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Twitter ignores marijuana policy questions at President Obama's "Twitter Townhall"



And??? What? Bfd? Who gives a fuck really just grow your fucking ass off and fuck them. Don't care anymore and tired of asking fuck it fuck them fuck everything the best thing and one thing you should be doing is grow grow grow grow your fucking ass off and fuck them.
Good question ^^^
From the Twitter guy, "we have 8 curators around the country helping us pick tweets from the crowd so we can read them to the President"

The answer is really both, but it's mostly Twitter's fault.

If Twitter wanted this to be journalistic it would've asked the President the most retweeted (albeit the somewhat unpopular) question.

This was no attempt of journalism it was a publicity stunt both for the President and for Twitter.
so in other words it will take US citizens growing balls and using their second amendment right to end tyranny. I suggest this because everything else has failed. The entire globe OFFICIALLY agrees that we should end the drug war and still the US DEA blows them off like they are a 1950's house wife. The UN should technically send in soldiers at this point to force them in to cooperation. Unfortunately the UN is pussy, so that leaves it up to the citizens. The DEA needs to go away forever.
While I don't advocate any other nation dictating our nation's direction, I unfortunately do agree with you.

To some extent, it's very circular if you try to fight it with the system. People whose jobs depend on the drug war vote for people to perpetuate the drug war so they can have job security. Which results in more money spent on the drug war and a greater interest to continue it. Millions of people's jobs rely on the drug war; this the reason why the drug war has been going on for decades.


Why do all of you Obamadites blame this on twitter. Each and every question is screened by aides and answers are worked out by committee before they are replied too. The committee had no answer that could make sense so they passed on it just like hundreds of others.
Why do all of you Obamadites blame this on twitter. Each and every question is screened by aides and answers are worked out by committee before they are replied too. The committee had no answer that could make sense so they passed on it just like hundreds of others.
I blame it on Twitter because they agreed to this faux Townhall publicity stunt knowing full well the questions would be cherry picked.

What pisses me off is that they called it a "Townhall" when it clearly isn't. Townhalls don't have a committee of people choosing which questions to ask the President and which to not ask.


Active member
twit town hall?

twit town hall?

come over to myspace and twitter my yahoo til i google all over your facebook.

Neo 420

Active member
WOA!!!...Let me get this Obama/ MMJ rant off my chest right now... I was in Obama's corner for one primary reason. Pre election he sounded like he would have ass legalize MJ and support the MMJ community to the fullest. Once he was in office he pulled the ole one two okee doke. His position and stance seems to have changed on MJ once he was in office. He seems to be more of a liability to the movement then a asset. This is why Obama mongering is called for and needed. I really dont trust any of them liars and Obama just proved me 100% right.

Legalizing of MJ or 100% FEDERAL support for MMJ is a HUGE PRIORITY WITH ME...

Don't get it twisted....


Active member
doesn't it seem to weird people out that we need to be controlled and can't be trusted to not harm another being?

sure, not to this audience. I meant the "other" people; not people who have to much energy and so little brain.

Hello everyone who is 10 or 20 years older than me, I will learn from you. Hi everyone who is 10 to 20 years younger than me, I will learn from you. Not society, the media or hyped-up social phenomenon, real people who do REAL SHIT.

Discobiscuit, I agree with you hardcore about taking sides. But it does seem one side wants peace, freedom and justice, whilst the other wants to dominate, control and manipulate people. I have thought of the side of dominating the world and telling everyone to be good....or else.

I guess the deus ex machina can take care of it for me....it is justice, it is perfect

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I dont Blame Twitter. I blame our nazi government, and their gestapo for intimidating twitter.


Active member
Wait a minute. How do we know this story is even true? Lotta people slamming Obama or Twitter but actually is this story even real? I question everything I see, read, or hear these days. :comfort:


...I guess the deus ex machina can take care of it for me....it is justice, it is perfect

Jesus said god helps those that help themselves, right?

If we sit back and expect god to handle things for us, would it be totally unjust if we were made to suffer for our complacency?

There are a lot of people that act like there was a huge unified movement of the people for legalization that was shot down by the Obama administration.

NEWS FLASH, practically nobodies done anything, I don't see protests being organized in like pro life or gay rights rallys or people talking about issues of weed, start some pro weed rallys, do something and then come back and tell me about how somebody else has failed you.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Jesus said god helps those that help themselves, right?

If we sit back and expect god to handle things for us, would it be totally unjust if we were made to suffer for our complacency?

We suffer when reality does not live up to our expectations of reality.

NEWS FLASH, practically nobodies done anything, I don't see protests being organized in like pro life or gay rights rallys or people talking about issues of weed, start some pro weed rallys, do something and then come back and tell me about how somebody else has failed you.

I don't know about you, but I live in a non-medical state. There have been at least 4 rallies in the last 6 months in my city.

I understand the thrust of your point, but what are YOU doing? How many rallies have you promoted and attended this year?


