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Trump victory thread!

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Active member
Pot will be decriminalized finally. Going to change up everything.
People who got busted will have records expunged.

Decriminalization is still not legalization. Expunged records will only go so deep.

Certainly a good time to take a victory lab. Good news. Then back to the battle.

Everything is decriminalized in Oregon. Curious to see how that works out.


You people drank water from the poisoned well, Biden hates drugs.

Fact: obama had 270 medical marijuana raids in his first few years.

Biden is more of Obamas failed policies and Biden hates drugs.

I would expect more raids, more crack down on legal weed states, especially oregon with their new drug policies that is sure to be the first place they start.


ICMag Donor
Decriminalization is still not legalization. Expunged records will only go so deep.

Certainly a good time to take a victory lab. Good news. Then back to the battle.

Everything is decriminalized in Oregon. Curious to see how that works out.

Decriminalization - not a federal crime.

I heard Harris speak on the subject and she mentioned expunging records and decriminalizing right away. Maybe that would make it legal to Mail it.

It's legal here in Massachusetts too. Surprising on a pot forum this gets skipped by so much.


Active member
Decriminalization - not a federal crime.

I heard Harris speak on the subject and she mentioned expunging records and decriminalizing right away. Maybe that would make it legal to Mail it.

It's legal here in Massachusetts too. Surprising on a pot forum this gets skipped by so much.

Decriminalized in California resulted in a $100 fine for an ounce or under. Over an ounce was still a crime. Derivatives were still illegal.
The devil will be in the details. Democrats tend to compromise a lot. Especially if they don’t hold the senate, they’ll have to.

It should get libertarian support anyway. If they can find a real one.


ICMag Donor
Decriminalized in California resulted in a $100 fine for an ounce or under. Over an ounce was still a crime. Derivatives were still illegal.
The devil will be in the details. Democrats tend to compromise a lot. Especially if they don’t hold the senate, they’ll have to.

It should get libertarian support anyway. If they can find a real one.

If the feds get out of the game there will be no more money for local police departments to go nuts chasing weed.
I was in Shasta CA and they had a fleet of helicopters looking for pot. Huge money wasted and a big hassle for growers.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You people drank water from the poisoned well, Biden hates drugs.

Fact: obama had 270 medical marijuana raids in his first few years.

Biden is more of Obamas failed policies and Biden hates drugs.

I would expect more raids, more crack down on legal weed states, especially oregon with their new drug policies that is sure to be the first place they start.

but but but Obama lol....Look up what "Biden" has said it's not hard..

Former Vice President Joe Biden and running mate Senator Kamala Harris support adult-use marijuana decriminalization, moderate rescheduling, federal medicinal legalization, allowing states to set their own laws and expunging prior cannabis convictions.. I do not support legalizing Cannabis.


ICMag Donor


one state (fl) 2000, versus like (lol) 6 in 2020...

plus bush led in florida.

trump’s “case” (ROTFL) is just not the same at all....

nice try tho


Well-known member
You can't lead through a global disaster and get another term. I'm surprised it was this close. People just want change and hindsight will always show ways the leadership could of done better. He is also a little bit hard. That might appeal to some military types but people are soft. They see leadership in their own image and he isn't a good fit. There have been some good presidents I would of sat and done business with but you know he would be inflexible and difficult. Obama started down the path of peace with Iran and Trump built a wall across it. The lefties don't want that sort of attitude in power.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Remember that time in 2000 when Gore won the media election? Anybody remember how many terms he served?

Waddup stinkfish!? Been awhile.
One of the many fascinating things your kind does is brag about that particular election. But none of y'all like to talk about the following 8 years and the fact that his presidency was soooo bad the repub party forced him into hiding for 2 years after! Haha. He wasn't even allowed to endorse...who was next? Romney I think?
So ironic that keeps coming up as it finally put the "fiscally responsible party" lie to bed! While I woulda loved to snort cocaine off hookers with "dubya" down at the rangers ballgames, until donnie nonutz, he was the acknowledged worst president in modern history.

St. Phatty

Active member

MSN Says Trump is a "Loser" but I disagree.

He came very close to winning AGAIN, and there's 70 million people who like because he says things they like to hear.

It's a symbiotic relationship. He doesn't have to tell the Truth. In many cases they don't want to hear the truth.

Some news articles were talking about his debt. Like $400 Million comes due in 2021.

Well he has the basics of a Trump News Network.

He can have an IPO, sell shares, and be worth God knows what.

maybe the market will over-value him as much as it over-values Elon Musk.


The Long Con continues.

AND Trump has Trolled us all again. Most of us anyway, in the US.

Between the Trump-humpers, and those who are not fans of the Mango Moron, such as myself - we're watching Trump work. Today, his work is a Tantrum about the election.

He's not watching me plant fruit trees. (today's work, for me).

Anyway, I was disappointed that the post-election Tantrum version of Trump didn't have a press conference today.

Do you think Trump's Election Tantrum will have an effect on the Financial Markets ?


Active member
Asshole cheeto meets his demise and ancient fossil dem gets to play marionette for 4 years. Better than asshole cheeto being able to further fuck up rest of the worlds view of america and possibly start ww3 with china russia bullshit going on. At least the VP is like 56 years old not dementia age. Comedians going to have to create some new material for themselves now that they cant just rely on cheeto fabulous comedy antics to draw upon.
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