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Trump threatens medical cannabis

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Well-known member
Telling you...he's a quitter...won't stick around...

Yeah when he realizes no one is buying his bullshit, and charges are pending, he'll Nixon up and quit before he can be impeached.

And if Pence doesn't get caught up in the mess, he'll pardon him.

And if Pence gets caught up in it too, Ryan will pardon him....

Ford caught a lot of crap for pardoning Nixon, but he did it so that the country could move on, to heal. Trump will be pardoned because he has dirt on everybody and will take them down with him.
I for one am happy we are allying with Russia. We have common interests and they are the second strongest army in the world. If we every truly go to war against Islamic nations or China and North Korea, who do you want to have our back? Do you believe Mexico and South America will go to war with us? How about the Middle East? They will only use the opportunity to conquer us as we become divided. You people sound as those fanatical extremist Native Americans, trying to destroy our European culture.

Religion and politics are the only things holding our country together from being taken over by cartels and atheist. I'll bet you people voted for Bernie "The puppet". Because you were told to by the natives who control him. Wake up citizens, do you want to live in Mexico?

Trump is a world renowned businessman, knows allot about what's happening with commerce, business, and industry around the world. Once he has a full understanding of politics, he will be unstoppable.
Until now, everyone complains how nothing is getting done when it comes to the workings of the government. Everyone complains that politicians are not handling the budgeting properly.
Now we have someone that knows how to get those things done and all anyone does is complain that he isn't a politician

I'm very happy I have another country to go to as this country falls apart because no-one cares about what's good for the country and only think of their own agenda.


Well-known member
I for one am happy we are allying with Russia. We have common interests and they are the second strongest army in the world. If we every truly go to war against Islamic nations or China and North Korea, who do you want to have our back? Do you believe Mexico and South America will go to war with us? How about the Middle East? They will only use the opportunity to conquer us as we become divided. You people sound as those fanatical extremist Native Americans, trying to destroy our European culture.

Religion and politics are the only things holding our country together from being taken over by cartels and atheist. I'll bet you people voted for Bernie "The puppet". Because you were told to by the natives who control him. Wake up citizens, do you want to live in Mexico?

Trump is a world renowned businessman, knows allot about what's happening with commerce, business, and industry around the world. Once he has a full understanding of politics, he will be unstoppable.
Until now, everyone complains how nothing is getting done when it comes to the workings of the government. Everyone complains that politicians are not handling the budgeting properly.
Now we have someone that knows how to get those things done and all anyone does is complain that he isn't a politician

I'm very happy I have another country to go to as this country falls apart because no-one cares about what's good for the country and only think of their own agenda.

Uh, you do know that Russia and China are aligned, no?

Russia has absolutely no inclination to ally with the US. They colluded with OPEC to try to destabilize the US oil industry.

For crying out loud, they interfered with our Election, and you think they'd have our back? They tried to destabilize our country and you think they would be our allies?

Trump is a hack that bankrupted a Casino. A Casino, where the odds overwhelmingly favor the House. And he failed at selling Red meat and ALCOHOL to Americans.

World renowned businessman my ass.
There is often more at play than we see. Did he buy the casino from someone else? Maybe there were other factors, it's very common in business to buy out competition and bankrupt the company to claim as a loss on taxes. Or bankrupt it because the local underground had forced everyone to not go to his casino and to go to the criminals business. I know allot about that personally.
Probably the same situation as the casino for meat and alcohol. Those businesses are well known to be controlled by unions and unions were originally backed by criminal organizations as the unions were formed. There was big fights about the beef industry back when refrigeration became commonplace and meat started being shipped on trains all over from the North East.
Unions and criminal organizations are typically
Democratic, they control the will of the people that work for them. Republicans are similar but typically don't accept that they will be ruled by others telling them what to do.
Russia trying to fix our election? Who did they want to be in power?
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I for one am happy we are allying with Russia. We have common interests and they are the second strongest army in the world. If we every truly go to war against Islamic nations or China and North Korea, who do you want to have our back? Do you believe Mexico and South America will go to war with us? How about the Middle East? They will only use the opportunity to conquer us as we become divided. You people sound as those fanatical extremist Native Americans, trying to destroy our European culture.

