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Need advice on how to approach a threatening roommate


Try getting some money from her parents - send them a copy of the lease, since they cosigned. If the parents refuse to pay, don't waste time pursuing the issue any further.
her cosigner is her dad who is pretty well off. I imagine that he would want to pay the rent to avoid hurting his credit.
Edit: That being the case, you should have a reasonably good chance of negotiating a settlement with the parents, and getting at least some money out of them. Good luck.


Forget about the pot, selling, owning whatever. And the cops have to find it on you and believe me they got better things to do then follow you around looking to see if you possess based on what a female college student says. So proceed as it it has nothing to do with it, because it doesn't.


Well-known member
Sounds like it's pay-back time.

Nothing will piss her off more than you squealing on her to Mommy and Daddy.:dance013::yay:


There are FOUR lights!
Let her go(you will never get any money out of her anyway(lease or not)).
Your new roommates name is DR240 wide! I know she pays her bills, and never
gives you any lip. Good Luck!
Discobiscuit - wow man, thanks for taking the time to answer each specific question I had. My point of asking about a civil case being tossed out because we have weed in the house more had to do with the fact that the judge will be making the decision of what's right and what's not (and how much should be owed)... and I could see them siding with the tenant and agreeing that a "drug house" is unsafe to live in and not force them to pay the rent. I understand a civil court isn't going to charge me with a felony. Hope I clarified a bit... I like the analogy of the snake...

j6p - My concern is that the tenant just told her parents she would be able to get out of the lease, not anything about how she was going to blackmail my girlfriend. If my girlfriend goes to the cosigner and even *tries* to get money out of him then I think he'll ask his daughter for an explaination and I fear that will launch the tenant into revenge mode.

Kcar - Believe me, I've been pushing to get Mary Jane as a roommate for a while now. However, considering what has just happened, I'm not so sure it would be wise to set up shop in a location that may be compromised.


There are FOUR lights!
Trying to make her pay future rent is only going to end in headaches.
Tell her she forfeit her last months rent/deposit for breaking the lease and good riddance.

Then either advertise the room for rent, or set up a grow. People are always looking for a room/pot.


weed fiend
...I understand a civil court isn't going to charge me with a felony. Hope I clarified a bit...

You know, I didn't anticipate that angle. Good point.

Based on what I've read, you've got a pretty good handle on your options. I wonder if she'd be as diabolical if she knew her rich daddy might find out about her extra-curricular activities.:lightning:

A couple of good suggestions from others is whether to get the full amount or last month plus deposit. While the latter will most likely be less hassle, you have a contract. It's legal. Bringing in another roommate, even if they smoke weed might bring more discomfort later on.

I would go for the contract amount and any additional expenses you incur that resulted from the breach. If it was an insurance payout, I might pad the bottom line. IMO, don't do it with a judge, might make you look less legitimate. Let the ex-roommate know it's in her best interests to pay and avoid court fees at the minimum.

I hope she grows a brain and rectifies everything. Maybe you two will have a better setup than before.


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
just my experience, it's best to just have as much distance between yourself and people like this as possible.

yah, it's a pain in the ass, and she's in the wrong. let her be in the wrong somewhere else, help the old lady scrimp thru the no-rent-getting period, and be on w/ your life.

somebody has just clearly established themselves to be a pain in your ass. you can lengthen that exposure, or terminate it.


weed fiend
...I know the best thing to do here would just be to let her go but my girlfriend is financially dependent on her rent to be able to afford the mortgage on the apartment.

What to do?:dunno:

It might be a good idea to advertise the vacancy. Might mean you have to stop growing but this is your girlfriend's education, not to mention mortgage. If you don't get another tenant and don't pursue the contract dispute, I hope everything works out ok.


Active member
contact the co-signer

parents know about credit scores; stupid hoes not so much
deny the weed thing; say she is lying through her teeth and if she wasn't railing oxy's in her bathroom all day she might notice that u don't smoke anymore etc...

what she says to you and what she says to her parents r two different things probably

HIDE YOUR SCALE if you have one btw


Forget about her and slang some of your weed to help her rent while she finds a new tenant not worth pursuing imo it'll more trouble than it's worth in the end
gdtrfb - good point man. everytime i think about her i just get so angry and i know it's best to just NOT think about her

discobiscuit - the problem is that window of opportunity to grab students who would be interested in living in the apartment is gone. most of them look in the summer time and over winter break but the spring semester has already begun. there are TONS of ads on craigslist but it's nearly impossible to get someone. there is a 3rd room in the apartment that she tried to fill for over a year before giving up... oh yeah, also the plants aren't at the apartment.

opt1c - thanks man, i never would have thought to hide the scale. i agree that what she says to us and what she says to the parents are different. i bet she just told her dad that she was going to move... not about how she was going to blackmail my girlfriend. i bet the dad has no idea how she's handling this.

blinx420 - i hear you about it being more trouble than it's worth. not sure i want to start selling though...
My point of asking about a civil case being tossed out because we have weed in the house more had to do with the fact that the judge will be making the decision of what's right and what's not (and how much should be owed)... and I could see them siding with the tenant and agreeing that a "drug house" is unsafe to live in and not force them to pay the rent.

Short of a police report of any arrests or raids, this dopey girl has no way to prove that you are selling anything there. Its up to her to have proof to back up her accusations. Fuck the bitch make her life miserable as long as you can.


ICMag Donor
Accusations can hurt people very badly.

You were stupid to sell to her. Period. Do you want her telling everyone, possibly police and campus security these things? When you take her to Court do you want her telling the Judge she moved because your girl is a dealer? What if she subpoenas one of the people you sold to?

You're telling us that the apartment isn't a selling place, but you admit to selling to people there.

