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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.


Active member
‘Muh Drumpf iz bad n stuff hurr durr durr’ -NPC


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
President Roosevelt should have legalized cannabis - it might well have been able to help his medical condition.

So whatever President does eventually legalize cannabis federally in the USA - all I have to say is - Its about frikk'in time!

*all this tooing and froing over this two horse race of political parties does get kinda pathetic - cannabis shouldn't be about politics at all - it should be a basic human right.


Active member
*all this tooing and froing over this two horse race of political parties does get kinda pathetic - cannabis shouldn't be about politics at all - it should be a basic human right.

I've never understood this distinction between the 'political' and 'non-political'. The political is personal, and the personal is political. Literally everything we do is 'political', because the things we do are determined by our system of laws.

OF COURSE cannabis is political and it always will be because it's about what is allowed by. the. law.


Well-known member
I think the reason it has taken so long to become legal is the have lots of competion. 30 years ago there was little they could do to compete with any backyard grower. But now with warehouse grows and extracts they can have an upper hand.

I never considered it until recently. But usually someone grows the weed and it gets sold to the first of who knows how many people. Each of which usually adds a few bucks to the price and takes the prettiest bud for themselves. As growers and conneseuers we take it for granted. But the majority of the smoking public have a limited budget and are used to buying the bottom of the barrel. So when someone grows a ton of mediocre weed. Puts fancy names on it (choices). And distills it to crap and adds candy flavors so they can get high at work. It is easy to convince them to shop at the Wal Mart of weed.

I have been trying to educate people about the difference between mass produced crap and actual great herb and extracts.

My point is that now the government can see their slice of the pie.

St. Phatty

Active member
Trump couldn't even be bothered to stand in the rain at WW1 cemetery ceremonies in France.

He's like the old comic book Richie Rich, poor little rich kid.

But he's enough of a stray bullet I would not bet against him legalizing,

just as I wouldn't bet for him legalizing.

What would a 1/2 Senile Richie Rich do ?


Sorry guys. Bias polls from CNN and lame secret conspiracy theories about how Trump is trying to squash legal cannabis is just news porn for the left. No evidence what so ever any of that is happening, and medicare for all is not the popular voice atm. If it were, Bernie would be president.

Personally, I think Gypsy has the right idea. Cannabis should be legal, and when it finally is, we all should celebrate no matter who is in office, or what the political motivation may be. It amazes me on a cannabis site full of people who have been growing for decades in the shadows, people are actually fighting over legalization. Crazy times.


Well-known member
Sorry guys. Bias polls from CNN and lame secret conspiracy theories about how Trump is trying to squash legal cannabis is just news porn for the left. No evidence what so ever any of that is happening, and medicare for all is not the popular voice atm. If it were, Bernie would be president.

Personally, I think Gypsy has the right idea. Cannabis should be legal, and when it finally is, we all should celebrate no matter who is in office, or what the political motivation may be. It amazes me on a cannabis site full of people who have been growing for decades in the shadows, people are actually fighting over legalization. Crazy times.

I am pro legalization. Anti regulation.

When cannabis is legal it will be impossible to be arrested for growing, posessing, consuming or selling.

Please do not confuse them.


I am pro legalization. Anti regulation.

When cannabis is legal it will be impossible to be arrested for growing, posessing, consuming or selling.

Please do not confuse them.

I would change that a tad for me.

"I am pro legalization, and anti over regulation."

Some regulations must be in place. For example, pesticide regulations. We don't want to smoke poison do we? Also, if there is a farmer spraying harmful poisons and skirting the regulatory system and hurting people, that person should be fined or possibly arrested depending on the damage caused.

Believe me, as somebody who has been part of developing these programs in my city and county, once you get a room full of people with opinions on how the framework of an industry should be, everything gets cut up and piece-worked. Less is more when it comes to regulations IMO, but they are needed. :tiphat:

Would you say the real estate market is not fully "legal" then? You need a licence to sell a house, and you can go to jail for fraud?


Well-known member
I would change that a tad for me.

"I am pro legalization, and anti over regulation."

Some regulations must be in place. For example, pesticide regulations. We don't want to smoke poison do we? Also, if there is a farmer spraying harmful poisons and skirting the regulatory system and hurting people, that person should be fined or possibly arrested depending on the damage caused.

Believe me, as somebody who has been part of developing these programs in my city and county, once you get a room full of people with opinions on how the framework of an industry should be, everything gets cut up and piece-worked. Less is more when it comes to regulations IMO, but they are needed. :tiphat:

Would you say the real estate market is not fully "legal" then? You need a licence to sell a house, and you can go to jail for fraud?

Pretty sure there are already laws against poisoning people and fraud.


Well-known member
I am an organic grower. And I want to see all food type products tested. Pesticides and fungicides are not a strictly cannabis issue.

White Beard

Active member
Legalization is by definition regulation. It sounds like you're pro *decriminalization*.
Check your definitions: prohibition *IS* regulation in the form of heavy penalties for possession, use, and distribution. Legalization, by removing those restrictions and penalties, strikes that all down.

Decriminalization is a government-side choice not to enforce those restrictions and penalties, but does not *remove* them...the gov can decide to alter that choice because the laws are still in place. As we’ve seen, it’s not safe to bet that a change in attitude is real change if the old laws are still on the books.

Makes no difference whether new, more appropriate regulations are imposed governing purity, quality, etc. in cannabis for sale, or not: that is a regulation applied to most all consumable products sold to the public. It is not a ban on use, sale and possession.

Thought experiment: suppose cars were forbidden, and the public is unable to own a car, to drive a car, or to ride in the car. This isn’t regulation, because it suppresses to eliminate car use; if laws and circumstances are changed to allow cars and car use - with a valid tag and license and insurance - that is an entirely different situation from prohibition and consequent penalties for violation thereof.

Decriminalization is and has been completely inadequate in allowing cannabis to be grown and used and traded.

Personally I am FOR legalization: that is the elimination of penalties for seeds, roaches, dilated eyes, or ‘smelling funny’, for growing, and using, cannabis and cannabis products. In other words, *free* to buy, sell, use, and produce. Free like tomatoes, like pecans, like corn.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Decriminalization is a government-side choice not to enforce those restrictions and penalties, but does not *remove* them...the gov can decide to alter that choice because the laws are still in place. As we’ve seen, it’s not safe to bet that a change in attitude is real change if the old laws are still on the books.

It works in Amsterdam.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Trump has also implied Mexico is buying a wall.

He implied white supremacists carrying torches are very nice people.

He implied he doesn't know the guy he appointed to serve as Attorney General.

He implied Kim Jong Un is a great leader.

Grains of salt....