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Trump threatens medical cannabis

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ICMag Donor
yup. i was in basic in '76 when the Swine Flu epidemic hit, killing old folks mostly. they rousted out my bunch & marched us down to the clinic where the base commander thanked us all for volunteering to test the newest vaccine. WTF? long story shortened, nearly half of my group was sickened, over a dozen were so bad off that they were hospitalized & had to start basic over after they recovered. i still have sinus/ear problems to this day. you sign over a hell of a lot more than you think when you put your John Hancock on paper with the military...
Yup...right before heading to Iraq in '90 I remember getting shots that made us bleed-wouldnt tell us what it was for...then over there it was pills we had to take and an officer would walk around the AO and watch each one of us take our pill...individually..I think we were told it was for malaria...cAnt remember...but it lasted quite a few days...can't remember how many


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ICMag Donor
I'm not but I take into consideration the mentality of the source. Any time I can just point out the truth and anti American leftist children start spinning like a top I get a laugh.
Not trying to start an argument w you.
I consider myself a moderate Democrat
You consider yourself a conservative moderate
I am embarrassed by much on the left these days and I am gratified to hear someone in your position saying the same of the ...err...let's say "more traditional" repubs...
But you don't sound very moderate. At least the last couple posts
As someone who thinks nowadays the "moderate" part of those two labels is the only thing that can pull us all back together(besides someone attacking us) I look fwd to seeing other "moderates" posting here
But I'm curious what your view of a moderate conservative or Democrat is?
With respect


Active member
Not trying to start an argument w you.
I consider myself a moderate Democrat
You consider yourself a conservative moderate
I am embarrassed by much on the left these days and I am gratified to hear someone in your position saying the same of the ...err...let's say "more traditional" repubs...
But you don't sound very moderate. At least the last couple posts
As someone who thinks nowadays the "moderate" part of those two labels is the only thing that can pull us all back together(besides someone attacking us) I look fwd to seeing other "moderates" posting here
But I'm curious what your view of a moderate conservative or Democrat is?
With respect

I haven't detected anything moderate at all from his posts in this thread. Quite the contrary.


Moderate? Piss on the moderate. Where is the objective mind?


Orrie, thanks for the thoughtful reply. It’s given me some things to think about.

My thoughts about what is going to happen with all things cannabis are depressing and would like to warn folks beforehand that these are My darkest fears and hope to hell that I am wrong.

I see the signing statement as another nail in the personal cultivation coffin. Medical, Recreational and EVEN Hemp will be turned over to big pharma/ag in the near future. Sessions has the authority to change the farm bill over the amount of THC in CBD oil to zero which I believe he will at some point citing purity and consistency of the product to be used for medicine in each case.

Prohibition is still the law and Sessions intends on using it to further a larger agenda which I believe is to fill the newly built prisons with as many of us no-good growers as possible and to fatten the pockets of his big business friends.

That very bumpy road has been washed out and a toll bridge is being built in its place.

I hope i am wrong

Nice to make your acquaintance. :tiphat:

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Is Trump throwing Sessions under the bus?

Is Trump throwing Sessions under the bus?

Axios posted an interesting article this morning which hints that Attorney General Jeff Sessions may now be on Trump's shit list and possibly on his way out.

Mike Allen

Scoop: Trump, irked at cabinet and staff, mulls sweeping shake-up

At the urging of longtime friends and outside advisers, most of whom he consults after dark, President Trump is considering a "huge reboot" that could take out everyone from Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon, to counsel Don McGahn and press secretary Sean Spicer, White House sources tell me.

Trump is also irritated with several Cabinet members, the sources said.

"He's frustrated, and angry at everyone," said one of the confidants.

The conversations intensified this week as the aftermath of the Comey firing pushed the White House from chaos into crisis. Trump's friends are telling him that many of his top aides don't know how to work with him, and point out that his approval ratings aren't rising, but the leaks are.

"The advice he's getting is to go big — that he has nothing to lose," the confidant said. "The question now is how big and how bold. I'm not sure he knows the answer to that yet."

If Trump follows through, his innermost White House circle would shrink from a loop to a straight line of mid-30s family members with scant governing experience: Jared and Ivanka. So while the fighting and leaking might ease, the problems may not because it's the president, not the staff, calling the shots.

