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moose eater

Well-known member
Don't get me started . . . :rolleyes:

I am glad that you had a good trip . . . although your health concerns are alarming. Rest and recuperate a bit before you haul out again. Gawd knows I am running pretty ragged after we hustled through our long overdue paint, carpets and general rehab in the lower 1/3 of our house. My wife LOVES setting deadlines and I scoff at them. Well, we met the Easter Sunday deadlines she set. I can't say that I was a willing participant all of the time and my hash supplies have plummeted accordingly. Now I have to finish reassembling my office/critical listening room/grow room. It does look a lot nicer now and I swear - I really do - that I will try to keep it all tidy. Well, at least tidier.
Yep, the recuperation times for trips into the woods and other activities that require more significant exertion become longer and longer, and that kicks off a new sort of depression; one of acceptance of newer limitations, changing reality, and slowly departing from what was once taken for granted and viewed as normal outings. Packing for trips now takes 2 x's as long, and recovery requires three times what it once did.

"I'm -not- old.. I'm -not- old.. I'm -not- old...". The hopeful mantra now just receives chuckles from the Cosmos. :)

moose eater

Well-known member
Sorry to hear about the wall, and much moreso about your health... I certainly understand wanting to wait until reacclimation has been achieved for deciding on scans.

I had no idea that they were that much...
My last set of 3 CT Scans and one full-body nuclear bone scan, after adjustment (reductions in costs) for contractually agreed upon amounts between the insurer and the service provider, totaled well over $8,000, and my part was about $2,800, resulting in no conclusive anything. And that was after having paid my initial deductible, which I haven't yet done this year.

A proper PET Scan of the sort that would show pre-tumors that the other scans typically can't see would mean a trip to Seattle (back to the lion's jaws where the fuckers nearly killed me), and the only way they'll write that up for me in an order and referral is if I agree to some form of radiation tx., which isn't approved as effective across the board with the American Cancer Association of Physicians, or what ever their org is called.

Aside from the lack of long-term benefit from playing whack-a-mole with radiating tumors. Something a person could do for a long time, spending a lot of money on travel and treatments, and still come out on the losing end.

Knowing when to say "when". Still not sure where that point is, but I sense it's been pretty close.


Well-known member
Got a gym membership for a place called Waverly Oaks Athletics...$85 a month and it's all homosexuals and ugly chicks...and the equipment is like 20 years old. Rather just let them cancel the account then actually go inside and exercise. Are gyms near you guys like this? How do you find a normal gym???
let me sell you a CalGym with all of the bells and whistles. my younger sons cat is the only "family member" that gets any use out of it. she sleeps on the padded seats...

moose eater

Well-known member
Got a gym membership for a place called Waverly Oaks Athletics...$85 a month and it's all homosexuals and ugly chicks...and the equipment is like 20 years old. Rather just let them cancel the account then actually go inside and exercise. Are gyms near you guys like this? How do you find a normal gym???
I have some acreage with lots of spruce and aspen logs to be moved/hauled, cut, split, and stacked for sale, that the wind donates to me several times a year, an HRV core that's the size of a small dormitory refrigerator, that needs hauled down a flight of stairs and soaked several times a year, and gear from a trip to put away in the basement, the barn, and the shed, then sort for another possible trip to get out to the bush to deliver some cuttings. My body hurts just thinking about it.

Never would I pay anyone money for the benefit of abusing myself via that exercise. I keep looking for people I can pay for the privilege of abusing themselves via that exercise.

What's a gym membership? :)
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moose eater

Well-known member
let me sell you a CalGym with all of the bells and whistles. my younger sons cat is the only "family member" that gets any use out of it. she sleeps on the padded seats...
I found my stationary bicycle I acquired after major knee surgery in 1991 to be a most excellent hat and coat rack. Unique in its own right, thus somewhat decorative, and prone to developing into the focal point of conversations at parties.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I ask myself "what do I have to do today?" and then I go about doing it... usually.

Sometimes I smoke too much too early but that wouldn't work for actually going all the way to the gym.

What does a gym have for you?

If you're trying to meet chicks go to the library or music store or head shop or whatever... just steer clear of the church.... some of those chicks do not like you dippin and quittin. Or so I have heard.


Active member
Good morning Everyone ... !

So what's happening Moose? I mean I 'm a long way away from Alaska, don't sit in front of the PC every day and dislike reading a lot. I crave accurate paraphrases.

Could it be that with all the handicaps listed above I have not grasped what is happening with you? Am I right to think that you're going to walk out into the remote snow to die? I hear freezing to death is not painful.

If so ... GOOD FOR YOU!

(Here, inland terminal Indigenous walk into the sun until they can walk no further. Takes guts, eh?)

moose eater

Well-known member
Good morning Everyone ... !

So what's happening Moose? I mean I 'm a long way away from Alaska, don't sit in front of the PC every day and dislike reading a lot. I crave accurate paraphrases.

Could it be that with all the handicaps listed above I have not grasped what is happening with you? Am I right to think that you're going to walk out into the remote snow to die? I hear freezing to death is not painful.

If so ... GOOD FOR YOU!

(Here, inland terminal Indigenous walk into the sun until they can walk no further. Takes guts, eh?)
Anyone who has told you that freezing is painless has never frozen a limb. Eventually when hypothermia sets in, and the senses are lost, then it may become painless. But up until that point, frozen feet and frozen hands can feel like walking on red-hot coals or handling them.

No, when it's my time, it'll either be an effective narcotic cocktail or inert gases. I'm into expediency, efficiency, and painlessness whenever possible. Consider it part of old-age lethargy.

Edit: My father ODed, and froze to death as an add-on (February 1968). My sister, never to be outdone by others, accomplishments, ODed, slit her wrists, and froze to death (Maybe Winter 2000 or 2001). My brother went down as a gunshot suicide (August 1994), but I'm fairly confident his roommate shot him and helped to make it look like a self-inflicted gunshot.

As stated earlier, my mother ODed on acetaminophen/Tylenol (November 1993), though the determination of 'suicide' by the ME was removed and changed to 'undetermined' as there was insufficient evidence that it was clearly intentional.

Me, I think my referenced and preferred methods are adequate unto themselves, and there's no need to subject oneself to the cold and uncomfortable extremes if the other aspects are handled properly.

But I'm still in the game for now.
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Well-known member

The Frankie Laine Brain Worm started to wiggle and sing Moose Train when I saw this picture. It sounded something like this.

You did it. Proved you are still living and alive.



Well-known member
Personally, I'm opting for the naked girl avalanche.... should the need arise...
If you're trying to meet chicks go to the library or music store or head shop or whatever
the first one sounds good! i would suggest the grocery store to add to the second. women (in my experience) are not alarmed by men politely approaching them in a safe environment like that. if they are interested, the shorter ones might ask for help with something on the top shelf...:whistling: not that i troll for women or anything.

moose eater

Well-known member
View attachment 18829768

The Frankie Laine Brain Worm started to wiggle and sing Moose Train when I saw this picture. It sounded something like this.

You did it. Proved you are still living and alive.

Is that Grand Funk cut live at Pontiac?

Flint, Michigan's own Farner Bros!!

In 7th grade at a dance concert, during a rather precise cover of that tune, I stepped on and inadvertently unplugged the main power cord to the amps and PA. Embarrassing moment. One that likely further propelled me toward drug use. Recreational, I mean..

Edit: Nope, that's Shea Stadium.
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