IMHO rallies and shit are useless almost counter productive. Jmho

Neo 420

Active member
NEWS FLASH, practically nobodies done anything, I don't see protests being organized in like pro life or gay rights rallys or people talking about issues of weed, start some pro weed rallys, do something and then come back and tell me about how somebody else has failed you.

You don't see any protests or any organization because YOU choose not to do anything.. Shame on you for reflecting your inadequacies on others. (AND RUNNING YOUR MOUTH). I have been apart of the movement for years, attended rallies, attended raid alerts and have worked in the MMJ community... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

BTW sign up below to help the movement and stop being a liability...
ACTION ALERT: Sign Up for Raid Response

With the federal Department of Justice making clear that more raids and other enforcement actions can be expected against medical cannabis programs and providers everywhere, it is more important than ever that patients and advocates be prepared to respond.

Sign up today for ASA’s Raid Response. You’ll get up-to-the minute alerts on raids in your. Help show our community and the government that attacks on safe access must stop!

Find out more and sign up today at AmericansForSafeAccess.org/RaidCenter.
Can you make a special contribution of $50, $100, $500, or whatever you can afford to help us fight for safe access in federal court? Our friends at Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap will match your contribution before July 15, so you can really help out by giving now!

I attened this conf call last week..
Americans for Safe Access will be holding a conference call TONIGHT, Tuesday, July 5 2011 at 5:30pPST/8:30pEST-6:30pPST/9:30pEST to discuss our course of action in responding to this announcement. To dial in on Tuesday, call 832 431 3335 and enter participant code 1618568.

In the meantime, it is very important to ask for leadership from our elected officials, and to question the Obama Administration for its actions.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Jesus said god helps those that help themselves, right?

If we sit back and expect god to handle things for us, would it be totally unjust if we were made to suffer for our complacency?

There are a lot of people that act like there was a huge unified movement of the people for legalization that was shot down by the Obama administration.

NEWS FLASH, practically nobodies done anything, I don't see protests being organized in like pro life or gay rights rallys or people talking about issues of weed, start some pro weed rallys, do something and then come back and tell me about how somebody else has failed you.

This is an excellent point. I have been trying to organize a million man march for 3 years now. There is even a sticky thread. I have written all kinds of media, NORML, MPP, high times. Not even a response. So far, the most amount of people we have been able to get together in one place has been in the thousands. not very impressive to a country of 300 plus million.


I still have hope for this one day.


Jesus said god helps those that help themselves, right?

Even if he ever existed, no, Jesus never said that- at least not anywhere in the bible. It's kind of the opposite of what he would say anyway.

According to one site:

"That quote is attributed to Sidney Algernon (1622-1683) in his "Discourses on Government." The similar quote, "God helps them that help themselves," is attributed to Benjamin Franklin in Poor Richard's Almanac of 1757.

Earlier versions of the quote include:
"Help thyself, heaven will help thee." (LaFontaine, Book VI, fable 18)
"Heaven ne'er helps the men who will not act." (Sophocles)
"Help thyself and God will help thee." (George Herbert (1593-1633), Jocula Prudentum)"

But even earlier than that-

Aesop's Fables (around 600BC) actually has the line "The gods help them who help themselves"

...but anyway, after that brief bit of education, you are now free to going back to complaining about feeling ignored by Twitter...:blowbubbles:


...I understand the thrust of your point, but what are YOU doing? How many rallies have you promoted and attended this year?
you missed my point, I'm not acting like I deserve the world on a plate for doing nothing.

It's as if all these people just assumed the black guy would immediately legalize marijuana for some reason, as if he could if he wanted on to on his own, I'm trying to stand up for reason, not Obama. He never ran on a platform of legalization of marijuana, what the fuck are people smoking?

Obama being black doesn't imply the legalization of marijuana you silly racists.

Please, show me where Obama promised us legalization.

If that Frank / Paul bill got to Obama's desk, he'd sign it, if he denied signing that bill I'd be calling Obama a "cockhead" too, why don't you help stop Republican Lamar Smith of the Senate Judiciary Committee stop the bill from even being voted on by signing this incredibly week petition that is in my signature that some dude in Louisiana started.

People can't even sign a petition, but it's all Obama's fault.


You don't see any protests or any organization because YOU choose not to do anything.. Shame on you for reflecting your inadequacies on others. (AND RUNNING YOUR MOUTH). I have been apart of the movement for years, attended rallies, attended raid alerts and have worked in the MMJ community... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?...

This is an excellent point. I have been trying to organize a million man march for 3 years now. There is even a sticky thread. I have written all kinds of media, NORML, MPP, high times. Not even a response. So far, the most amount of people we have been able to get together in one place has been in the thousands...

NEO420, I don't see any fruits of an organized movement, so what the fuck have yall been doing?

I've been to a cannabis rally and I must say, to people on the outside looking in are probably not learning anything but to enforce their negative ideas about marijuana users.

What the hell can we do other than be shining examples of marijuana using humanity, I tell practically everyone I meet about the positive effects of marijuana, I even plan on telling my boss, right after that next big promotion.

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