Religion and politics are the only things holding our country together from being taken over by cartels and atheist. I'll bet you people voted for Bernie "The puppet". Because you were told to by the natives who control him. Wake up citizens, do you want to live in Mexico?

Trump is a world renowned businessman, knows allot about what's happening with commerce, business, and industry around the world. Once he has a full understanding of politics, he will be unstoppable.
Until now, everyone complains how nothing is getting done when it comes to the workings of the government. Everyone complains that politicians are not handling the budgeting properly.
Now we have someone that knows how to get those things done and all anyone does is complain that he isn't a politician

I'm very happy I have another country to go to as this country falls apart because no-one cares about what's good for the country and only think of their own agenda.

hows it goin fireinthesky/IIIshadesofblack?


Well-known member
I'm not wasting my time on this. You can believe whatever you like. It's off topic anyway, and frankly, I'm tired and need a shower and some sleep.

What I will say is that you should look into his Casino bankruptcy and see how he screwed everybody. Oh yeah, the Seminole Indian tribe just bought that Casino for 4 cents on the dollar.

See ya in the funny papers


Well-known member
Russia trying to fix our election? Who did they want to be in power?

hard to gauge sarcasm from a post
but that is the shit storm that's been happening since Trump rolled in to the whitehouse
Trump and his 'associates' are being accused of improper dealings with Russia
look at the news wires and you will see some conservative power brokers saying 'not good' about the current doings
the situation has turned ugly in the last few days
I for one am happy we are allying with Russia. We have common interests and they are the second strongest army in the world. If we every truly go to war against Islamic nations or China and North Korea, who do you want to have our back? Do you believe Mexico and South America will go to war with us? How about the Middle East? They will only use the opportunity to conquer us as we become divided. You people sound as those fanatical extremist Native Americans, trying to destroy our European culture.

Religion and politics are the only things holding our country together from being taken over by cartels and atheist. I'll bet you people voted for Bernie "The puppet". Because you were told to by the natives who control him. Wake up citizens, do you want to live in Mexico?

Trump is a world renowned businessman, knows allot about what's happening with commerce, business, and industry around the world. Once he has a full understanding of politics, he will be unstoppable.
Until now, everyone complains how nothing is getting done when it comes to the workings of the government. Everyone complains that politicians are not handling the budgeting properly.
Now we have someone that knows how to get those things done and all anyone does is complain that he isn't a politician

I'm very happy I have another country to go to as this country falls apart because no-one cares about what's good for the country and only think of their own agenda.

Youre very funny comrade.

The threat to Trump’s presidency is deepening. His credibility is unraveling, with prominent Republicans now voicing concern about his erratic, impulsive decisions. Each new revelation builds the narrative of a man who has been trying to bully or cajole intelligence and law enforcement officials since his election. As one GOP veteran told me: “There are no guardrails for this president.”



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The people fighting Trump are the politicians that want only career politicians to be in office and feminist politicians who hate that Trump won't be their lap boy.
He is also being fought by people who don't like traditional European- American way of life, such as non-Christians.
Trump is trying to stabilize our country. As mostly the criminals of this nation do their best to cause conflict.

I prefer the culture of my ancestors over the culture of others. That is the difference. If I choose to live in another culture, it will be one that has God as the foundation of their beliefs. Feminists, atheists, and other's that don't believe in our constitution have no place in my life. I prefer peace, but am prepared to go to war if needed to protect my freedom.

This is all about the topic of what furthers our goals as people of the plant. Trump' s administration has said already that the will of the people is what changes the nation's laws through legislation.

The rebellious in-fighting that many of us have been accustomed to, and believe necessary to continue our use of the plant during the prohibition, has left many scars. Including the fear of God and of our government as the people persecuting us. Try to remember that it was fear and lack of understanding that led to prohibition.

Education, is the key to legalization. Show the fearful they have nothing to worry about and their minds will change. Scaring them will only encourage more fighting.
Show the people that the plant is only the plant, not a criminal enterprise of gangsters and addicts trying to overthrow the government and threatening anyone who disagrees. Show them we are peaceful people enjoying what nature provides, responsibly and constitutionally allowed.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Trump speaks out

Trump speaks out

Trump Boasts That His Impeachment Will Get Higher TV Ratings Than All Other Impeachments

By Andy Borowitz May 12, 2017

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Donald Trump boasted that, if he is impeached, the television ratings will be higher than those of any other impeachment in history.

