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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.

White Beard

Active member
Trump is not like any politician.
he understands the United States is a business, a corporation, that has been run into the ground intentionally.
Pretty well established that the whole “run the country like a business” canard has been pretty good for business owners but pretty much a repeated cratering for the rest of the population. Running the government as a for-profit business is one of the worst ideas to ever take root in politics.

“trichrider” said:
prior three administrations (2 bushes, clinton, and soetero) looted our grand-kids' futures for personal gain, allowed infrastructure decline, decimated the military, shit on the veterans, destroyed education, ruined health care, sowed division between sexes, fostered lgbtq insanity, and on and on.
Trump finally had enough and became POTUS to correct these insufferable misdeeds... and is doing a superlative job of restoring the Republic to The People.
If you’re going to count that badly, include Reagan in your toxic administrations: our first animatronic “president”, and the one who gave us the “run it like a business”.

Funny crap from a guy whose entire business was to read what he was paid to read.
Especially love the fantasy dream-date sequence there at the end. CLASSIC!

“trichrider” said:
The People are sovereign, the country is The People. we shall prevail, bet on it.
I agree completely, so don’t be too mad, ‘k?


One step closer today to federal legalized cannabis.........

Good bye Jeff Sessions. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Active member
...as if anyone Trump appoints is going to be any better. If you think Trump is going to legalize cannabis, you're fucking delusional.


...as if anyone Trump appoints is going to be any better. If you think Trump is going to legalize cannabis, you're fucking delusional.

That is a very strong opinion, from somebody that doesn't really know anymore than the average person. Unless you have inside info, and if so, please share.

I would argue the only thing delusional about this situation is the fact that Canada federally legalized commercial cannabis, Mexico legalized personal use, and over 40 states have medical use at a minimum. Couple that with the billions of dollars that can't enter the banking system as is with legal sales. Double that with the money the USA will be losing out on in the international market. Delusional behavior would be keeping cannabis illegal, IMO.

The writing is on the wall.


Active member
That is a very strong opinion, from somebody that doesn't really know anymore than the average person. Unless you have inside info, and if so, please share.

I would argue the only thing delusional about this situation is the fact that Canada federally legalized commercial cannabis, Mexico legalized personal use, and over 40 states have medical use at a minimum. Couple that with the billions of dollars that can't enter the banking system as is with legal sales. Double that with the money the USA will be losing out on in the international market. Delusional behavior would be keeping cannabis illegal, IMO.

The writing is on the wall.

I have no doubt that cannabis will be legal soon. It will not be because of any decision Donald Trump makes.

St. Phatty

Active member
...as if anyone Trump appoints is going to be any better. If you think Trump is going to legalize cannabis, you're fucking delusional.

Trump is a stray bullet.

He has a LOT of capital with his lower IQ MAGA-ists.

He COULD legalize Cannabis, to score political brownie points, and to piss off people he enjoys pissing off.

Spends a lot of time on his tan - or some kind of skin dye.


Well-known member
Trump is a stray bullet.

He has a LOT of capital with his lower IQ MAGA-ists.

He COULD legalize Cannabis, to score political brownie points, and to piss off people he enjoys pissing off.

Spends a lot of time on his tan - or some kind of skin dye.

LOL! "tan in a can" that color is not to be found in nature...:)


legal has not seemed better to me, if it was legal like catnip and strawberries i would love it, but one look at the ATF tells me they will just be adding cannabis. ATFC or something.
some states have big microbrew scenes but not most and i dont know anyone who is growing tobacco and its not because they dont smoke it .

Trump is a puppet. dont get riled up. my parents lose sleep over him but at the same time wont discuss chemtrails or 911 or one world gov.
So who is trump without the larger pictures?


The same could be said of Medicare for All, but he isn't doing that either.

Big difference IMO. First off, at least or about 50% of the country would not want Medicare for all. I thought we learned our lesson when we got told "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Add to that there is already a good medical alternative, just not free. So the need isn't there IMO.

Cannabis however has a much higher need. Currently, billions of dollars are crossing peoples hands and the government is just starting to rake in those taxes. Once international trade begins with cannabis, the USA would be losing out on billions of dollars, possibly trillions over time.

The pressure is mounting against political parties to legalize. With over 40 states now having medical cannabis, the success in the programs across the county and the minimal downside is really shinning a spot light on the industry. Currently, there are 4 bills I know of that are being developed and will soon be in front of the president if the House and Senate do their jobs.

Then think about all the millions of people in jail because of a plant that is legal in 40 states, Canada, Mexico ext ext. Leaders that see this problem, will show compassion once a bill is in front of them. Or at a minimum, it can be used as a bargaining platform.

The final part, that almost nobody knows about, is how the pharma companies are starting to patent cannabis for medicine. Once big pharma starts putting money into legalization instead of against it, it's over.

Just my two cents. IMO, people are too caught up on Trump and his personality to take a step back and realize federally legalized cannabis is just a small amount of time away, and I hope Trump is president when it happens. Why? Because that means it will happen sooner than later. :tiphat:


I have no doubt that cannabis will be legal soon. It will not be because of any decision Donald Trump makes.

You do realize he would have to sign the law into effect right? If it did happen?

Why does this matter so much to you? Why can Trump not be part of federal legalized cannabis? Can't you look at a man and say, "this, this and this suck about the guy, but did you see he legalized cannabis? At least he did one good thing before he gets out of office."


Active member
You do realize he would have to sign the law into effect right? If it did happen?

Why does this matter so much to you? Why can Trump not be part of federal legalized cannabis? Can't you look at a man and say, "this, this and this suck about the guy, but did you see he legalized cannabis? At least he did one good thing before he gets out of office."

He can be part of it, but he won't because he's a trash person who doesn't want cannabis legalized. There is no way a bill to legalize cannabis will ever land on his desk, because the Senate won't pass one either.


When has Trump ever said that cannabis should be illegal, or he doesn't want legal cannabis? How are you coming to these conclusions?

As I see it, he has already talked about it as a possibility, with quotes already given in this thread. I have never seen a quote from Trump saying otherwise...... Please share.


Active member
When has Trump ever said that cannabis should be illegal, or he doesn't want legal cannabis? How are you coming to these conclusions?

As I see it, he has already talked about it as a possibility, with quotes already given in this thread. I have never seen a quote from Trump saying otherwise...... Please share.


White Beard

Active member
“smith111” said:
Big difference IMO. First off, at least or about 50% of the country would not want Medicare for all. I thought we learned our lesson when we got told "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." Add to that there is already a good medical alternative, just not free. So the need isn't there IMO.
First off, you’re *guessing* as to the popularity of MFA within the medical community, so scratch that. The “you can keep your doctor” bit was thanks to sabotage: ACA is as flawed as it is because the Dems gave in to the GOP, crafting the bill the way the republicans said they needed for them to support the bill. Then they went back on the deal, refused to vote for it, took it to court, and used it as a hammer against the Obama and the Dems for years (they still do), but sure blame that on Obama if you must.

As for the existing system being “a good medical alternative “, that’s only true if you like the crushing of what’s left of the middle class, if you’re good with financial destruction, and are fine with people dying in droves either from the cost of treatment or from the bankruptcies that result from that cost.

The existing system, left running, will cost us ~50 trillion over the next ten years so...great “alternative”.