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Two bozos stealing power


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Any spikes cause by 12/12 can be removed by runnin 2 flower rooms on opposing schedules..... Where is the issue???????

Wall/window air conditioners, Electric heaters (portable or baseboard) typically use 1 - 2kW

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
stealing from a power company is bad...?

always seemd the equivilant of stealing from a theif in my opinioon.
Any spikes cause by 12/12 can be removed by runnin 2 flower rooms on opposing schedules..... Where is the issue???????

Wall/window air conditioners, Electric heaters (portable or baseboard) typically use 1 - 2kW

I understand the theory on this, and even if it passes the energy graph test, how would it pass a meter man doing his job? Follow with me on this scenario.....

If you have all your equipment (lets say its a small operation and you only have 2000w in lights) and before you turn ANYTHING ON, you go outside and look at your meter. The dial is rotating s.l.o.w.l.y. Then you power on your grow room, with everything going, and you go outside and your meter dial is spinning at a much faster rate.

Now if you had 10,000w in lights, and you did what you mentioned above (which I understand) and you had 5k running for 12 hours, then another 5k running for 12 hours, well you can't be at your home all day, everyday. What is it going to look like when a meter man comes to do his reading and sees your meter dial spinning like a reel on a fish hook when you've just caught a MARLIN off the Coast of Cabo San Lucas? and he looks at your driveway and there are no cars there? How much power is being used when no one is home?

If it was 1:00 in the daytime, do you tell him your A.C is on? (He's not going to ask you, he's not even going to go to your door) but do you see where I'm getting at here? What do you do in this situation, and does a meter man go report that your home is spiraling out of control with no one in it? Maybe just for them to call you to notify you that maybe you should take a look at your energy consumption (and then you start freaking out for no reason?) I'm sure they have some kind of protocol in place of "what to look for" because even if they are in it for the money, they also are not trying to harbor illegal activities.

There lies a problem. There lies an issue.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
There is NO PROBLEM if you PAY YOUR BILL........ They are a business and besides that, WTF does a meter man care that your meter is spinning like a top, he probably just wants to finish his day so he can go burn one too...

Recognize 2kW for elec baseboard heat PER ROOM. Find a residence w/ Elec baseboard heat..... no issues. Maybe they happened to walk up when 3 rooms were being heated.

Also, they don't know your work schedule, some people work graveyard shift. Thier power use would typically be all day and reduce at night.

You think the meter man doesn't see houses on a daily basis using just as much, if not more power than a small/med grow op? What about whirlpools/spas etc.

Why do you think in the 50's typical home electrical services were 50 - 60 Amps and now-a-days typically 150 - 200 Amps?


New member
For 3 years my electric bill has been over $2,000 a month. At times I have owed them as much as $4600. I have always paid cash. I can`t believe they would want to shut me down. The meter reader is so busy there is not time for them to be narcs.That is what they are...meter readers. They could care less. A lot of them smoke themselves. PG&E is really busy trying to get money from all the folks foreclosing their houses. In my town they are pulling 30-40 meters a month just from foreclosures.

For 3 years my electric bill has been over $2,000 a month. At times I have owed them as much as $4600. I have always paid cash. I can`t believe they would want to shut me down. The meter reader is so busy there is not time for them to be narcs.That is what they are...meter readers. They could care less. A lot of them smoke themselves. PG&E is really busy trying to get money from all the folks foreclosing their houses. In my town they are pulling 30-40 meters a month just from foreclosures.


Great post! I left you positive rep.

Do you run your lights all day (2 different rooms on 12-12) or do you have one operation and run it 12-12? How do you do yours and how many lights were you running?



A meter reader would not turn you in for your power consumption

Thats like the kid at the counter of Mcdonalds turning you in for having red eyes and ordering 4 double cheese's and 2 fries.

You would have MONSTERS for plants if you ran a 1k over each one of them. Bless your soul on your yield you would get!


Active member
"Last September, Sebastopol police received complaints from neighbors that a strong odor of marijuana was coming from the pair’s Hayden Avenue home, Weaver said. Neighbors also said a large number of people were coming in and out of the residence.

Police raided the home and found 75 marijuana plants in a modified garage behind the home, Weaver said. Phillips and Silverman told police that they housed the plants for medical use as part of a marijuana-growing collective."

WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT?>???? Just because i have lots of friends who drop by and the neighbors snitch to the cops they can raid me?!?

Someone please enlighten me. I have lots of people always dropping by to burn one or play COD, my brothers always having his girl over and she invites her friends, etc...it always bothers me because to some paranoid folks it might look like im running a drug business out of the house which im not.