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Trump cancels summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

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Well-known member
Bozo, Socialism?

Socialism does not exist on the planet. It is just a very scary word that gets waved around when people compare the social benefits which could have been enjoyed instead of blowing insane amounts of money on military to extend the interests of a few rich people.

In the US people think welfare is socialism lol.


ICMag Donor
In the US people think welfare is socialism lol.

Some people....

In years gone by, the successful years, hospitals were built with tax dollars and the first medical insurance company was a cooperative to get us even better prices. Our education system was among the best in the world. Now they tell people that's bad. That's socialism. And welfare - that's really bad. Welfare isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on wars and the military. Worse yet, What did we get for all that military money long gone?


Active member
Cannavore, I just have to laugh at you. You claim socialism doesn't exist. You are completely brainwashed. I guess the 100 plus million deaths in the last century is just a fairytale. Good to know.

I get it you are envious of those who have worked harder than you, and accomplished more than you. I am not anywhere near the 1%, but I don't hate people who have more than me. Neither you , or me have a right what others have worked for. This is theft. Even if you vote for it, it is still theft. Envy is not a good thing, why don't you just work harder if you want more money.

As far as Obama leaving a strong economy, that's a joke. Kenseyain economics is and always has been a failure.

You constantly make fantastical statements, like how democrats are conservative. Their is essentially zero facts in your socialist/progressive fantasy land. You have so much hate in your heart that you are willing to recreate the most murderous ideology, because you hate those who have more than you. I every way this is simple jealousy, it's not healthy. It leads to the gulag.

You claim that Trump supporters spew lies and hate, that's rich. Don't let a few pesky facts get in the way of your jealousy, and hatred. Pick up a book you might actually learn something.


Active member
Some people....

In years gone by, the successful years, hospitals were built with tax dollars and the first medical insurance company was a cooperative to get us even better prices. Our education system was among the best in the world. Now they tell people that's bad. That's socialism. And welfare - that's really bad. Welfare isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on wars and the military. Worse yet, What did we get for all that military money long gone?

Socialism is the use of governmental force to redistribute the money the rich make to those who don't. A co-op is people joining together to get a better price, it's purely capitalism.

Welfare has increased every year with no reduction in beneficiaries, it's a complete failure. The black and immigrant community has become completely dependant on the government. The effectiveness of welfare is how many people get off welfare.I know families who 3 generations on welfare, these people have literally never worked a day in their life. This is virtual slavery.it has destroyed the family unit.They can't have a father in the home or no welfare, so children grow up without a father. foundation of society is the family. Welfare has destroyed lives a child needs a father.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Welfare has increased every year with no reduction in beneficiaries, it's a complete failure. The black and immigrant community has become completely dependant on the government. The effectiveness of welfare is how many people get off welfare.I know families who 3 generations on welfare, these people have literally never worked a day in their life. This is virtual slavery.it has destroyed the family unit.They can't have a father in the home or no welfare, so children grow up without a father. foundation of society is the family. Welfare has destroyed lives a child needs a father.


The Democrats pandering for votes has now cost the black community several generations of development and destroyed the integrity of their families. In 1957, LBJ gutted the bulk of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. After "evolving", he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and stated "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years".

What an awakening...


ICMag Donor
Socialism is the use of governmental force to redistribute the money the rich make to those who don't. A co-op is people joining together to get a better price, it's purely capitalism.

Welfare has increased every year with no reduction in beneficiaries, it's a complete failure. .

Excuse me, but you are the one throwing the term socialism around. Both your definition and application (Venezuela) are incorrect. Nothing in the US has anything to do with socialism, so just let it go because it is not relevant.

Welfare - I'm sure you know people who..... yada yada yada. But so what. Corporate welfare costs us thousands of times more and gets rationalized with trickle down economics. The fact is that the middle class has been decimated along with schools, infrastructure etc. in the past 30 years and the wealth of the middle class has moved to the top 0.1%.


Active member

The Democrats pandering for votes has now cost the black community several generations of development and destroyed the integrity of their families. In 1957, LBJ gutted the bulk of the 1957 Civil Rights Act. After "evolving", he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and stated "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years".

What an awakening...

