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No more glass in San Diego



I went to a smoke shop in east county the other day while in SD looking for a slider bowl for a bong. A small, mom and pops, shop owned by some foreigners was nearby, so I stopped in.. There was no glass to be found, all the shelves were empty, like he got looted - no pipes, no bowls, nada. The guy said an undercover sheriff came in and basically made him box it all up in 24 hrs. and said all San Diego would get banned from selling them.

I said "yeah right" I doubt all the shops in PB will shut down and proceed to a different, larger shop a few miles away. Same deal, only hookas, arabian style, and papers galore, but no glass at all, not even stash jars.

So I tell my friend who was in the market for a bubbler to run down to PB, and sure enough, they were boxing it all up. He got one just in time, but everything else was gone...

It's a sad sad year in San Diego, first all the canna clubs, now this? ..just when you thought it could not get any worse...


I went to a smoke shop in east county the other day while in SD looking for a slider bowl for a bong. A small, mom and pops, shop owned by some foreigners was nearby, so I stopped in.. There was no glass to be found, all the shelves were empty, like he got looted - no pipes, no bowls, nada. The guy said an undercover sheriff came in and basically made him box it all up in 24 hrs. and said all San Diego would get banned from selling them.

I said "yeah right" I doubt all the shops in PB will shut down and proceed to a different, larger shop a few miles away. Same deal, only hookas, arabian style, and papers galore, but no glass at all, not even stash jars.

So I tell my friend who was in the market for a bubbler to run down to PB, and sure enough, they were boxing it all up. He got one just in time, but everything else was gone...

It's a sad sad year in San Diego, first all the canna clubs, now this? ..just when you thought it could not get any worse...

what do you expect when the idiots in the county keep voting for the government they have in place now. I had to leave San Diego, after 15 years it just wasn't the same place it used to be anymore.


Active member
fuck dude - dont tell me glassworks went down on Garnett in PB??? That was one of my fav. shops dude always hooked me with a phat deal....i was actually bout to go down and get a toro


the mayor of sd is the old police chief, the police chief was the old sheriff dept head, and the city council members are old police royalty also. that makes l.a. waaaayyyyy cool!


Yep, yet another reason to visit L.A.
All this does is make people sell things underground, without being taxed, everyone loses out..

Weedman Herb

I suppose they'll ban the sales of spoons next ... people cook their smack in them ... based solely on living in Vista for a year in the 80s and recent heresay ... I'd say SD is targeting the weed peeps and Ignoring the much larger problems it has. Weed and accessories should be the Last thing on their To Do List. Fuck ... this is real Bullshit ... a glass piece is Art or a hunk of glass until it is used for something ... this sounds unconstitutional. They made them take out the stash jars too? Come on Govt of SanDiego get a fucking grip ... you're shooting yourselves in the foot ... The rest of Cali should be pissed too ... State Sales Taxes are getting lost ... Arnold needs to do something ...


It's a total joke, the state is holding back payment on bills, basically bankrupt, yet they pay cops to run around and shut down glass shops, it's completely out of hand..


It's a total joke, the state is holding back payment on bills, basically bankrupt, yet they pay cops to run around and shut down glass shops, it's completely out of hand..

Welcome to California.

During Alcohol Prohibition the LA Mayor, and Police force were making 35million a month by using the old under ground railroad tunnels beneath LA to house underground "bars". they would arrest you if you brought your own alcohol, you had to drink theirs.

The mayor was later arrested after he tried to have the investigating officer killed who was looking into the corruption.

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