One note of caution: Trump often talks about firing people when things go south and does not follow through on it. So it's possible these conversations are his way of venting, and seeking reassurance.

And it all could take a while: Trump heads out on his first international trip at the end of the week. Also, there's an internal argument for minimizing drama by cutting people out of the information flow rather than firing them. So the existing structure may get "one more college try," a trusted adviser said.,
Friends say that if Trump goes with a grand shakeup, his implicit message would be: "I get it. I'm moving on. I get that I can do a better job." A top aide added: "He's never going to say he did a bad job."

The sources say Trump feels ill-served by not just his staff but also by several of his Cabinet officials. Trump has two complaints about Cabinet members: Either they're tooting their own horns too much, or they're insufficiently effusive in praising him as a brilliant diplomat, etc. Among the cross-currents:

His friend Wilbur Ross at Commerce this week took what was perceived as a victory lap on a China trade announcement that does little new in actuality.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a big announcement about increasing prison sentences, at the same time that Jared is working on criminal-justice reform.

HHS Secretary Tom Price shares the blame for the glacial pace of health-care legislation.

No Cabinet member is expected to go this soon, but a West Wing shuffle looks likely. One obstacle to recruiting new top aides is finding people who would have real clout with a president not prone to enforced order.

One of the few top officials winning Trump's praise is SecState Rex Tillerson, who's on "Meet The Press" this morning (taped yesterday in Texas) defending his boss.

So is "the man who can do everything", Trump's son in law Jared Kushner, actually working on criminal justice reform which would be in conflict with Jeff Session's plans for drug sentencing? Maybe Jared and Ivanka will save medical cannabis? Could Session's future replacement possibly be worse? ... Chris Christie? :bigeye:

Another take on this is that Sessions has finally become too much of a liability. Sessions recused himself from further involvement in all things Russia ... then went and jumped right in the middle of the firing of James Comey, setting himself up for charges of "obstruction of justice."

Bill Palmer has his own angle on this;


:lurk: :lurk: :lurk: :lurk:


looking at this whole thing in a dem verses rep thing is a waste of time and energy. don't you see, its a set up, who ever is in power pushes the big state agenda while the other side takes a high stand and postures and posses, talking about human rights, liberty, peace and justice, then elections come and the rolls get switched around, now its the other side war mongering and pushing mass surveillance, mass incarceration for profit and so on, while the other side now has its guys taking "our" side. its all a big game, in the end the agenda of the big lobbyists moves forward step by step. some times they will even take a small step back, but only for a while, memories are short, if it didnt pass into law 5 years ago, they try again and again, till they can some how fool enough people to get what they want.
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Well-known member
Trump doesn't read a lot. He tends to only read things that favor him. Same for TV. He only watches things that aren't critical. If only we could get some info about all the money Legal Cannabis could make for him in front of him, he'd be on it like a Duck on a June bug.

His Son-In-Law Jared and Ivanka are working on Prison Reform, which is counter to the Sessions stance on tough on crime. That there might derail Sessions. I guess it depends on who has more pull, or who doesn't get fired.

Trump himself is a wildcard. Nobody knows what he will do, even Trump himself. I mean, this is a guy that bankrupted a Casino, and failed at selling Red Meat and Alcohol to Americans.
looking at this whole thing in a dem verses rep thing is a waste of time and energy. don't you see, its a set up, who ever is in power pushes the big state agenda while the other side takes a high stand and postures and posses, talking about human rights, peace and justice, then elections come and the rolls get switched around, now its the other side war mongering and pushing mass surveillance, mass incarceration for profit and so on, while the other side now has its guys taking "our" side. its all a big game, in the end the agenda of the big lobbyists moves forward step by step. some times they will even take a small step back, but only for a while, memories are short, if it didnt pass into law 5 years ago, they try again and again, till they can some how fool enough people to get what they want.

Could you be wasting time as moderator here on IC? With that epic "supermod" analysis of American political dynamics a think tank or policy making career might better suit your expertise.

However I can relate to your pessimism. The current administration is so hideously toxic that it is poison to nearly all political discourse.

Greed and power have been driving forces since the first organizations but it doesn't mean all organizations are a set-up designed to facilitate wealth and/or power grabs. Our country is blessed with policies, assets and processes that reflect a belief in values beyond narrow greed and base nationalism.