Damn it Rives,

The ordinary folks aren't supposed to know this stuff. Don't you know that only democrats care about the poor. All republicans just want to keep y'all in chains. Evil rich people are forcing the poor people to work. Oh, no work isn't fair. I deserve a career in Lesbian dance theory that pays 6 figures. I am alive thus I deserve free stuff.

Just to clarify this is purely sarcasm. Some people won't get it so I must clarify.

Hope yall have a good weekend.


ICMag Donor
Damn it Rives,

The ordinary folks aren't supposed to know this stuff. Don't you know that only democrats care about the poor. All republicans just want to keep y'all in chains. Evil rich people are forcing the poor people to work. Oh, no work isn't fair. I deserve a career in Lesbian dance theory that pays 6 figures. I am alive thus I deserve free stuff.

Just to clarify this is purely sarcasm. Some people won't get it so I must clarify.

Hope yall have a good weekend.

Here ya go.



Active member
Which of those 17 indictments went to companies that don’t exist? I know you are aware that Flynn, Papadapolous, and Gates already plead guilty to lying multiple times about their Russian contacts.

Why aren’t Trumpettes screaming from the rooftop about fake indictments?

Or are you just making shit up, in a desperate attempt to justify the landslide of b.s.?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Packerfan.... I love how you assume I watch CNN and MSNBC because I called you out for drinking the Fox Kool Aid Str8 out the Tap ... I dont watch any of that Garbage

All of these News Corps are all owned and ran by Zionist Jews... They all have 1 agenda... morons who think Democrats or Republicans do anything besides Bow Down to Israel are RETARDED ...

Hillary and Donald are both Trash and would sell you out for anything JEWISH 1st...

I get my news sources from anything not controlled by Zionist Jews...sorry... I dont refer to Palestinians as terrorist .... they are David vs Goliath..they are the original people of the Bible.... fairy tales aside...

did you know that Kim Jong Un always calls out Israel as being a terrorist state..he talks shit for their murderous and evil ways all the time... when he went to School in Switzerland .... He's Westernized... he call these Bums out all the time for all their shady shit and all they can do is make America threaten him... I bet you that letter to Trump told Don Don to take that Kosher Pickle out of his Ass ...hes looking pregnant these days

TRUMP will go down for all his Shady Money Laundering Crimes all connected to RUSSIAN JEWS OF ISRAEL not RUSSIA.... The case being built up against Trump will be so massive and intense ...He's Trash .. get a passport and try leaving your county sometimes Packerfan ...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What exactly is Rothschild Zionism?

I have written and spoken extensively about the agenda behind the unfolding global financial crisis and here I will expose the coordinating force, or at least the prime one, behind that agenda and so much else, including 9/11.

Most conspiracy researchers either don't realize the fundamental significance of this network or are too frightened to say so if they do. Sod that.

It is widely known as Zionism or, as I call it, more accurately, I suggest... Rothschild Zionism. I add the 'Rothschild' to constantly emphasize the true creators of Zionism and its controllers to this day (see Human Race Get Off Your Knees).

I'll explain the connection later to the gathering economic catastrophe, but some background is necessary to put it all in the context that it needs to be seen.

Ask most people about Zionism and they will say 'that's the Jews', but while this is the impression the Rothschild networks in politics and the media have sought very successfully to 'sell' as 'common knowledge', it is not true. It represents only a minority of them and many others who are not Jewish.

Rothschild Zionism in its public expression is a political ideology based on a homeland for Jewish people in Palestine and a belief that the Jews are God's 'chosen race' with a God-given right to the 'promised land' of Israel (historically this is nonsense, as I show in my books)

They also believe that the real borders of Israel must encompass what is now Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank still officially owned by the Palestinians, plus Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Jordan, or, as Genesis puts it:

'... from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates'.

That's the public expression of Zionism, but at its inner core it is a secret society created and controlled by the House of Rothschild.

They have sought to sell the 'Zionism-means-all-Jewish-people' lie so that they can condemn as 'anti-Semites' and 'racists' anyone who exposes the truth about Rothschild Zionism and its agents in government, banking, business, media, military etc.

This is why most researchers won't go there even if they are aware enough to know that they should go there. To uncover and expose what is happening in the world we need all the 'bees' - brain, backbone, balls - and never more so than now.