“Everywhere I go, people tell me that if I am impeached, they’re going to watch it,” he said. “The ratings are going to be through the roof.”

He said that he expected his impeachment ratings to be “many, many times” the size of the audience for Bill Clinton’s impeachment, in 1998.

“It’s not even going to be close,” Trump said. “The ratings for Bill Clinton’s impeachment were a joke.”

Asked about the recent impeachment of the former South Korean President Park Geun-hye, Trump said, “Did anyone even watch that one? That was Korea. Nobody cares.”

As for the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, he said, “I didn’t hear about that one. I don’t follow Brazil. I like Argentina. I saw ‘Evita’ many, many times. Andrew Lloyd Webber did a great job. Millions and millions of people loved it. But that was a Broadway show, not an impeachment.”

Even though he anticipates “just terrific” ratings for his impeachment, Trump said that he did not expect the media to provide an honest accounting of his audience size.

“They’re going to lie and say that a lot of people who watched my impeachment didn’t watch, and that’s going to be very bad and unfair, but it’s not going to change the fact that my impeachment will be a great impeachment, a really beautiful impeachment,” he said.

It's gonna be great!
The people fighting Trump are the politicians that want only career politicians to be in office and feminist politicians who hate that Trump won't be their lap boy.
He is also being fought by people who don't like traditional European- American way of life, such as non-Christians.
Trump is trying to stabilize our country. As mostly the criminals of this nation do their best to cause conflict.

I prefer the culture of my ancestors over the culture of others. That is the difference. If I choose to live in another culture, it will be one that has God as the foundation of their beliefs. Feminists, atheists, and other's that don't believe in our constitution have no place in my life. I prefer peace, but am prepared to go to war if needed to protect my freedom.

This is all about the topic of what furthers our goals as people of the plant. Trump' s administration has said already that the will of the people is what changes the nation's laws through legislation.

The rebellious in-fighting that many of us have been accustomed to, and believe necessary to continue our use of the plant during the prohibition, has left many scars. Including the fear of God and of our government as the people persecuting us. Try to remember that it was fear and lack of understanding that led to prohibition.

Education, is the key to legalization. Show the fearful they have nothing to worry about and their minds will change. Scaring them will only encourage more fighting.
Show the people that the plant is only the plant, not a criminal enterprise of gangsters and addicts trying to overthrow the government and threatening anyone who disagrees. Show them we are peaceful people enjoying what nature provides, responsibly and constitutionally allowed.

By education are you thinking Trump u, Creation summer camp or Klan after school sessions? Isn't that your intellectual heritage?
I'm not happy about racists, but I've noticed that most races other than white people are more prejudice than the average Caucasian. I couldn't count how many times Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans treated me with prejudice and hatred even they know nothing about me.

On the other hand, Black people from other countries, Asians, Indians and Middle Easterners typically treat me with common respect. I've met allot of people in my job, I know allot about that stuff.
I think it is the prison systems and racial segregation that has polluted our lifestyle.

Education happens everyday with everyone, whenever we discuss ideas, cultural differences and create understandings. That's is what will change the mind of those that hate who we are only because we smoke a plant.
Jah love my brotha!
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I'm not happy about racists, but I've noticed that most races other than white people are more prejudice than the average Caucasian. I couldn't count how many times Hispanics, African Americans, and Native Americans treated me with prejudice and hatred even they know nothing about me.

On the other hand, Black people from other countries, Asians, Indians and Middle Easterners typically treat me with common respect. I've met allot of people in my job, I know allot about that stuff.
I think it is the prison systems and racial segregation that has polluted our lifestyle.

Education happens everyday with everyone, whenever we discuss ideas, cultural differences and create understandings. That's is what will change the mind of those that hate who we are only because we smoke a plant.
Jah love my brotha!
I agree with the spirit of your thoughts brother. But think about this, trump believes he 's able to release top secret information whenever he pleases. Yet he can't release his tax returns because of an audit. He's not on our side gel.
He has the legal right to disclose information deemed necessary. What is different about him doing that compared to another president is that Trump has enemies within his cabinet. One of the people at the meeting leaked to the press the fact that he said something.
Now Trump knows who is not on his side and can take appropriate actions. I agree what he does is not typical for a politician, it's typical for a man that owns many corporations. He doesn't have to be scared to lose his political career, he already has another life.
I do the same things within my own life, give out a piece of info that doesn't really hurt anyone and is obvious to most. Then wait to see where it comes back from. Now he know who ratted him out and what news agency the guy leaks to. That's CIA stuff my friend, goes far beyond the average person's train of thought, which is to accept what you are told as face value. He wants to be underestimated so his opposition shows themselves more freely.

