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Trudeau, the Liberals and legalization



It's quite peculiar to me that there still ain't no mention of THC:CBD ratios only months from the "Ô Canada" day, which is now shifting seasons apparently, anyway...


M'well, IMO January 2019 would make sense and even beyond actually:
[ cndblog.org/2017/01/cnd-intercessional-25-january-2017-preparations-for-the-62nd-session-in-2019/ ]
Commission on Narcotic Drugs ** CND intersessional – 25 January 2017: Preparations for the 62nd Session in 2019 (2017-Jan-25)
Now here's a not-so-new graphic which recently attracted my attention:
[ s14.postimg.org/tcfeln6cx/Animation_for_2-to-1_THC_vs_CBD_Ratio.gif ]

[ www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/understanding-marijuana-thc-cbd-levels ]
Leafly: How to Help Consumers Understand the Amount of THC and CBD in Their Cannabis (2017-Nov-29)
The theoretical maximum amount of noble molecules would be delimited by the yellow area, ideally with advanced selections of "entourage" profiles near the edge. Anyone notice some relative voids along the 2:1 THC:CBD vector? Or 3:1 THC:CBD as well for that matter?...


I think it's obviously resulting from decades of THC-centric selection promoting the "buzz", itself promoted by greed because it is generally assumed that "recreative" consumers always seek THC-only scenarios... As for the UN's "medical cannabis" it's no less centric neither while even 1:1 doesn't sound all too sexy, "buzz" wise...

In addition, if it weren't for rare/precious contributions the offer would happen to be essentially "bipolar" (e.g. self-vilifying), with symetry in being unbalanced!...

How about offering customers a full spectrum for a change and then we check the contaminated statistics again!


Consumption methods including "Micro-Dosage" (vs "Tolerance" level) are also an increasing part of the whole picture, especially in "medical" applications but not only. Too bad bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists can't satisfy with true "Harm Reduction" that doesn't serve a predatory system nationwide. So-called "Re-Hab" à la Narconon, "Kid-for-Cash", "Fix-my-Kid". A sin industry essentially.

Ah. By the way, i find this interesting in a GMO context:

[ www.goc411.ca/en/79457/Hilary-Geller ]
Hilary Geller works as Assistant Deputy Minister for Environment and Climate Change Canada.
They couldn't hide her away from cameras anymore! We can bet LP consumer$ are about to get biologically tagged - even become fluorescent under an UV lamp, contaminated with Trudeau's GMO "Bio-Markers" and whatnot!...
In The Name Of Children.
Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
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Salutations TychoMonolyth,

Just in case you didn't notice please rest informed that i do nothing to please individuals who somehow end up on my [ IGNORE ] list, eventually, which is the only flag available to manage all sorts of nuisances, i'm afraid. That means i can only recommend you to write the post yourself if you need it to meet your own criterias - not to mention regain my respect if you should feel like it!


Now about politics lets insist again that Justin SuperPÉTeux Trudeau has no POLITICAL spine and ZERO COURAGE each time he manages to avoid his own LIBERAL legacy, which goes back to Henri-Sévérin Béland relatively to Canada's national ban of 1923, then even worse: the international one with Raoul Dandurand rewarded for his "contribution" with a president chair at the League of Nations in 1925.

Actually i consider such self-serving history revisionism only worthy of a corrupt bigot politician who's desperate enough to blame Nixon and/or the so-called 1961 "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs" instead of assuming plain simple facts as recorded:

[ www.incb.org/documents/Narcotic-Drugs/1961-Convention/convention_1961_en.pdf ]

Article 44 - Termination of previous international treaties

« 1. The provisions of this Convention, upon its coming into force, shall, as between Parties hereto, terminate and replace the provisions of the following treaties:


(c) International Opium Convention, signed at Geneva on 19 February 1925


In other words it's a politically-convenient DECOY to define this '61 treaty as the origin of all evils while the crunchy part resides right here:

[ sencanada.ca/content/sen/committee/371/ille/library/history-e.htm#C.%20The%201925%20Geneva%20Opium%20Conventions ]

« C. The 1925 Geneva Opium Conventions


Between November 1924 and February 1925, two back-to-back conferences were held and two separate treaties concluded. The first Geneva Convention focused on opium-producing nations; signatories were permitted to sell opium only through government-run monopolies and were required to end the trade completely within 15 years.

The second Geneva Convention, the International Opium Convention (1925 Geneva Convention), was intended to impose global controls over a wider range of drugs, including, for the first time, c a n n a b i s – described as "
I n d i a n _ h e m p " in Article 11 of the Convention.

Starting from there it would be interesting to remind us what the objectives and "science" were, initially. Talk to me about cannabis expected to fuel slavery and/or sexual exploitation of women and children...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:

Rocky Mtn Squid

CBC - Power and politics - Cannabis Edition

CBC - Power and politics - Cannabis Edition

Here is the March 30/2018 edition of CBC Power and Politics. I despise the CBC, the propaganda arm of the Canadian Government that burns through millions of Canadian tax dollars every year feeding the gullible public copious amounts of bullshit. Painful as this may be, this video is germane to this thread.


First two schmucks to be interviewed are:

Terry Lake : V.P. Corp. - Hydropothecary - Licensed Producer
Cam Battley : CEO - Aurora Cannabis - Licensed Producer

Then a a guided tour of the facilities of Hydropothecary, at the 9:32 mark. :plant grow:

Then a discussion of Bill C-46 at the 12:44 mark of the video between a shark like lawyer chomping at the bit, eagerly anticipating to file a constitutional challenge against it with fame and dollar signs glistening in her eyes, debating an ancient curmudgeon representative from MADD.

Warning: some of this content is laughable and semi-painful to digest. View at your own risk. :bigeye:




Salutations Rocky Mtn Squid,

Nice finding, 847 MB now on disc, in 1280x720 resolution that's nearly ideal for cropped memes and more!!


It's so heart-warming watching his girls performing hand-trimming @ 10:25, while i've got to wonder if they're planning to get cyndicated...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
Thank God Terry Lake managed to land on his feet after the Liberals lost their majority here in B.C. I was worried sick! And that criminal defense lawyer did indeed look like she was ready to rake in some cash to pay for the next round of collagen lip injections. Is anyone else growing apathetic to how repetitive these stories are becoming? They always do the tour of the facility, the talk with the lawyers and company reps. Let's just rip off the band aid and see what happens.

Rocky Mtn Squid

Tommy Chong Remembers Narc Abe Snidanko

Tommy Chong Remembers Narc Abe Snidanko

My apologies for referencing the pathetic Canadian Broadcasting Corp. once again, but I just recently discovered this story, and found it to be fucking hilarious. As always, truth is stranger than fiction. Apparently, the character played by Stacey Keach in "Up in Smoke", Sgt. Stadenko, is (was) a real person. Snidanko was a RCMP Narc in Vancouver, way back when Chong lived there and owned a comedy club.

Here is a 7 minute audio interview from 2017 with Tommy on the C-B-C radio show, "As It Happens":


Tommy was being very charitable with his recollection of Snidanko. I don't think I would have been as kind with my words, if he had done that same shit to me. Funny how much things have changed, especially out in Vancouver. :biggrin:

I can well imagine how many lives he must have ruined, busting people for weed back in the day. He obviously was a stereotypical asshole RCMP Narc, de rigueur for that era.

I'm having a toke of some fine sour weed as I type this, in honor of the now deceased Sgt. Snidanko., aka, Sgt. Stadenko....:pimp3:

It's scary how much he looks like Harper ! :laughing:

Some vintage videos, and an interesting article from the Vancouver Sun entitled "Hippie Nemesis Abe Snidanko Dies At Age 79," with some equally interesting posts in the commentary section at the bottom. All in the link posted above from the interview.

Always Sour,


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New member
and as for legalization. ? It might happen one day but not soon that's for sure!!!


The only hope?

No they will get to run on it again but be able to show voters they are trying hard to get this bill through. And they will win another majority on it. More potential millennial voters next election then baby boomers. Mr selfie is well liked by the young dumb generation. The bills not passing just means the subject gets to be front and center all over again.
It may not happen at all this year. Lol

This may mark the first time the conservatives were happy to have First Nations opposing legislation. I love how the article starts out with concern over exacerbating social issues and the need for culturally appropriate education materials. And then gets to the heart of the matter, taxation, money and the desire of First nations groups to be part of the legal cannabis industry. So who thinks this will actually slow things down or if Justin will actually push the legislation through?

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