Oh yeah, and add consciousness if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes beyond five-sense reality.

Racism is the ultimate ignorance in that it relates 'self' to the body instead of the Consciousness - Awareness - animating and experiencing through the body. It is like judging a man by his spacesuit instead of the person inside it.

So racists are ridiculous, juvenile and silly, but no way is the threat of being branded as one (they have already tried and failed) going to stop me exposing what must be exposed if the Control System is to fall.

The world's most extreme racists are, after all, the Rothschild Zionists, anyway. Israel is an apartheid state every bit as much as were apartheid South Africa and apartheid America.

And by that I don't only mean the evil that is inflicted upon the Palestinian people minute-by-minute, day-by-day, but also the extraordinarily racist divisions within Jewish society with the black Jews from Ethiopia, for example, treated as little more than vermin.

So let us get past the calculated smokescreen that challenging Rothschild Zionism and the horrors of Israel means you are anti-Jewish and instead look at the simple facts that they don't want you to know and acknowledge.

Firstly, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Rothschild Zionist, as US Vice-President, Joe Biden, publicly said while arse-licking his masters in Tel Aviv (ultimately his masters at Chateau Rothschild).

Some of the most vehement Rothschild Zionists are the Christian Zionists in the United States and elsewhere, led most vocally by their 'spiritual' leader, John C. Hagee. Think of the worst kind of extreme Bible-bashing hypocrite and you've got him to a tee.

Hagee is the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization, Christians United for Israel, he's a regular visitor to Israel and has met every prime minister since Menachem Begin.

His John Hagee Ministries has given more than $8.5 million to relocate Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel and he is the founder and Executive Director of an event called 'A Night to Honor Israel', which pledges solidarity between Christians and the State of Israel.

See the story later in this exposé headed 'GOD-TV Erase Israeli Bedouin Village to Bring Jesus' Second Coming' to appreciate the extreme and heartless way the non-Jewish Christian Zionists support the official Zionists - Rothschild Zionists.

By contrast, a large number of Jewish people are not Zionists, some even vehemently oppose it and support the Palestinians in their battle for survival against the onslaught of genocide from the Israel government and military funded by the United States.

Jewish people organize protests and call for boycotts of Israel in response to the Rothschild Zionist agenda for the Palestinians and yet how many people know that who glean their 'information' from the mainstream media?

How many people know, as portrayed in this picture, that many religious Jews abhor the demands by the Rothschild Zionists for a US attack on Iran and have had warm meetings with Iran's President Ahmedinejad to give their support?

No one who only gets their 'news' from the Rothschild-Zionist-controlled mainstream media would know any of this because they push only one line - Zionism means all Jewish people, end of story.

But anyone who thinks that is true should read the article by Jewish musician and writer, Gilad Atzmon, later in this package, headed 'How Israeli leaders kill for their people's votes'.

The Rothschilds have a network of organisations, including B'nai B'rith and its offshoot, the Anti Defamation League (ADL), that work with other Rothschild- controlled groups to target anyone who gets close to seeing the elephant in the living room and exposing it for all to see.

They attack and undermine them in every way they can to stop the simple and devastating truth coming to light - that the Rothschild Zionists control,

1. The mainstream media

2. Hollywood and the movie industry

3. Governments, not least in the United States

4. Crucially in the light of current events, they control global finance and commerce.

I am going to take you through the personnel of the Obama administration that 'he' appointed after his election in late 2008 to give you an idea of how the very few dictate to the very many via the Rothschild networks.

Remember as we go through the names that only 1.7% of the population of the United States is Jewish and significant numbers of those will not be Rothschild Zionists.

Obama appointed Rahm Emanuel (Rothschild Zionist) to be his White House Chief of Staff (handler).

Emanuel, who has served in the Israeli army, is the son of a former operative with the Irgun terrorist group that helped to bomb Israel into existence in 1948 and cause some 800,000 Palestinians to flee their homeland in terror.

(Many Israelis connected to the Rothschild networks were sent to the United States after the State of Israel was established to specifically produce children who would be American-born citizens to infiltrate the US government system in the following generations.)

Obama's White House Senior Advisor (handler) is David Axelrod (Rothschild Zionist), a close associate of Emanuel and the man who ran Obama's 'change you can believe in' election campaigns against Hillary Clinton and John McCain.