I hope my brothas here understand that I in no way wish prison on peaceful pot growers. I do however believe in the Constitution and the freedoms from oppression that are afforded to us by the Constitution and given to us by God.
Those are the inalienable human rights that we have here. Unfortunately many people in the pot industry are treated as criminals for so long we have become angry and rebellious.
It's not marijuana that is under attack from the drug war, it is the fact that the majority of growers and dealers use the profits to fund organized crime and use the money for other illegal/immoral activities. That is why medical marijuana is considered a health and safety issue. It is not for the smoking damage to your body and second hand smoke being offensive to others, nor is it truly about intoxication and the hazards​ associated with that. What prevents the federal government from accepting cannabis as safe, is the people who profit from it do illegal activities using the income.
That's their point of view, it won't change until we as growers and sellers are considered the same upstanding citizens as everyone else.
Think about it, if you grow a plant in your backyard that sells for thousands of dollars, you take that money and contribute it to taxes, charities and the betterment of mankind, how many conservative people would complain about it?
You take that same money, have a party with drugs, prostitutes, and loud music as a way to entice young people to join your gang, how many conservative people would complain about it?

I for one am completely against organized crime as such, it's a form of slavery. But I still don't go around thumping my Bible forcing others to follow my path, and I don't inform the police to those that enjoy their version of life as they see fit. To each their own, as long as those people do not affect my life then I don't have to do something to affect theirs.
Yin Yang

Brother Nature

Well-known member
You seem a bit confused about your ideals. Well, maybe not completely confused so much as contradictory and hypocritical. But, you do sound confused too. It's good that you are able to put your ideas forward without personally attacking others though, that's definitely needed here.

I'm not pro-democrat or pro-republican, in fact I deplore the political establishment as I see it as an unnecessary form of human control, something that people accept, but should not. Civic law means nothing to me, shit, I'm not even allowed to vote, so whatever Trump's administration puts in place means fuck all to me, same if Hillary or even Bernie were president. If you truly believe and understand the constitution you'd realize what's gone on in the US political stage, for a long fucking time, is in no way what our forefathers had envisioned. Shit if we truly followed what the founders thought, we'd be running the country right now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is fuck the government, it's never been there for the people, so why do the people so blindly trust it? Trumps no different than any person who craves powerful positions, fuck anyone who tell us what to do, we're human beings, we have free choice, lets exercise that, lets grow and smoke as much as we can, who cares about 'regulation'. Stop focusing on the minor players, and focus on the bigger picture, that's what needs to change.
If your ideology works well for you, who am I to say differently. I never cared about what's going on with the world until I saw how it affects my children. That was the turning point for me to start to pay attention and become involved in the workings of our government. Mostly because I don't accept the sheeple mentality many government agencies force into us.
Being a responsible person by nature makes me frown on the control freaks who say they are there to "take care of you". It's been my experience that wether it is the government, a company, or a gang leader, they all start out by saying that exact same phrase. But as we all know, they expect you to follow blindly and conform to their way of life otherwise you will be punished. Unless you live in a cave and grow weed for a living, then you are close to free. Yet you will still have the influence of others thrust upon you any time you return to society.

It's why I am self employed, I take care of myself. It's why I believe myself to be a Republican, because I don't want the input of others in my business. It's why I choose Catholicism, because the stability and influence of the church is world wide.

In the USA, our government is truly at it's infancy. And a constantly changing environment that creates lots of confusion. Confusion =conflict.

I cannot wait to take my children to a place that is actually free. Freedom=peace


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I'm very happy I have another country to go to

I'm sorry but your just begging for it...
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass"
......plus....you say it like your one of the lucky ones...don't we all have multiple countries we can go to? Have you ever BEEN to Mexico? Beyond Juarez or TJ? I know alot of vets who have/do live down there and it's not because they don't don't have the balls to stick w their country even when things have gone to shit-its because Mexico has lots of awesome fukn places to live!
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