are politically aware and correct, paying attention to the issues and all?

Having truthiness in your heart and an aversion to reading doesn't equate to EDUCATION by my understanding of the word.

I'm not so smug as to contend that I am in a position to universally and declaratively state the degree of "correct" within a generation while it's still unfolding. No thinking person could make such a ridiculous claim.

Our inability to do math and science will end us before terrorism and Jew-zombie banker conspiracy; on this I assume we will agree. But I don't place the blame on youth. I think that's a bit cheap and lazy. The moral and social failures of the (admittedly academically strenuous) 50's lead to a Cult of Youth mistake in my view. My parents generation (50-70 year olds, broadly) consists largely of grown children in powerful positions, whom mistake work for play in a kind of psuedo-hippie idealism.

And this is why we can't do math and science. Any asshole can talk shit for six pages and turn in a poseur-ish, amateur hour rant on Ayn Rand or something like this. But in order to fiddle with calculus, adult work is involved. And why bother with that?


Today's news via http://cdc.coop/
Raid map on Google Maps

SPOKANE, WA. APRIL 28, 2011 -- At approximately 2 p.m. today federal law enforcement in Spokane, Washington began executing a raid against a medical cannabis provider, THC Pharmacy. The move comes after threats from the two U.S. Attorneys in Washington State and as Governor Gregoire considers the fate of a bill to license medical cannabis providers and create a state registry of medical cannabis patients.

The raids also coincided with a so-called “raid training” in Spokane presented by two activist groups. The training, planned for 1-4 p.m., excused early so that attendees could protest the raid.

A third and final raid training is scheduled for Friday, April 29 from 1-4 p.m. at Black Hall Room 151 on the Central Washington University campus in Ellensburg. A stakeholders meeting is planned from 10-4 Saturday at the Cannabis Resource Center in Seattle.


I love my life
"You have to surround your self with intellectual giants if you hope to attract other critical thinkers."

A good line up Hydrosun. Isn't Ayn Rand kind of a bad word now though?

I haven't read her works, but thought it was all about free market capitalism, personal gains and more or less outdated and perhaps misconstrued by business and law schools in molding free agents of doom... mean hell Machiavelli is a damn good read

I know it must be hearty material, just thought that this may be one where how you digest it really counts

It is scary stuff to collectivists in the exact same way 1984 and Animal Farm is scary to them.

Freedom and independence of the individual will always be scary and ridiculed. There is nothing freer than choosing to enter into a contract, where the government, the collective, or other NON PARTIES have NO INTEREST WHAT SO EVER. Funny how all other schemes require NON PARTIES to monitor (TAX) your SAFETY (or their interests.)

Ms. Rand (born 1905 in Russia) is not well received in the Ivory Towers of academia or government. All the more reason to read her works.



Active member
"education"....har! thats a family/individual issue in "developed" societies.....teach your children well and if you feel you need to learn, then learn.

john taylor gatto. check him out. the western education system has been/was/is poison from the get-go. its all in the history baby.

as for 'enterlectuals'......those posted by....hydro-sun, yessah?......indeed exceeded in divine thought in respective areas, but were cancerous monsters in some areas....mostly in large...empathy........founding fathers? a great fable to be compared to the bible in a few hundred years ...if either are at yer local "library"........old white elitist assholes (w/slaves)....bangin' some of those slaves......that had HUGE land delas to be made when they said UP YO'S england with yer "respect the savages" laws....we'll take it anyways!!......

read it, deny it, call bullshit, hate it, secretly acknowledge it....wtfever. i beseech you.....all this "corruption" in politics today ....today?.......the dewds in the wigs set the precedent. and it obviously holds sway today. anti-american?...no, yes, sure w/ever....it's an idea, im breathing

if there is a point to this deluge im spewing....rise above what is not real and essential........SATs and intelligence comparisons to yonder years.....the word 'intelligence' itself is so friggin loaded, i snicker at it. daniel goleman, 'emotional intelligence'.....howard gardner's theory of seven 'intelligences'....read what they have to say about the almighty I.Q. kaka.........whose "smarter"?........ha, whose got more cancer? ......awareness trumps intelligence in the end. as we move along this dazzle-me society and the hooks go deeper, the split between the people who are interested in building and giving versus the oxygen-thieves and vampires will widen.......

AOD2012 ^ flux451......tinfoilers.....(in jest..;).......im a good bit older than you "young'ns"......that level of 'stupidity' you encounter(which i believe is mostly ...fear)...is quite prevalent<sp> among yer elders....where the hell d'jou think ya got it from?
i live among some 'intellectuals' and some people who happen to be pretty damn smart......and some mouth-breathers.........when i talk my tinfoil shit to the various sub-groups, the MOUTH-BREATHERS are the ones who get it....the 4th-genny dirt farmers are the ones that understand that whats going on now will end up in a can'o WHOOP the size of nebraska being opened up ...either by the mother E or by greed. the handlers of our great nations/banks/economies are riding this bitch into the ground, awareness of the fact that itsa possibility.....growing weekly/monthly....is a pretty sober and healthy way to start looking at it.

and start growing food.....and above all, love the gift ya got....its only a ride.

rip bill hicks


I love my life
And this is why we can't do math and science. Any asshole can talk shit for six pages and turn in a poseur-ish, amateur hour rant on Ayn Rand or something like this. But in order to fiddle with calculus, adult work is involved. And why bother with that?

