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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.

White Beard

Active member
Looks like this Farm bill has traction, and will legalize hemp. Way to go! The wheels are in motion people, lets celebrate!!!! No matter who is in office, the people are about to win the war on cannabis. Put our differences aside and celebrate this fantastic news
I don’t know enough about what the bill ACTUALLY does re: cannabis, so I’ll save my celebration. Enjoy.


Invertebrata Inebriata
From what I can make of this whole racial/ethnic melange' - most of the Zionist Aristocracy look to be of Caucasian/Ashkenazi origins - and not actual 'Semites'. - I found that quite an interesting fact - just look at Netanyahoo and the Chief Rabbi - two of the top 'Chosen People' - much more Caucasian/white looking than any other ethnic/racial group you might care to consider.

How are you calling any of that a 'fact'?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
OK - lets have a look at this 'Semite' - and looks like the Semites were considered to be Caucasian - so maybe they are?

From Wiki:

In the racialist classifications of Carleton S. Coon, the Semitic peoples were considered to be members of the Caucasian race, not dissimilar in appearance to the neighbouring Indo-European, Northwest Caucasian, and Kartvelian-speaking peoples of the region.[10] As language studies are interwoven with cultural studies, the term also came to describe the religions (ancient Semitic and Abrahamic) and Semitic-speaking ethnicities as well as the history of these varied cultures as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution.[11]

Some recent genetic studies have found (by analysis of the DNA of Semitic-speaking peoples) that they have some common ancestry. Although no significant common mitochondrial results have been found, Y-chromosomal links between Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East like Arabs, Jews, Mandaeans, Samaritans, and Assyrians/Syriacs have shown links, despite differences contributed from other groups (see Y-chromosomal Aaron).

A DNA study of "six Middle Eastern populations (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews from Israel; Muslim Kurds; Muslim Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area; and Bedouin from the Negev)" found that Jews were more closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab neighbors.[12][13]

Genetic studies indicate that modern Jews (Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi specifically), Levantine Arabs, Assyrians/Syriacs, Samaritans, Maronites, Druze, Mandaeans, and Mhallami, all have a common Near Eastern heritage which can be genetically mapped back to the ancient Fertile Crescent, but often also display genetic profiles distinct from one another, indicating the different histories of these peoples.


How are you calling any of that a 'fact'?


Invertebrata Inebriata
"most of the Zionist Aristocracy look to be [emphasis mine] of Caucasian/Ashkenazi origins"

Sure sounds like an OPINION to me. But whatever, boss.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh - just something I saw whilst doing a bit of research on the Semites that I thought might be interesting - that racially the Semites are actually Caucasian - The Semites were more of an ethnicity than a 'race' of people - so when someone accuses another of being anti-Semetic that does not include all Jewish people - since not all Jews hail from Semetic origins - and the ones it does include are actually Caucasian - so the paradox arises of a white Caucasian anti-Semite is racially against his/her own race....if the Semites were Caucasians.

"most of the Zionist Aristocracy look to be [emphasis mine] of Caucasian/Ashkenazi origins"

Sure sounds like an OPINION to me. But whatever, boss.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yes - kinda hit the nail on the head - when you look at all of the governing chiefs of all the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) they all look of Caucasian decent to me - even the house of Saud is Caucasian - so is the Pope - and most of the Chief Rabbi's - since they are descendants of the Semites allegedly - and the Semites were Caucasians...

And they all preach a form of supremacist ideology - you are either 'goy' or one of 'The Chosen People' - one who believe they will get into heaven for following the teachings of one book or another - even if it means you have to go to war with others who don't believe in your god - to kill or convert - or enslave them....

* I just checked and I'm Caucasian too - lol

Talmudic Judaism = White Supremacy hiding in plain sight.


You guys are not very into the cannabis scene are you?

The banking laws are being opened up in the farm bill....... Those implications are huge.


Active member
You guys are not very into the cannabis scene are you?

The banking laws are being opened up in the farm bill....... Those implications are huge.