Active member
looking at this whole thing in a dem verses rep thing is a waste of time and energy. don't you see, its a set up, who ever is in power pushes the big state agenda while the other side takes a high stand and postures and posses, talking about human rights, liberty, peace and justice, then elections come and the rolls get switched around, now its the other side war mongering and pushing mass surveillance, mass incarceration for profit and so on, while the other side now has its guys taking "our" side. its all a big game, in the end the agenda of the big lobbyists moves forward step by step. some times they will even take a small step back, but only for a while, memories are short, if it didnt pass into law 5 years ago, they try again and again, till they can some how fool enough people to get what they want.

"They're just as Bad!" is tedious & wrong, as is the whole anti-gubmint routine. It's the result of decades of relentless right wing agitprop designed to serve the ends of Power hungry billionaires. It has served them well, given that the gulf between the Rich & the rest of us has grown by leaps & bounds along with the disconnect from reality among conservative voters. Trump as President is all the proof required to illustrate the profound truth of that. It's an absurdity.

If you want to talk about rights, it's best to be specific. We could start with the right to privacy where we all justgot sold out in the interests of ISP profits by Trump & the Repubs. We could talk about civil, women's, LGBTQ & voting rights. We could even talk about a right to use cannabis, something that the Democratic party has basically embraced in the "path to legalization" plank in the 2016 platform. Repub politicians are still claiming that reefer madness is a threat.

Go figure.


Active member


what gaius said has nothing to do with pessimism.

pessimism is putting forth energy into a ..."system of political discourse" that is right out of santa clause's ass thinking your "vote" makes any difference.

what gaius is doing is seeing. what. is. there.

divide and conquer for millenia, and still works.

my party won the election; the vast majority of voting-age americans who didnt vote....and make no mistake, having killery in would also mean BAU...everything presidenT rump does is sanctioned and ordained by those that sanction and ordain, not a hair out of place. whilst you raise stink over libs/cons/fags/immigrants/cops they cultivate another ton of opium for the alphabet soups and pharma. and make your dollar that much more worthless everyday.

wake up and smell the coffin. or don't, either way its a great ride.


the differences are more cosmetic, then fundamental. when it comes to the big issues like war and peace, you have no difference what so ever, in fact every presidency seems to be more blood thirsty then the last.


Active member
the differences are more cosmetic, then fundamental. when it comes to the big issues like war and peace, you have no difference what so ever, in fact every presidency seems to be more blood thirsty then the last.

That's entirely inaccurate. The amount of blood & treasure expended in two invasions of Iraq & the invasion of Afghanistan far eclipses any since then & since the disaster of Vietnam. The amount of treasure Repubs want to expend on the Military Industrial Complex far exceeds any rational need. They'll beat the cash out of programs that actually help people to do it. They'll beat even more cash out of them to give billionaires tax cuts, too.

Their voters follow along no matter what, 'cuz Free, Freedom & Liberty or some such.


what gaius said has nothing to do with pessimism.

pessimism is putting forth energy into a ..."system of political discourse" that is right out of santa clause's ass thinking your "vote" makes any difference.

what gaius is doing is seeing. what. is. there.

divide and conquer for millenia, and still works.

my party won the election; the vast majority of voting-age americans who didnt vote....and make no mistake, having killery in would also mean BAU...everything presidenT rump does is sanctioned and ordained by those that sanction and ordain, not a hair out of place. whilst you raise stink over libs/cons/fags/immigrants/cops they cultivate another ton of opium for the alphabet soups and pharma. and make your dollar that much more worthless everyday.

wake up and smell the coffin. or don't, either way its a great ride.

"what gaius is doing is seeing. what. is. there." You've got a bloated sense of your perceptions.
It's there for him and you perhaps, at the limits of your education, imagination and character. There is a vibrant world beyond your blinders, commitments and outside your cultural impoverishment.

I'm calling it pessimism because the crap he's griping about is human nature. Despite all our failings we have plenty of political achievements that support justice, human achievement and pride in our country.

I can relate to a pessimistic perspective because we've never had a more appallingly unqualified potus whose ineptitude is lionized and even mirrored by slavish mobs and media devoted to his regressive agenda. The pendulum got whacked hard after a black man became potus. It's gotta swing back.

