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Phony in-law crashing the party

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Maybe you need to think about your own marriage and what your wife means to you.

You don't speak very well of her in this thread and thats unusual since you indicated its a fairly recent marriage.

Lord Doobie

Yes...I've noticed she's creating undue stress
Like I said, she's generous to a fault where it's creating problems
I, on the other hand, am perfect :1help:


The Hopeful Protagonist
WOW....you'd think this fakker would have the decency to go to prison for 6-9 months every year for petty thievery.....just like my BIL :D

Stop the hand-outs and that's the next stop for these types. :bashhead:

GL LD :joint: I hear the Islands are beautiful this time of year


This is the stupidest shit ever.

If someone told me " You have to pay for me to go to vegas" I would laugh at them and tell them to get the fuck out of my house.


The BIG ILAND is the best place on earth but you might miss your wife!!! Fuck your brother-outlaw now!!! So you can get leid while in HAWAII. Don't hold back let the asshole have it with both barrels.

h^2 O

is the lady his mom? And it's.....your wife's mother?
I don't think it's fukt up. If you have the money, why not. You're helping out your wife's brother. If your wife is okay with you and her brother not liking each other/disagreeing about a vacation "present"....

h^2 O

The BIG ILAND is the best place on earth but you might miss your wife!!! Fuck your brother-outlaw now!!! So you can get leid while in HAWAII. Don't hold back let the asshole have it with both barrels.
I've always had the feeling that Hawaiins are EXTREMELY racist. Supposedly "beat whitey day"...rumors like that.
I want to go to Hawaii though.

Lord Doobie

ha ha
yes...it's my wife's brother and mother involved (a.k.a. the goofs)
this was all done basically without my knowledge...if asked, I would have obviously said NO
I only found out about it by accidently overhearing a phone call
Only when I asked what was up did she tell me...which says a lot
I've told her it's the very last time and she's agreed

h^2O, those aren't rumors...car-fulls of thugs (not necessarily Hawaiians) cruise every island looking for someone alone to rob and beat to a bloody pulp...usually at night. this puts them in the hospital and it's days before they can talk to the police. by this time, they've forgotten most of their attacker's description.

if you're unlucky enuf to be caught miles and miles from civilization (including state camping areas), you're SOL. some were attacked right through their tents in remote campgrounds in the middle of the night. the tourist industry disguises the beatings and robbings as "unpleasant experiences". thugs know that it takes hundreds if not thousands of dollars to come to Hawaii...by playing the numbers, they know they're going to hit the jackpot with some fool carrying cash...and they do...all the time...even a backpacker

this just reinforces them...be aware...be VERY aware...this is one the major ways how Hawaiian vacations get ruined along with car rental break-ins (the rental has a sticker on it). the tourist industry hides all this, of course

Lord Doobie

yes, it's fine...just be aware and not a victim. in fact, given the amount of tourists, the industry could even say it's rare...but it still happens a lot. with 33 million tourists a year, 1000 tourists could be BEATEN AND ROBBED every single day and it's still less than 1%. it's all relative, isn't it?

it's fine when you fly in, take a transport to your hotel, and never leave it...or never leave your rental car or are always with a group in broad daylight.

a guy was just SEVERELY BEATEN and ROBBED by 4 doods at the International Market Place right in Waikiki.

a friend of mine was hitch-hiking and after he got in and closed the door, was SEVERELY BEATEN by 4 thugs who then ROBBED him and threw him out.

i was walking with two other guys when a couple of HUGE thugs with palm froms wanted to take us ALL on down by the tennis courts at the end of the strip...when I turned on my radio the next morning, the news said some guy was SEVERELY BEATEN AND ROBBED by the tennis courts...his car keys and wallet taken, and his collarbone broken

again, teams of thugs are looking for someone vulnerable, alone, and work mostly under cover of darkness...BE AWARE


Well-known member
holy shit!
thanks for the heads up doobie
ps-if it's your wife's money, i'd stay out of it
if it's yours, her name needs to scome off the account

h^2 O

wow guys this is horrible. I definitely see a massive cover-up happening. Well I wouldn't want some thugs to ruin my vacation....maybe pull a Charles Bronson on the big island.
i wonder why nobody has just walked to that tent city with and burned it down. I think I've seen it "dramatized" on TV somewhere - the "mean surfer" doing this and that. I would just carry a stungun and if anyone wanted to rob or beat me I'd get em in the neck, and then pull their pants down and throw their shoes in the woods


Ya, If your wife has a job and shes stupid enough to fund bob the slob's vegas adventure than whatever.

But if shes a stay at home wife and dishing out your money for this jackass to bang some hooker in vegas and blow a couple hundred on roulette then Its over. You gotta put your foot down and extracate that money out of that jack ass before he stashes it or spends it.


Active member
I only read the first page of this thread, so maybe someone said it already, but why don't you ask him at the next family dinner in front of everyone why he thinks you guys should have to buy a grown man a ticket to anywhere? Honestly, what is he going to say to justify his position that doesn't sound like complete shit? All members of the family will be present(invite them) you have asked him a completely legitimate question, all are there to witness it, better then one on one where he can change the story about what was said.
Perfect setting to allow him to expouse himself through his justifications as a complete lowlife piece of shit leach, he should hang himself for you with his own words, and you should expierence little to no fallout from the family.
Unless he dragged you and the wife out of a burning building at some point in the past, you owe him nothing, christ brother, put your foot done and put a stop to this shit once and for all.


Active member
Also, go join a gym, train heavy for at least a year, and then the next time the BL starts in with his shit, yank him out of his chair, hard walk him to the door, and throw him the fuck out of it, tell him he can come back when he learns how to act right.
Plus people will be less likely to mess with you if your jacked on your vacation.


I am a big fan of the 'forceful, direct, and private' approach-mano-a-slime...

Take the guy aside and tell how you roll. I did the same with my wife's crazy fucking mother and it worked. She said she doesn't feel welcome here any more. Problem solved. She's stolen from my wife, extorted money from a family member over a slip/fall, and even tried ice cream induced reeducation of her 6 year old grandson to pump him up against his Dad. She's a horrible human being, but I do have to say that she's my wife's Mom and I have to have respect. I just don't have to like her. I'm all about solving problems in a direct fashion, your wife doesn't have to know that you threatened to break his legs behind closed doors. Maybe that will yield the intended result. Free ride's over facker, here's a BUS ticket to Vegas, times are tough...c-ya...

Oh yeah, and PS--DON'T go to Waikiki. Don't we go on vacations to forget how miserable our daily lives are? If Hawaii had an armpit, it would be Waikiki. Total shithole, ANYWHERE else in Hawaii will do!

Lord Doobie

As it turns out, my wife is only giving him $250 so I guess it's not that big a deal. I thought it was a LOT more...like $1500. I've warned her not to do it again as he's now expecting a free vacation every year. I can't wait to see the look on his face next year when he learns he's SOL...yet my wife worries me. Will she cave in to the slobby slobberton? She's such a wimp. Stay tuned, folks.

[Oddly, I didn't quite make it back from my day trip and was walking in the dark about 5 miles outside of Hilo. There were few cars and no place to hide along the road. Everytime a car's headlights shone, I freaked. I was lucky to make it back in one piece.]

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