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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
..as long as members remain respectful to each other, and don't flame each other just because they have opposing views......then I'm cool with it.


Active member
No, your a lefty because you've been brainwashed by the education system, politicians and the media into thinking that personal security and prosperity can only be had in exchange for you freedom, independence and autonomy. You have submitted to assimilation and being institutionalised.. either that or your a satanist, pedo, LGBTQ, immigrant or celebrity. You may tick more than one box, depending how left leaning you are.

Libertopian raving is always trite & tedious if not usually quite as insulting as that.


Well-known member
..as long as members remain respectful to each other, and don't flame each other just because they have opposing views......then I'm cool with it.

That seems reasonable. My only concern would be that these political threads turn into little micro versions of reddit's 'theDonald" forum, already the neo right popular slang of the month gets thrown around here i.e. snowflake ect..not sure what that even means snowflakes are pretty badass and beautiful when you look at them closely, dont disregard bc you can't see it for what it truly is, that is the mentality of most of their members/contributors ect. Many here fit that bill. They have some serious hate in their heart, for what im not sure many probably have mental heath issues or have not dealt with past traumas in their lives, so they are indeed self 'institutionalized', usually by their parents or close friends/peers/media outlets (all of us are usually one way or the other). It's funny we are all right in our own eyes, yet some folks realllllllllly want to make sure to insult and degrade anyone that thinks dff. I dont gaf whether your right left middle white black yellow blue christian muslim rasta hindu whatev, be a person of peace and of the truth and of uprightfullness and good character, with high regards, and moral grounds, then you can have the respect u crave. Without these things your just a chump.

Im sparking a joint, about to enjoy some ganja, something im sure we can all agree on..thats what this site is about. Celebration of cannagraphics in us all, why, where, what did it teach us, what can we teach others that we learned... The weed brings us together, politics, politricks, is babylon and it divides. Oneness is the key, it's the only sustainable option.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I reckon that the vast majority of members here have the capacity, maturity, sense and reason to debate without calling each other daft names...

.....and the few that do can be shamed and sanctioned if needs be TJO.

If we start banning everyone that mentions politics or engages with others about it, then it won't be so long before the membership thins out, and people move on to another site where they can discuss such topics that they are passionate about.
No, your a lefty because you've been brainwashed by the education system, politicians and the media into thinking that personal security and prosperity can only be had in exchange for you freedom, independence and autonomy. You have submitted to assimilation and being institutionalised.. either that or your a satanist, pedo, LGBTQ, immigrant or celebrity. You may tick more than one box, depending how left leaning you are.

Liddle spav reporting for gas bag duty.


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Brother Nature

Well-known member
It's always interesting to me how much emotion gets brought into these political threads. I personally have no stake in any political party or candidate, my wish to not be involved seems to increase the more I hear from supporters and detractors of most sides of the argument. Facts and truth simply doesn't seem to matter any more, it's all feelings, persuasion, opinions, memes, youtube videos, peoples hatred, people weaponizing things like compassion and understanding to sway opinions to their leanings, and whatever the fuck Kanye West tweets about, in a way it's almost sickening how easily manipulated and riled up we can become these days.

Many politicians seem to be able to remove the emotion from what they do, just like any successful businessman can do. Maybe it'd be good for us all to remove the emotional aspect from our political leanings, but I wonder if that is even possible given the nature of the beast? This thread itself seems to prove me wrong (I've been guilty of it myself too), but maybe there is change afoot. I think it'd be most welcome.

I couldn't care less who legalized marijuana federally in the US, because then the rest of the world will follow suit and I can hopefully have a few plants out in my backyard, in my closet and greenhouse and not have to worry about loosing my freedom. That person will be as memorable as the person who ended prohibition, some people will remember, but most wont, because the act is more important than the person performing it. Lets just hope it happens, who cares who instigates it.
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Active member
For the record, the snowflake insult is an insult, because a snowflake will melt with the slightest bit of heat..... In other words, a snowflake is an individual that can't handle the other side of the argument, because they melt down as soon as they hear it.

I like the snowflake vernacular. It explains a whole lot of people in America these days.



Libertarian raving is always trite & tedious if not usually quite as insulting as that.

The important difference is that what I said is true. Calling millions of people who pay your wages "deplorable" is just verbal diarrhoea.

There is well known overlap between leftist politics and the groups I mentioned. They weren't intended insults, they were facts that happen to offend members of those groups, mainly by associating them with each other but they do all vote left.


Well-known member
No, your a lefty because you've been brainwashed by the education system, politicians and the media into thinking that personal security and prosperity can only be had in exchange for you freedom, independence and autonomy. You have submitted to assimilation and being institutionalised.. either that or your a satanist, pedo, LGBTQ, immigrant or celebrity. You may tick more than one box, depending how left leaning you are.

the democrats and establishment aren't on the left though. so if anything, he's being brainwashed by centrists and corporatists lol.


Well-known member
back to the thread's original theme
trump and legalization
from discussions long ago, i believe it was discussed how the POTUS can order cannabis legal
he could take it off the schedule list if he so chose, or order it to happen
do you feel that happening? i don't


Active member
back to the thread's original theme
trump and legalization
from discussions long ago, i believe it was discussed how the POTUS can order cannabis legal
he could take it off the schedule list if he so chose, or order it to happen
do you feel that happening? i don't

How can Trump do anything? Congress would have to do this, right?

And yes, it will happen, in the next 18 months IMO :tiphat:


Well-known member
How can Trump do anything? Congress would have to do this, right?

And yes, it will happen, in the next 18 months IMO :tiphat:

actually no, congress does not have the sole power
Trump can order cannabis legal, that is my understanding of legal discussions in other threads


Active member

As you can see from Obama, any presidential executive order can be overturned without even a vote.

As I understand it, Trump can't do anything other than sign a bill from Congress. This would make it law. I would love to understand any other avenues. Please share if anybody see's another path please.

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