Trump wasnt joking about "loving the poorly educated"

obama, day 100: BIN LADEN ALIVE
trump, day 100: BIN LADEN DEAD!




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Orrie, thanks for the thoughtful reply. It’s given me some things to think about.

Nice to make your acquaintance.

Same here, nice to meet you and I appreciate the conversation we've had thus far. The fact you or the others could have bashed me for being a buzzkill says a lot about the compassion and understanding of the members here.

My story is the same as a thousand (million?) others mmj patients. I use cannabis instead of opiates for for cancer pain and have done so for the last five years. mainly oil and edibles but I will take a puff or two when the moon is right.

Sessions said I'm not good people for doing that and that medical cannabis is 'overrated'.

Not to me it isn't

in my case, less pain is only part of it. Cannabis, along with diet and exercise, has slowed metastatic cell growth affording me two years past due date and counting.

How I wish Sessions had never left his desk job at the lollypop guild
Same here, nice to meet you and I appreciate the conversation we've had thus far. The fact you or the others could have bashed me for being a buzzkill says a lot about the compassion and understanding of the members here.

My story is the same as a thousand (million?) others mmj patients. I use cannabis instead of opiates for for cancer pain and have done so for the last five years. mainly oil and edibles but I will take a puff or two when the moon is right.

Sessions said I'm not good people for doing that and that medical cannabis is 'overrated'.

Not to me it isn't

in my case, less pain is only part of it. Cannabis, along with diet and exercise, has slowed metastatic cell growth affording me two years past due date and counting.

How I wish Sessions had never left his desk job at the lollypop guild
Prayers for you bro. Experienced two bouts of cancer before med marijuana.


Prayers for you bro. Experienced two bouts of cancer before med marijuana.

Rejoice!!! I am Living proof that cannabinoid therapy works! Thanks for the good vibes man. felt like a warm fuzzy :comfort:
Back to ya with the prayers

Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015
Amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of "marihuana." Defines "industrial hemp" to mean the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, with a delta-nine tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Deems Cannabis sativa L. to meet that concentration limit if a person grows or processes it for purposes of making industrial hemp in accordance with state law, unless the Attorney General determines that the state law is not reasonably calculated to comply with such definition.

That last line in bold scares the shit out of me. Not so ironclad the way I see it


Well-known member
Love the line about the desk job at the lollypop guild.

Sessions said “good people don’t smoke marijuana.” Well Beauregard, good people don’t lock up non-violent offenders and throw away the key.

C. Breeze

...I can relate to a pessimistic perspective...

Trump wasnt joking about "loving the poorly educated"

obama, day 100: BIN LADEN ALIVE
trump, day 100: BIN LADEN DEAD!

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interesting post, and I've sort of distilled it down a little, to the parts that really struck a chord with me and though i don't get the feeling that you and I are very politically aligned- I think we definitely share a lot of the same frustration. I'm especially tires about hearing how he's way busier and has way more to deal with than any president before. But whatever- I think it would all be more bearable if he had any dignity, otherwise he's just chasing his tail and I don't see him getting much done- so in that light, as long as he would continue to be innefective, But act somewhat dignified I'd be ok with him.


Active member
"what gaius is doing is seeing. what. is. there." You've got a bloated sense of your perceptions.
It's there for him and you perhaps, at the limits of your education, imagination and character. There is a vibrant world beyond your blinders, commitments and outside your cultural impoverishment.

I'm calling it pessimism because the crap he's griping about is human nature. Despite all our failings we have plenty of political achievements that support justice, human achievement and pride in our country.

I can relate to a pessimistic perspective because we've never had a more appallingly unqualified potus whose ineptitude is lionized and even mirrored by slavish mobs and media devoted to his regressive agenda. The pendulum got whacked hard after a black man became potus. It's gotta swing back.

Trump wasnt joking about "loving the poorly educated"

In too many respects, Trumpism is just a giant "Screw You!" from people who've been deliberately bombarded with fear, uncertainty & distrust in a world they find incomprehensible-


Their leadership has exploited them for decades & they think Trump is somehow different than that set of con artists. He's not different, just more astounding.
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