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Trump threatens medical cannabis

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Good to know where your loyalties are

Jesus fukn Christ man...how do you get to that point from his post?
Your not even any good at being a troll! The only reason you get responses is you are just way too easy to pick apart
So let's try this
I am a veteran. I have fought for my country. I tried to fight again but couldn't because of medical reasons. I believe Trump's tweets were in poor taste, self serving, ill timed and without feeling. Are you now going to question my loyalty?
Or is that too direct a question for you to handle?


Active member
At this point, I think lyin' Jeff's remarks about cannabis were a well calculated pump fake.

What he's really doing is the problem. Demanding maximum prosecution. Privatizing prisons. Taking the heat from the top off of rogue cop shops. It's hard to see him defending voting rights or a lot of other rights, either, other than the rights of the wealthy.


Well-known member
what i do like seeing is the daylight appearing between sessions and the libertarian side of things
mostly talking about rand paul and his push back on session's vision(aka the no win drug war)
legislative action becomes a little more possible, stone by stone we build the road


Active member
The problem with ideological libertarianism (and Paul) is the inevitable promotion of exploitation. You pull government regulation out of everything then the wolves take over. We are not all created equal. The world is full of human predators and prey, smart and dumb. If we have any kind of respect for fairness and compassion, not to mention love, then we must have government and we must have government enforcement of fairness.


Well-known member
At this point, I think lyin' Jeff's remarks about cannabis were a well calculated pump fake.

What he's really doing is the problem. Demanding maximum prosecution. Privatizing prisons. Taking the heat from the top off of rogue cop shops. It's hard to see him defending voting rights or a lot of other rights, either, other than the rights of the wealthy.

This is a man who said (paraphrased) that he "thought the KKK was an OK bunch of guys until he found out they smoked pot."

Racism and White Supremacy is OK, but smoking weed is bad.

That's a pretty fucked up way of thinking.

He represents everything that is wrong with this country.


Well-known member
The problem with ideological libertarianism (and Paul) is the inevitable promotion of exploitation. You pull government regulation out of everything then the wolves take over. We are not all created equal. The world is full of human predators and prey, smart and dumb. If we have any kind of respect for fairness and compassion, not to mention love, then we must have government and we must have government enforcement of fairness.

american libertarianism has got to be the least thought out political ideology that a vast number of people subscribe to. it's flat out nutty.


Well-known member
american libertarianism has got to be the least thought out political ideology that a vast number of people subscribe to. it's flat out nutty.

It has something to do with their reading material.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It has something to do with their reading material.

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

Love it!!!


Well-known member
One felt like flash and the other seemed like substance.
Each was enjoyed, one was treasured.

Damn shame Rand did not have kids to exploit her work.

Space Toker

Active member
forgive me did not read on here since my almost too gracious last post. But..

you got to be really dumb or selfish or worse to support Trump now let alone ever but lets face it.. trump is epically nuts and erratic, China is fabricating climate change which of you Trump nuts would like to defend that one? I am sure you will concoct some crazy media bias story to cover that you always have but that rope is running out and soon you will fall hard on hang yourself from it as you should... sooner or later you finally got to face the fact that you are all nuts and making a good country and a good world pay for your epically dumb knee jerk and uninformed inpusles for coal jobs or other selfishness and you in turn should pay harder for that.

As a slight sidetrack consider a very reasonable and valid point that no one of any country should be allowed to run for any kind of office even in a small village let alone a major country without being first being tested on IQ and sanity.. think the guy in US office would fail hard on both counts just saying (only thing he would pass on is tricking the poor and govt with his business dealings and hiding his tax records which goes against any kind of reasonable decency including, and are you kidding me, Nixon??? and you in the red states are you kidding me you supposedly value evangelical religion above all else and yet you are deluded your hierarchy gets you to support the KKK and guns are fine but seriously you would advocate the most crazy nuts should have them and you are wrong, so what is wrong with you?

Trump is epicially awful despicable and disgusting excuse for a human would make a better Jabba Da Hut...
so dumb or crazy on most issues, besides making the Syrian govt pay that I applaud him on but that was just a pin prick...Clinton should have helped Rwanda and Obama should have helped Syria.. we all make mistakes I of course voted Non-Trump but I think I came up with a new jingle or whatever you call it and will prob go to those Trump ralles in Washington (lot more protests against btw) and confront those double brick numskulls with EDES or something similar, thinking of only yourselves or worse yet not thinking at all... Epic dumb evil scum, I want to hold up signs along those lines at them... make them confront their sexism or other igmorance and make them defend it somehow because their is no defense to that certain WW2 thought ever..

I will prob be a shiskabob on the end of a pitchfork by some dumdum hillbilly and turned to to bbq pretty fast but if it unscrambles some brains or lack thereof I would gladly make that sacrifice... these people using that term loossely actually think far worse of them, anyway they seem willing to slide down a slippery slope into the pits of hell for this guy, he's like a God to them he cannot do no wrong and they must brought to any senses they have or sent down this slippery slope to hell with them, for they gave up any reason and would vote for the devil or some horrible dick tater rather than put their guns down for a second and see reason at least for a while. What is going on in England lately is proof that fanatics of any kind are no good and should pay for their awful deeds

pps not as nuts or incoherent as I seem I try to edit things and it scrambles what I said, yes I can scramble things to but more at fault is the editing program not working properly I will give up and edit as necessary later.

Space Toker

Active member
I call conspiracy, the edit function scrambled some of my words and placed them in other sentences I dd not intend cant figure it out right now but will come and make sense of it all at a new day on a new light as should we all. Edit I think I fixed most of it so thanks all for listening, I would gladly listen to real debate and not just blind ignorance, explain why you would vote for the next best guy to satan or a dicatator and make a real valid point and I just might take you seriously and then who knows what is next? OK that scares me too with awful nightmarish scenarios but let's just try to progress forwards, not back to the long dead 50's some would like to return to and never can. This is a new world and requires new solutions and continued adaptions and evolution and going forward not backward into epic dumbness or numbness to be able to tell the difference.

ps good bad or ugly, why does everyone always come before and after I am here not during?


Active member
Space Toker, fewer words and more content please. We've all heard the anti and pro Trump talking points all too often and it is getting very old..


Well-known member
I agree with oldchuck. Listening to you guys bitch back and forth with the same old bullshit is getting annoying. I'm definitely getting sick of people crying​ and blowing​ smoke over Trump, it's time to accept Hillary lost and move on, just stop crying wolf over everything please.

What is the current situation with Jeff Sessions and recreational/medical marijuana? Has anybody been busted yet that was doing everything the legal way?


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Oh my, how sad. Boo hoo.

The world is a crazy place and politics suck.

Story over, let's get back to growing great cannabis, perhaps giant trees?
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