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turned 40 today...yikes



Life begins at 40.
It starts ending at 50.
Enjoy the next ten years. And you'll be needing glasses soon.

I have 8 months to go till the end........damn! Better have that last minute fun while I can......kind of like Xmas shopping at the last minute. lol


Why every year after 30 have my balls started to hang lower and lower? When I lay on the couch on my side with my legs together my balls hang out the back where my ass is. It looks like a small hairy brain poking out from my asshole. Getting older is awesome!:)

Happy Birthday!


I like how they sneak out either side of my undies no matter what type I wear. lmao! Now I know why dad always wore those huge boxers.


fair warning...

don't trust your farts anymore...

LOL! That is so weird. that's the 2nd time I've read that in less than one day. There's a thread on a running forum I'm on titled "Ever pooped yourself while running?" and Someone posted "Never, ever trust a fart." LOL!

Prairie Boy

Congrats on hitting this milestone! Your next one will be

Passing what feels to be a 7 pound kidney stone.

See ya over @ the old stoner's crash pad.

Cheers PB.

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