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She dropped the seeds but I'm in trouble?.....


So I'm talking to my wife as we're walking towards the grow room and she says "oh shit where'd they go?" I turn and she's looking through the carpet for something..... you guessed it, Jack Herer seeds gone.... found 2 outta 5.

So my question.... what is the proper comment/response to something like that? I got in trouble for what I said. "Are you kidding me? are you retarded or something?" :wallbash::fight:

So many ways that convo could have gone but I'm more inclined to stand by my original assesment...... Course I'm newly married :D


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
So I'm talking to my wife as we're walking towards the grow room and she says "oh shit where'd they go?" I turn and she's looking through the carpet for something..... you guessed it, Jack Herer seeds gone.... found 2 outta 5.

So my question.... what is the proper comment/response to something like that? I got in trouble for what I said. "Are you kidding me? are you retarded or something?" :wallbash::fight:

So many ways that convo could have gone but I'm more inclined to stand by my original assesment...... Course I'm newly married :D

i would of reacted the same way...


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i'd get bitched slapped for callin' my wife retarded..i would've said damn, clutsy begonia strikes again and we both would've laughed and said oh well shit happens..
hope you find them..


I would have probably said, "you'll have to make it up to me tonight...nudge, nudge, wink, wink!" lol

Sux, but not worth the fight, hopefully at least one out of the 2 will be a girl.
what do think she would have done if you were the one that lost the seeds? probably go off like a bitch cause that's what bitches do. i love women but sometimes they are just bitches that can't ever admit to being wrong but when you're wrong they love putting it in your face.


"lets get the shop vac out and put a sock in it to trap the goods and get busy finding those little jewels" that what i would have said. Its not who did what wrong its how do we fix it....Peace

Cookie monster

I would have called her a f--kin eejit and probably not get laid until I realise that somehow it was all my fault?

George cover the carpet in 1/2 inch of coco and water well...you'll find the rest in 7-14 days when they sprout :)


lmao. that is funny, but dont worry. you will learn... sux about the beans. get a headlamp and make her get on her knees..... when ur done , look for the beans with the headlamp..or make her find them while you tokin ( she did lose them!)better yet work together with two head lamps


Overkill is under-rated.
Agreed with the vacuum idea, though watering your carpet is MUCH funnier! :)


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
what do think she would have done if you were the one that lost the seeds? probably go off like a bitch cause that's what bitches do. i love women but sometimes they are just bitches that can't ever admit to being wrong but when you're wrong they love putting it in your face.
damn mang, you need to find a good woman..there not all like that..mines chill..


Put a nylon stocking over the hose and look with the vacuum cleaner. You will find them trapped in the nylon hose.

works good for contact lenses too and lost earrings.


A foot without a sock...
So I'm talking to my wife as we're walking towards the grow room and she says "oh shit where'd they go?" I turn and she's looking through the carpet for something..... you guessed it, Jack Herer seeds gone.... found 2 outta 5.

So my question.... what is the proper comment/response to something like that? I got in trouble for what I said. "Are you kidding me? are you retarded or something?" :wallbash::fight:

So many ways that convo could have gone but I'm more inclined to stand by my original assesment...... Course I'm newly married :D

HAHA...just had to laugh a bit.

I guess it depends on the inflection in your voice at the time you made the comment.

As if they were a nice way to insinuate someone was mentally deficient. :D

Funny George, I'm sure you'll make it up to each other later ;)
It is ok that the temper was lost, but only thing that makes it ok, is that you make it up to her... (for bein harsh)
Yeah i also agree with the notion, turn a lil slip up into no big-deal and a 110% chance your going to get some lucky-sucky private time...
I remind myself of this mistake us guys make with our serious passions and hot tempers, often...


Water your carpet and collect the sprouts when they come up. :joint:

I'm joking of course, use the shop vac ideas.


First mistake was they should have been in your hands maybe still in the package??:whistling: :asskick:

Just kidding. Sorry about the beans man!


yeah we all make mistakes..... that's the kind of talk that happens when you spend too much time golfin with the guys. She accepted the apology. I think I'll stick to "oh shit" next time.

Speaking of retard

Got my first negative rep woohoo,

Thanks man, sorry I don't give neg rep but seriously die of Aids on fire.