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Cookie monster

The dogs been going apeshit with her squeeky pig for 2 hours.....it's 7am :coffee:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
my pitbull is feeling yucky has a bad tummy poisonous gasses permeating my throat and skin, And he has puked, Maybe if that lil felon would keep his nosey ass outta stuff. He wouldnt have eaten bermuda grass seed, Or yeast for beer making as well as my sons sidewalk chalks..That were on my bench and he had no business focking with... maybe just maybe he will think twice now, maybe not..

Cookie monster

my pitbull is feeling yucky has a bad tummy poisonous gasses permeating my throat and skin, And he has puked, Maybe if that lil felon would keep his nosey ass outta stuff. He wouldnt have eaten bermuda grass seed, Or yeast for beer making as well as my sons sidewalk chalks..That were on my bench and he had no business focking with... maybe just maybe he will think twice now, maybe not..

Poor lil guy hope he's feeling better soon, must be farting like hell after the brewers yeast :)

On the bright side you now have a mobile jenkem generator :puke:


Note to self.

Next time i go to clean up the river bank i need to bring a big stick with cats taped to the end.
Friggin rats are the size of small dogs over here.
Cookie sounds like you need the killing power of the Jack Russell Terrier Rat Squad!

Cookie monster

Too right Mary, uncle used to have a few on the farm and theres nothing those lil guys liked more than tearing apart rats..

Ah childhood memorys :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
they trash canned the super duper funny picture thread? why? Or cos they gave ole blue balls the chop>?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
someone mentioned it above on the page before... Im not sure.. ima sheck it out..


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i did a search and this thread pops up cos we just mentioned it. NO picture thread that was super duper and funny.... That sux some of my best work was in there..:D
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