Ok the current generation is filled with geniuses because they CANT function at math and science? I agree with you that an understanding of calculus even among high schoolers is important. However I miss the connection between lack of math and better education.



pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
"education"....har! thats a family/individual issue in "developed" societies.....teach your children well and if you feel you need to learn, then learn.

john taylor gatto. check him out. the western education system has been/was/is poison from the get-go. its all in the history baby.

as for 'enterlectuals'......those posted by....hydro-sun, yessah?......indeed exceeded in divine thought in respective areas, but were cancerous monsters in some areas....mostly in large...empathy........founding fathers? a great fable to be compared to the bible in a few hundred years ...if either are at yer local "library"........old white elitist assholes (w/slaves)....bangin' some of those slaves......that had HUGE land delas to be made when they said UP YO'S england with yer "respect the savages" laws....we'll take it anyways!!......

read it, deny it, call bullshit, hate it, secretly acknowledge it....wtfever. i beseech you.....all this "corruption" in politics today ....today?.......the dewds in the wigs set the precedent. and it obviously holds sway today. anti-american?...no, yes, sure w/ever....it's an idea, im breathing

if there is a point to this deluge im spewing....rise above what is not real and essential........SATs and intelligence comparisons to yonder years.....the word 'intelligence' itself is so friggin loaded, i snicker at it. daniel goleman, 'emotional intelligence'.....howard gardner's theory of seven 'intelligences'....read what they have to say about the almighty I.Q. kaka.........whose "smarter"?........ha, whose got more cancer? ......awareness trumps intelligence in the end. as we move along this dazzle-me society and the hooks go deeper, the split between the people who are interested in building and giving versus the oxygen-thieves and vampires will widen.......

AOD2012 ^ flux451......tinfoilers.....(in jest..;).......im a good bit older than you "young'ns"......that level of 'stupidity' you encounter(which i believe is mostly ...fear)...is quite prevalent<sp> among yer elders....where the hell d'jou think ya got it from?
i live among some 'intellectuals' and some people who happen to be pretty damn smart......and some mouth-breathers.........when i talk my tinfoil shit to the various sub-groups, the MOUTH-BREATHERS are the ones who get it....the 4th-genny dirt farmers are the ones that understand that whats going on now will end up in a can'o WHOOP the size of nebraska being opened up ...either by the mother E or by greed. the handlers of our great nations/banks/economies are riding this bitch into the ground, awareness of the fact that itsa possibility.....growing weekly/monthly....is a pretty sober and healthy way to start looking at it.

and start growing food.....and above all, love the gift ya got....its only a ride.

rip bill hicks

I would be the first one in line for a Revolution. Been waiting for it for awhile now. I'm fully prepared for the day. But only if it's for the right cause. We must be careful not to get wrapped up in a false Revolution that is sponsored by the same people we would try and overthrow. They are doing it now as we speak globally. "Out of Chaos Comes Order" That is there motto.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
My favorite is the last one....

Not only can you not commit any of these crimes you cant even think about commiting these crimes.

All over something that causes less deaths then people choking to death on a piece of popcorn while laughing at the film "Dude, Where's My Car?".



Bodhisattva of the Earth
As long as people have 24 hour streaming movies, that's all they really care about. I don't even recognize this country anymore.
The younger generation are completely hypnotized by YouTube & Facebook.
There is no chance of a revolution.
The feds have all the power.
The founding fathers would roll over in their graves at the notion of this police state.
It's totally out of control, getting worse, and I don't know what we can do about it.

What a great signature, it could be mine.....


Active member
It doesn't take the entire country to revolt.

Only about 1/3 of Americans supported the first revolution, much less even participated.

This crap is BS. The federal government doesn't even have authority in this matter, regardless of what the Supreme court says.

And BTW, America is not a democracy, nor do we want it to be one.
It is a federal constitutional republic, meaning we as a people elect leaders to make laws for us within the bounds of our constitution.

WE, the people, DO NOT make laws (for the most most most part). And we do not want the majority of people doing this.
Democracy is deadly to a society.
Its been said that democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on whats for dinner.

With that said, and as I said before, these people are making laws outside of the authority that was given to them in the constitution, and that is basis for revolt.

This is one of the prime reasons we as a FREE NATION are allowed to posses firearms. No nation is free unless this right is given because when an army stands above unarmed citizens, the citizens are only free as long as allowed.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
. This is one of the prime reasons we as a FREE NATION are allowed to posses firearms. No nation is free unless this right is given because when an army stands above unarmed citizens, the citizens are only free as long as allowed.

I have gotten into arguments with a few buddies of mine about this before. They are all about "Oh my 2nd Amendment is so I can hunt and protect my house from thiefs bla bla bla. At least someone else knows what its really about.


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