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Trying 'Aurora Indica' my 3rd grow (pics)


Still Getting Sky-High

Hi all, Unfortunatly the last remaining SS turned out another freakin male, So no Superskunk in this grow :puppydoge . The Afghan 38 days from the first sprout & the rest sprouted about a week later, have been 10 days 12/12 & still no sighns of sex :wallbash: , till now the only female i have is the unknown but she's been 19 days 12/12 & has 44 days from sprout.

yesterday i gave them 300ml each from a light mix of bio-grow & bloom, i can't wait to see some pistils coming out hehehe :rasta:
Take care all!


Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: At last!!! 2 of My Afghans started to show pistils :D , but the last 2 still no sighn, so now i have 3 girls for sure :canabis: ..... I'll transplant them into the growbags tomorrow morning ...


Grower of fine herbs...
Congrats on the ladies player. Keep up the great work, cant wait to watch this next grow go down. Sorry to hear that you gotta take a break, I understand though, i get that same damn shady feeling everytime the doorbell rings. I know you cant smell shit growing.. but you can damn sure smell what im smoking... Sooo anyway. Keep up the great work buddy. Peace.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That is a stressful time, when you are awaiting to see what their sex is. I tend to really lowball a female ratio, and pop way too many seeds for what I have room for. I had to cull like 3 plants this year, due to space restrictions.

And that really sucks about your SS brother. I have never popped seeds, mine was from clone, so I can't say. But hopefully you get a female in your next run, I have had nothing but a great easy growing plant from mine, and frosty/ sticky ....man, if you could only smell my hands!! :)

Anyways grow looking good so far, should be interesting on how much you have improved over the last crop.

Cheers bro


Active member
heya sg55!! looks like you are doing well my friend!! good luck on the girls...BTW I have found that most of the time the stubburn to show sex plants turn out to be girls in the end...so at this point I would be hopeful and call them "probable females"..
Great start to a new year buddy :friends: Stay safe bro!
keep up the good work!!


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey tnkx Sammet...

:wave: Tnkx NorthernKronic,Yeah bro, now the last 2 remain to show sex (fingers crossed) but at least there r 3 girls.. Oh the break, yeah i'm becoming abit paranoid yes, but i'm deffinatly Not gonna throw my beans away, its just a break till summer to put my mind At ease.. Take care bro!

:wave: Hello Dr.Dog, Tnkx bro! yeah i thaught i was doin somethin wrong cos i never waited 2 weeks to see the first pistils from flipping 12/12... My AIs after 3 days pistils came out... but at last the Afghans started to, even if the last 2 turn out males i'm happy with 3 girls :canabis: . Even i couldn't pop too many seeds due to my space & i from just 3 SS i had a small feeling they'll turn out males.
Althaugh i have some SS seeds remaining, i'm starting my Bubbleicious & some crosses i'm recieving for my next run, but i will try them someday for sure.... I'm still learning Doc, i know i have room for improvement but getting wasted 24/7 isn't gonna get me anywhere lol, Hash mekes me too lazy sometimes :muahaha: .... Take care bro! :rasta:

:wave: Hey Anima tnkx man, u'r damn right bro, the first 4 that showed sex about a week ago were the 4 males, its been 2 weeks since i flipped them 12/12 & only yesterday i saw female sighns :rasta: , the funny thing is the first 1 that popped & the biggest one is still no sighn hehe, so it is stubborn lol... Hopefully she'll turn out girl too. Take care pal! later.... :rasta:

Today i'm transplanting the 2 girls in bags & give them all another mix of bio-grow, bloom & a teeny weeny topmax... I'll make a decent update this week, probably tomorrow....
Take care bros! stay safe! :wave:


Still Getting Sky-High
:woohoo: ALL 4 AFGHANs R FEMALES!!!! :headbange Just like Anima said about stubborn plants :D . With 5 girls i'm more than happy.. Today i transplanted them in growbags & gave them just plain water with adjusted ph.. Right now i'm abit tiered cos i'v been up at 05:30am but i'll make an update tomorrow morning 4 sure :rasta: .......


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Congrats man! :woohoo: Sounds like a great grow show in store for us :lurk:

Plants are looking fine and green :yes:

Too bad you don't have some SS to play around with this time, but there will be many more grows in your future :ying:

I had to go back a page or 2 to catch up since my last visit. Seems like I always make it around in time for the best part of the shows :wink:

Keep them dank indicas coming brother!


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hey Tnkx my good freind TML16, I really appreceate ur visits bro :respect: . Yep, seems i was abit unlucky with the SS this time but i'm quite happy with these Afghans :canabis: .... I still got some SS beans left so i'm willing to try them someday, & just like u said, the fun starts from now on, ain't much to look at during veg but now pistils r coming out like crazy :rasta: . Take care my Indica-bro & don't worry u'll get to see more dank indicas comin up :joint: :bow: .

:wave: Tnkx my grobro Sammet, its nice to have u around man :bongsmi: ... Take care!


Still Getting Sky-High


:wave: Ok its been a while since my last update so today i took some pics of my babes, i removed all lower fanleaves from the biggest 2 plants (1 Afghan & the unknown girl) & the Afghans now r shooting pistils from evrywhere.
The 4 Afghans r 47 days from 1st sprout, 19 days 12/12 & 6 days flowering while the unknown girl is 53 days from sprout, 28 days 12/12 & 19 days flowering & she's looking quite a sativa from its long thin leaves but not sure, all i know she's an outdoor strain so it might take a bit long to finish.
Today i moved my grow in my spare wardrobe, abit smaller but more stealthy way than the flowering chanber i had.

Top left is the unknown girl & the rest Afghans.....



Notice the Afghan #1 (top right) is stretching as hell, i gotta bend it...


Registered Medical Patient
lookin good SG55...sorry im so late in stoppin by, but im here now, and cant wait to see those beauties grow to their full potential....peace bro, and Happy Sunday!!!!!

- Z



great looking ladies.. keep up the good work and updates..ill keepan eye on this as i am going to try AI also ..

Indica-420 :joint:


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: NP ZeusOGrefugee, welcome to my thread pal :bongsmi: , i'v seen u in many threads i'm subscribed in, its nice to have u here.. Tnkx for your comment, i'll do my best to get some nice chunks out of these :rasta: . Take care man!

:wave: hello Indica-420 & welcome, its nice to have some new faces here :friends: .. Well the AIs were finished around xmas, these r 4 Afghans & 1 unknown outdoor starin & she's looking very sativa. The AI was great indeed, if u'll try it u wont get disappointed at all :canabis: . Tnkx! :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
hey bro that top left is acting my my blubonic, any chance that could be bluberry or blue sat?

Anyways those are getting to be some big ass plants bro! I think you gonna have some nice colas of a few of them.
Let the show begin


Still Getting Sky-High
Well Doc, if i tell u she has some blue in it i would be lying, all i know she's an outdoor strain. The guy that gave me the seeds has been growing the same strain over & over again.... I tried its smoke b4 & she was damn nice... :rasta: Now we'll see what she has to offer :canabis: .
Yeah i can't wait till they bulk up hehehe, i'm hoping for some nice buds :bongsmi: .... Tnkx bro! :wave:


Active member
Hey SG55!!
Your herd of ladies is looking mighty fine!!! VERY healthy as well!
..and your cab looks very clean!
You are doing everything right this time!
kinda funny that your sativa plant has better internode spacing than the Afgahns...:confused: go figure eh?
They should turn out great bro!! :yes::yes: