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Trump threatens medical cannabis

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If you really want to put somebody on the spot who supports Trump, ask them to explain their feelings or thoughts on Trump paying $25,000,000+ to cover-up his fraud with "Trump University" ( a huge scam by a huge con man)
Watch the look on their face as they stammer and deflect to anything but the topic at hand.

my favorite to younger people is "if you believe in trump and his policy why dont you join the military?" then the stutters start


Well-known member
my favorite to younger people is "if you believe in trump and his policy why dont you join the military?" then the stutters start

All I hear is "But her Emails..." or "But Bill got a BJ", Or "Obama is a secret Muslim that wants to impose Sharia Law." Or "Birth certificate" or some dumb shit.

Mention Trumps Russia connections, and it's "Can we just move on from that?"

We're through the looking glass people.


Active member
For the Trump Administration to go after cannabis growers and users, there has to be a Trump Administration. Former member of British Parliament, Louise Mensch, has been on the cutting edge of reporting on new events regarding The Donald (though some do say, "she's over the edge"). Seems this should be clear enough pretty soon. Now she's reporting that federal law enforcement has had enough, and concrete steps are being taken for a quick decisive transfer of executive power.


The Constitution spells out the only way that a President can be removed from office, which is impeachment by the HOR & conviction by the Senate. If that doesn't happen then Trump stays.

Looking down the line of succession there's no reason to think any of 'em will treat us any better than Trump. They'll actually be better organized in their efforts...


Active member
For the Trump Administration to go after cannabis growers and users, there has to be a Trump Administration. Former member of British Parliament, Louise Mensch, has been on the cutting edge of reporting on new events regarding The Donald (though some do say, "she's over the edge"). Seems this should be clear enough pretty soon. Now she's reporting that federal law enforcement has had enough, and concrete steps are being taken for a quick decisive transfer of executive power.


I would have to see this confirmed in several other places before I would believe it. Hard to believe anything these days.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
The Constitution spells out the only way that a President can be removed from office, which is impeachment by the HOR & conviction by the Senate. If that doesn't happen then Trump stays.

Yes, this will require impeachment and conviction. They'll need more than a rock solid case. The Republican congress has to be convinced that it's in their best interest to cut their ties so they don't all go down with the Trump cabal.

Looking down the line of succession there's no reason to think any of 'em will treat us any better than Trump. They'll actually be better organized in their efforts...

It's like having a choice between getting a ride with a competent bus driver who probably won't take you exactly to the destination you want... Or going with a bus driver who randomly swerves across the center line on a regular basis.

I would have to see this confirmed in several other places before I would believe it. Hard to believe anything these days.

Oh, don't believe it... just keep it in mind as you evaluate other input. This is at the earliest stage where unnamed sources give out tantalizing info. It's kind of like The Sorcerer's Apprentice where Mickey just can't stop the leaks. The more he tries it only gets worse and worse. And with more anonymous leaks, Donald gets more paranoid, more flustered, and makes more mistakes. They're playing with him.


Active member
It's like having a choice between getting a ride with a competent bus driver who probably won't take you exactly to the destination you want... Or going with a bus driver who randomly swerves across the center line on a regular basis.

I see it differently. Dealing with Trump is like fighting a drunk who can barely stand. Pence & most Repub congress critters are tightly controlled psycopaths, otoh, much more dangerous adversaries in the long run.

C. Breeze

my favorite to younger people is "if you believe in trump and his policy why dont you join the military?" then the stutters start

I typically don't care about erroneous statements in these "discussions" and I'm certainly not supporting trump with this- but...
that doesn't hold water dude. Recruiting and Retention sucked under Obama, w, bush 1, Clinton, Reagan, etc. it's always been a lot fewer than 1% of the population goes that route. The rest just stammer and stutter at the possibility. It's always been that way and it always will. Lack of intestinal fortitude is systemic to the human Condition- and the outliers that can and do SERVE there country and countrymen, despite the politicians and there agendas, successfully in the military have always been in extremely short supply especially when there is "work" to be done. I wonder about the professional background of someone who would consider calling out another for not volunteering for military service. I was in for almost 10 before medically retired in 2012, After my last deployment. In that time I spent enough time in Afghan and Iraq to get a bachelors degree if they were awarded for such activities, that's 3 and a half years, all of it doing either direct action couterterrorism missions or recce/ target package development- and I don't call anyone out for deciding on another path.
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Active member
C. Breeze, maybe Americans, especially including military people, are just sick and tired of endless fruitless little wars that go nowhere and seem to have little or nothing to do with national security.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah....bombing the crap out of all and sundry, just seems to make those who are bombed want to bomb the crap out of us...

The corporations get richer, and our security gets poorer.

C. Breeze

my point isn't regarding the validity of the conflict, or the lack thereof. My point is only that young people's willingness or lack thereof to join the military is useless as a metric for there support for the policies and objectives of the "administration" regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office. That's the point- the rest was there for the purpose of establishing my creditibilty when it comes to matters of recruiting and retention in the US Army. And I agree wholeheartedly Gypsy, if you bomb someone it makes them want to bomb you back. Thank you so much for this resource! I'm glad you position is well improved these days- and hope the bastards stay the hell out of your hair
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All the leftwing socialists are running around with their hair on fire. And the far left biased media will help boot strap any negative much ado about nothing news. President Trump covered his ass for the moment to placate the bible thumpers. As a conservative moderate they are an embarrassment just as the far left zealots should be to dems.
It was two sentences and he isn't going to do anything. He knows there is way to much tax revenue to be made. But the left in its typical method never lets any potential shit to stir. Bammy did horrible shit to this country and the press just ignored it.
All the leftwing socialists are running around with their hair on fire. And the far left biased media will help boot strap any negative much ado about nothing news. President Trump covered his ass for the moment to placate the bible thumpers. As a conservative moderate they are an embarrassment just as the far left zealots should be to dems.
It was two sentences and he isn't going to do anything. He knows there is way to much tax revenue to be made. But the left in its typical method never lets any potential shit to stir. Bammy did horrible shit to this country and the press just ignored it.

Whoa you moved on it like a bitch
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The tax revenue will come from big business because as a business man, Trump needs to pay back the people who put him in the position he is in.

He and his friends have much more to gain by creating monopolies. (and war)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
my point isn't regarding the validity of the conflict, or the lack thereof. My point is only that young people's willingness or lack thereof to join the military is useless as a metric for there support for the policies and objectives of the "administration" regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office. That's the point- the rest was there for the purpose of establishing my creditibilty when it comes to matters of recruiting and retention in the US Army. And I agree wholeheartedly Gypsy, if you bomb someone it makes them want to bomb you back. Thank you so much for this resource! I'm glad you position is well improved these days- and hope the bastards stay the hell out of your hair
Breeze makes a point. I shudder a little everytime military service is brought up in political conversation-at least when it's used as a barometer of sorts.
Choosing the honor of military service has no politics to some of us


Active member
^^^ Right... more often than not, the good folks serving in our military are fooled and taken advantage of more than any of us... often resulting in their terrible personal losses.



wtf man? this won't fly. you wouldn't say it to his face so why say it from behind your keyboard. subjects like this need to be discussed on the merits or lack there of, not by calling people names, neither by insinuation or directly. if you can't discuss the issue rather then the people talking about the issue here, then you'd best leave the thread to those with more steady nerves and ability to remain calm, the ability to discuss something without insulting or belittling the other side is essential if this thread is to be accepted by admin.


Active member
^^^ Right... more often than not, the good folks serving in our military are fooled and taken advantage of more than any of us... often resulting in their terrible personal losses.
you are right here, just look at all the "vaccines" they make them take. ie: anthrax vaccine.


Well-known member
you are right here, just look at all the "vaccines" they make them take. ie: anthrax vaccine.

yup. i was in basic in '76 when the Swine Flu epidemic hit, killing old folks mostly. they rousted out my bunch & marched us down to the clinic where the base commander thanked us all for volunteering to test the newest vaccine. WTF? long story shortened, nearly half of my group was sickened, over a dozen were so bad off that they were hospitalized & had to start basic over after they recovered. i still have sinus/ear problems to this day. you sign over a hell of a lot more than you think when you put your John Hancock on paper with the military...


Well-known member
C. Breeze, maybe Americans, especially including military people, are just sick and tired of endless fruitless little wars that go nowhere and seem to have little or nothing to do with national security.

enlistments rise & fall with the economy, and also depend on where we are at war at the moment.
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