For hemp farmers, with has nothing to do with cannabis. Also, Trump didn't support the bill, didn't write it, and hasn't signed it.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The very nature of Judaism and Islam states quite plainly within their holy books that they are 'The Chosen' or superior people to believe in their God - so better than the rest - and that everyone else who is not a 'believer' does not have equal standing in their own societies, and within the world as those who do believe - unbelievers are considered to be of a lower caste - the same can be said for many Christian factions who have hierarchical patriarchal leadership - although since the reformation/Luther, the supremacist attitude within the christian church has somewhat eased - but its still there -

This is true for only a small minority of each religion. Some small portion of literally any group you could name practice a form of supremacist ideology.


Active member
The very nature of Judaism and Islam states quite plainly within their holy books that they are 'The Chosen' or superior people to believe in their God - so better than the rest - and that everyone else who is not a 'believer' does not have equal standing in their own societies, and within the world as those who do believe - unbelievers are considered to be of a lower caste - the same can be said for many Christian factions who have hierarchical patriarchal leadership - although since the reformation/Luther, the supremacist attitude within the christian church has somewhat eased - but its still there -

Practitioners of Judaism and Islam do not see themselves as any more 'chosen' than every Christian denomination on the planet does. Every Christian sees every non-Christian as lesser, they literally refer to them as the 'unwashed masses'.

White Beard

Active member
Criticizing *any* of the Abrahamic factions for self-importance over any other faction pretty much requires overlooking a vast record of asshole behaviors.

I advocate tarring them all with the same brush


Active member
Criticizing *any* of the Abrahamic factions for self-importance over any other faction pretty much requires overlooking a vast record of asshole behaviors.

I advocate tarring them all with the same brush

B I N G O. If you hold special contempt for any particular religion, you're being a bigot.

All religions are equally contemptible, and if you can't see that it says more about you than religion.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I see this word bigot bandied around a lot lately - so lets examine it in context of beta claiming that anyone who has some special contempt for a particular religion - is a bigot

Firstly what does bigot mean? bigot in British
(ˈbɪɡət )
a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race.

So as stated by the Collins English Dictionary a 'bigot' is someone who does not tolerate any other ideas around race, religion and politics.....

....but are not these religions themselves bigoted, since they show intolerance to anyone who is not a believer, and does not follow their 'godly' ways - and looks to convert them - and their views are fixed based on the books that supposedly hold 'The word of God'....can a theist actually have an open mind? - or is the mind already made up by 'The Book?'

We all tolerate many religions around us in society, and have done all our lives - especially while living in a secular state - but how tolerant are these religions of us? - Will they always perceive us as being 'the great unwashed?' - 'Kafirs' and 'Goyim?' - and themselves as our superiors?

B I N G O. If you hold special contempt for any particular religion, you're being a bigot.

All religions are equally contemptible, and if you can't see that it says more about you than religion.


Well-known member
You guys are not very into the cannabis scene are you?

The banking laws are being opened up in the farm bill....... Those implications are huge.

I keep telling people this. Once the billion dollar industry goes industrial its gonna change alot. Exactly what. Im not sure. I predict a lot of very very large companies to start up. And several to fail miserably. I also expect another surge of busting anyone still in the black market. People with that kind of money invested do not always play nice.

I predict low quailty to rule the market. One thing I keep reading is that consistency is very important and I imagine they will find a way to make a very predictably boring product.

Saw a fool (maybe) on youtube that said they isolated the cannabinoid combination that is resposible for making people not want to be like sheep and follow low quality leaders. Which is probably the most important part. And when federal cannabis goes legal (regulated) they will not allow those. Sure it might be a conspiracy. But if you read up on beer and wine history there was alot of way more interesting bittering agents for beer before the beer puritys laws. Now hops is the standard. Which is mostly boring and makes people sleepy and lazy. So if they banned trippy beer??

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
It's the hops... not television....

It's the hops ladies and gentlemen.

Why are you sleepy? Not your 50 hour work week... hops.

Why are you lazy? Not the ease of technology... hops.

Why doesn't this beer taste like turpentine? Hops.

Thank you hops for making me sleepy, lazy, alive, and awesome.

I'm just as in love with humulus as I am with cannabis.