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Feds forcing people out of their homes!!


im me

I dont know how to post links to other websites but if ya google federal government kicks people out of homes _ youwill see what i mean.
basicly anyone living in a houseboat on lake mead have been forcefully evicted. Not only were they forced out of there homes but the cocksucking feds wouldnt allow them to retrieve their houseboats! So know theyre homeless! Google it and see for yourselves how fucked up weve let this country get!
The feds even ripped out the docks so anyone not in their houseboats couldnt return and stranding anyone on their boat! Alot of people living on houseboats in lake mead lived on them all year.


couldn't find anything when i searched startpage.com. all you do is copy and paste the url into a post to post a link. but even if it's just a url we can copy it.


Lake Mead property owners forced out until shutdown ends

By Jacqui Heinrich

CREATED Oct. 4, 2013

The Spencers never expected to be forced out of their Lake Mead home, which they've owned since the 70s, but on Thursday, a park ranger said they had 24 hours to get out.

"I had to go to town today and buy Ralph undershirts and jeans because I forgot his pants," Joyce Spencer told Action News.

The Stewart's Point home sits on federal land, so even though the Spencers own their cabin outright, they're not allowed in until the government reopens.

Park officials said property owners can visit only to retrieve belongings; they sent Action News a statement which reads in part, "Unfortunately overnight stays are not permitted until a budget is passed and the park can reopen."
Joyce Spencer said she's alright in the meantime, staying with nearby family, but the move was a lot to handle as a senior citizen.

"I had to be sure and get his walker and his scooter that he has to go in," Spencer said. "We're not hurt in any way except it might cost me if I have to go buy more pants."

The Lake Mead properties are considered vacation homes; one of the lease requirements to own a plot is people must have an alternative residence.

Regardless, the Spencers said it's their property and they should be allowed in, shutdown or not.
sure is strange
shouldn't they be warned in advance ?

there is a video on the website if you follow the link


Active member
wonder if this is going on at my local lake? theres plenty o houseboats there with year round residents. the ranger/warden whatever was expecting to close last I visited. us locals have talked about closures and decieded its a free for all . gonna be at the lake tonight an I don't care if its open or not. I am going fishing anyhow.


it does seem to look like they are trying to make this closure felt and as inconvenient as possible for folks. i read a story where they are having to patrol more to keep people out of federal land then they would on a normal day. now that is what you call ironic and moronic, lol. it's costing more to shut down monuments and parks during the shut down then it would to keep the doors open. this smells of an executive decision to let people feel the closure as much as possible within the rules. quite pathetic really.


Active member
I am one of those people . ^^^^^^ cant keep me out mutherfuckers. I am pissed off as I just got my season passes an plan on continueing like all is open. the upside is I had looked at renting out a houseboat to live in . glad I didn't as then I would be really pissed off.i left my boltcutters and lockpicks in da city. got to go retrieve em soon. lol
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ICMag Donor
A few dicks in Washington can't make up their minds - and as if by magic, the earth is no longer accessible...

What a bunch of bull crap. Truly...government, when it grows to large - is completely against all people.


im me

When i first posted this i was so pissed. Alot of those people lived on their boats year round. throwing people out of their homes is just the start this is bullshit. how can they do this? Dont WE own the lakes?

Grass Lands

is this all by design? is it to see how far they can push the sheeple?


At a John Birch Society council dinner speech on March 9, 1974, society founder Robert Welch laid out what he called the “Insiders” long-range plans for the destruction of American sovereignty.

According to Wikipedia’s entry on Welch, his term “Insiders” referred to a cartel of globalist organizations including Bildeberg, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, as well as international financial and big business families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. In other words, it’s what is commonly referred to today as the New World Order: a powerful ultra elite perched on the tippy top of the pyramid and working furiously behind the scenes to bring about a totalitarian one-world government.

At that council dinner, Welch quoted himself from the John Birch Society’s founding meeting in 1958 — 55 years ago now — laying out ten steps to destroy America. “A part of that plan, of course, is to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece-by-piece and step-by-step, to various international organizations — of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example,” he said.

Here are the ten steps Welch outlined:

Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of ever larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.
Higher and then much higher taxes.
An increasingly unbalanced budget despite the higher taxes.
Wild inflation of our currency.
Government controls of prices, wages and materials supposedly to combat inflation.
Greatly increased socialistic controls over every operation of our economy and every activity of our daily lives. This is to be accompanied naturally and automatically by a correspondingly huge increase in the size of our bureaucracy and in both the cost and reach of our domestic government.
Far more centralization of power in Washington, and the practical elimination of our state lines. There is a many-faceted drive at work to have our state lines eventually mean no more within the nation than our county lines do now within the states.
The steady advance of federal aid to and control over our educational system leading to complete federalization of our public education.
A constant hammering into the American consciousness of the horror of modern warfare. The beauties and the absolute necessities of peace, peace always on communist terms of course.
The constant willingness of the American people to allow the steps of appeasement by our government that amount to a piece meal surrender of the rest of the free world and the United States itself.

Looking at the state of (post-9/11) America today — the perpetual War on Terror, empire building in the name of “humanitarian regime change” of democratically elected leaders in foreign countries, the Department of Homeland Security and its Transportation Security Administration goon squad, the National Defense Authorization Act and its ability to disappear American citizens suspected of terrorism without due process of law, Obamacare, the National Security Administration’s big brother surveillance state, the militarization of our police in an ever-expanding police state, the common core, the Federal Reserve’s runaway monopoly money printer and a nation hanging on the verge of economic collapse, the crackdown on food freedom — how accurate do you think Welch was in his predictions?

Check out the full video of Welch’s speech, including his solutions, below.



Active member
local lake run by army corps still open . talked to a few house boat residents. they said aint happening here mutherfucker. this is our homes. smoked a bunch up. happy trails. I don't do whatever I want but I have the gear ifn I need to. lex your not the same since you lost your hair. hey man I can fly to mexico an get ya Viagra and rogaine at 1\4 of the us rates might make ya a man again. let me know bro. by the way I got rid of your old lady after she got chapped lips. and she only gave an average blowjob. DAVESNOTHERE


Active member
I don't know how they are figuering out what to shut down its seems to be random an in important places .the army corp runs the local lake an is open still. go figure local nat park closed. its open to mee anyhow. an if iut stays closed I will cut pick lock and open gates just for fun. got everything as soon as last trip to city. bolt cutter,lockpicks. diamond cutting wheel and torch no superpowers needed lol


Active member
lake closed . residents still on their boats. just my luck I relocate here an the park an lake both close. wtf. hope it don't last long


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

Gangsta Government.

Its a show of executive force to hurt the people as much as possible. To make the shutdown as visible as possible and then blame it on red team for political propaganda points. I say propaganda because red and blue are the same team. This beat down is just one in a long line of more to come.

This will be resolved by Oct 17th. The can will be kicked a few months down the road. Everyone will go back to sleep.... until we have another 11th hour near miss meltdown again in a few weeks. The rest period between these near meltdowns is getting shorter and shorter though. Cycle is getting faster it seems.