Unless you are going to stop smoking and doing anything else there, let it go......
Accusations can hurt people very badly.

You were stupid to sell to her. Period. Do you want her telling everyone, possibly police and campus security these things? When you take her to Court do you want her telling the Judge she moved because your girl is a dealer? What if she subpoenas one of the people you sold to?

You're telling us that the apartment isn't a selling place, but you admit to selling to people there.

Unless you are going to stop smoking and doing anything else there, let it go......

What's up JJ,

I hear what you say about accusations being powerful... but I don't think my girlfriend really cares about a reputation since she won't be living her past college.

Can the the campus PD can do much since she lives off campus? She can't tell police that she bought pot from my girlfriend unless she wants to self-incriminate herself... right?

If she is taken to court I assume that she would tell the judge she moved because my girl is a dealer. But isn't it up to her to bear the burden of proof? Otherwise it's just her word vs my girlfriends. What happens if she subpoenas someone? Could you elaborate on that please? I don't think she knows anybody that has stopped by, but it's possible she may have recognized a neighbor when she was coming to/leaving from the apartment. Does she just report that she was witness of a deal and then the other person gets brought in/questioned/arrested?

My girlfriend has ceased all activities. I standby my statement that this wasn't a selling location. Yes, bud was sold on occasion. You've never hooked a buddy up? Maybe my perception is just warped since my location is in a MMJ friendly state and I'm in a college town so drugs are all over the place. I've been to places where people are coming in and out all the time, everyone knows the house has bud, etc. I wouldn't describe my girlfriend's apartment like that. We know almost all of the neighbors and sometimes they run out of bud while they're drinking and ask if we can spare any. She doesn't give her number out to people and tell them to call her for weed. I understand that in the end, bud was sold at the apartment, but I hope you understand the distinction I'm trying to make.


I think you got it now. Everything about the pot is innuendo and supposition and By bring it up she only incriminates herself and that is if the judge gives a crap about facts not inevidence so as I said twice before, it has no bearing on your case and if she brings it up say I don't have a clue what your talking about,prove it.I know it takes some balls but the judge has to rule on what's in evidence and what has bearing none of which has anything to do with pot.


There are FOUR lights!
Give it up. A judge will never side with you, as she isn't living there anymore, and your
"lease" with her isn't binding anyway, because you don't own the property.
You have "rental agreement" she broke it. That's what LMR and deposits are for.
A judge will throw you out of court for wasting his time.

Don't take this the wrong way, but you sound a little young and naive.

Edit: Going back, I see she does own the apartment. (Complex?) Still, she only rented out a room, not leased an apt.
Edit2: She BOUGHT an Apt to live in during college? Most people just rent them. Someone is loaded.

"but I don't think my girlfriend really cares about a reputation since she won't be living here past college."

Edit3: "I normally have about an ounce of bud at any given time." What for, if your not selling it?
Edit4: "Can a judge hear the tenant say that weed was sold out of the house and it made her uncomfortable to be around so she left out of concern for her saftey?
(This is what I imagine the tenant to say if things are brought to court.) YES and YES

Something is FISHY with this story, methinks.


ICMag Donor
What's up JJ,

I hear what you say about accusations being powerful... but I don't think my girlfriend really cares about a reputation since she won't be living her past college.

Can the the campus PD can do much since she lives off campus? She can't tell police that she bought pot from my girlfriend unless she wants to self-incriminate herself... right?

If she is taken to court I assume that she would tell the judge she moved because my girl is a dealer. But isn't it up to her to bear the burden of proof? Otherwise it's just her word vs my girlfriends. What happens if she subpoenas someone? Could you elaborate on that please? I don't think she knows anybody that has stopped by, but it's possible she may have recognized a neighbor when she was coming to/leaving from the apartment. Does she just report that she was witness of a deal and then the other person gets brought in/questioned/arrested?

My girlfriend has ceased all activities. I standby my statement that this wasn't a selling location. Yes, bud was sold on occasion. You've never hooked a buddy up? Maybe my perception is just warped since my location is in a MMJ friendly state and I'm in a college town so drugs are all over the place. I've been to places where people are coming in and out all the time, everyone knows the house has bud, etc. I wouldn't describe my girlfriend's apartment like that. We know almost all of the neighbors and sometimes they run out of bud while they're drinking and ask if we can spare any. She doesn't give her number out to people and tell them to call her for weed. I understand that in the end, bud was sold at the apartment, but I hope you understand the distinction I'm trying to make.

You can't get arrested by her saying this, but it can lead to an investigation being opened.

What if this girls as gung ho as you are and she gets pissed and goes to the cops trying to hurt you and your girl? People will use any leverage possible when they are pissed. And I'm sure she will make it sound worse then it is.

Do you really want to have some report in some cops folder about you two? That's a decision you have to make. But it sounds to me like this could end up in Court. You already say that you have a medical cert so if she says there was pot being smoked in the house that's all a Judge would need to hear to break the lease...

I just don't see where it's worth it....
Kcar - no worries man, not taken the wrong way at all. I posted this because I wanted to learn and hear other people's opinions. I appreciate you weighing in here. I am naive, I've never had to deal with anything like this. If it were me I would just let it go, but my girlfriend is pretty intent on pushing it.

Her parents bought the apartment a few years ago before she was living in the area as an investment. When she moved up here they transfered it to her name. She owns a single apartment in a big apartment complex.

I have up to an ounce at any given time because it's convenient. It's a pain in the ass going to pick up an 1/8th every day. Not to mention it's cheaper to buy in bulk. And I'm within my legal limits...

Don't want anything to sound fishy... I'm not hiding anything and I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have.

JJ - I definitely do not want my name in a cop's folder. Why would a judge break the lease because I was smoking MMJ at the apartment?