Axelrod now oversees the words on the teleprompter screens to which Obama is welded for even the most minor announcement. Axelrod, like Emanuel, is the product of the Rothschild Zionist 'political' Mafia that controls Chicago where Rahm Emanuel is now running for mayor.

One of Obama's chief funders and controllers is the Rothschild Zionist agent, George Soros, the multi-billionaire financial speculator and manipulator of countries, not least in the former Soviet Union.

Obama appointed a stream of Rothschild Zionist 'advisors' and 'czars' in various subject areas, including infamous Rothschild Zionist agent, Henry Kissinger, and one, Cass Sunstein, 'Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs', has called for 'conspiracy theories' to either be banned or taxed.

This is another Rothschild goal - to ban any view or research that exposes the Rothschild agenda.

Sunstein (Rothschild Zionist) says the opinion that 'global warming' is a manipulated hoax could be an example of what should be banned or taxed (see banned), and so how appropriate that Obama appointed Carol Browner (Rothschild Zionist) and Todd Stern (Rothschild Zionist) to take charge of his 'global warming'/'climate change' policies.

*so much more about it here: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biggestsecret/esp_icke53.htm
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Well-known member
been 24 hours, so I come back to see if anything of interest or insight was added [hey, I find useful nuggets of wisdom in the oddest of spots at times].
3 things jumped out at me right away, one was packerfan advising zeez to grab a book.

The second was bozo suggesting that courtesy could be contagious.

The third was the longer statement of position by packer. It does appear he spent a good deal of time and thought on that post.

I notice that this thread seems to be drawing new participants.


Well-known member
Gypsy, I love the intellectual horsepower behind that writing, but when I click on the link and look at the images, I don't feel so inclined to read their text.

Could not help but notice that the site and freedom house look very similar, other than photoshopped images.


Active member
Packerfan.... I love how you assume I watch CNN and MSNBC because I called you out for drinking the Fox Kool Aid Str8 out the Tap ... I dont watch any of that Garbage

All of these News Corps are all owned and ran by Zionist Jews... They all have 1 agenda... morons who think Democrats or Republicans do anything besides Bow Down to Israel are RETARDED ...

Hillary and Donald are both Trash and would sell you out for anything JEWISH 1st...

I get my news sources from anything not controlled by Zionist Jews...sorry... I dont refer to Palestinians as terrorist .... they are David vs Goliath..they are the original people of the Bible.... fairy tales aside...

did you know that Kim Jong Un always calls out Israel as being a terrorist state..he talks shit for their murderous and evil ways all the time... when he went to School in Switzerland .... He's Westernized... he call these Bums out all the time for all their shady shit and all they can do is make America threaten him... I bet you that letter to Trump told Don Don to take that Kosher Pickle out of his Ass ...hes looking pregnant these days

TRUMP will go down for all his Shady Money Laundering Crimes all connected to RUSSIAN JEWS OF ISRAEL not RUSSIA.... The case being built up against Trump will be so massive and intense ...He's Trash .. get a passport and try leaving your county sometimes Packerfan ...

With a name like storm shadow, I am not surprised that you would spew antisemitic hate. Palestinians use women and children as human shields, pathetic.

Isreal is the ONLY secular democracy in the middle East. This is a fact. Deal with it, or keep goosesteping to the next NAZI rally. In no way is Isreal an apartied state. Palestinians have clearly stated the ONLY goal is the elimination of the Jewish race. Their will be no peace as long as 1 jew,remains alive on this planet.

I only mention CNN and MSNBC because you parrot everything they say. I don't agree with everything on Fox but at Least they tell the other side of the story. I rarely watch any mainstream media, it's purely antisemitic propaganda.

As for the indictments, I find it entertaining that you have unending faith in a FEDERAL PROSECUTOR. A pothead who trust the feds that's rich. You may not be aware that 90% of federal cases are plea bargains. Many innocent people plead to avoid potential decades in federal prison. I would face many years in federal prison if the feds raided my house, I assume the same is true for you. It really doesn't matter what facts are you want to spew hate even if it's not factual.

I really hoped you would be able to open your mind and not march your way to a new world order.
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