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moose eater

Well-known member
Unlike the dismal failures in fisheries management that the Yukon River and Copper River are experiencing, to different degrees, Bristol Bay is reporting the largest salmon run on record; 69.7 million salmon. Very cool.

Perhaps some of the fish biologists and fisheries managers in the Interior and elsewhere could take a lesson from who ever is doing what ever it is they're doing out on the coast in SW Alaska. Or, we could just keep fucking up our resources in the name of immediate gratification, poor self-discipline and greed. You know, basic human shit.


Well-known member
a big problem is that they are fair game in unlimited quantities in the international waters. Japanese & Chinese (along with Taiwan) fishing fleets catch everything they can, wherever they can take their ships. too bad that Greenpeace & others don't have submarines... :shucks:

Three Berries

Active member

Lost in history


How the ancient Greeks knew the Earth was round. All you need is sticks, eyes, feet and brains.

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moose eater

Well-known member
a big problem is that they are fair game in unlimited quantities in the international waters. Japanese & Chinese (along with Taiwan) fishing fleets catch everything they can, wherever they can take their ships. too bad that Greenpeace & others don't have submarines... :shucks:
That, and the USA protects its own trawler fleet, which rakes the bottom of the sea with nets that bring up nearly everything they encounter (especially the drag shrimpers), and then by law they are required to do what would land you and I in jail or prison; they toss unnecessarily slaughtered fish species over the rail of the stern, and we used to be readily able to find pics of this on the internet, with miles and miles of dead fish (non-target species) bobing in their wakes.

Enough fish is wasted by such means that it was estimated that you could stretch tractor trailers with reefer units on them, filled with commercial or edible fish, from the beginning of the SE Alaska Panhandle Coastline, all the way up and around the State's West Coat, up to the Beaufort Sea, roughly.. (*I don't know that to be fact, but that's the image that was printed and shared).

Nonetheless, the US trawler fleet is a protected wanton waste operation. From pollack fishing in the Bering Sea, to larger fish trawlers in the open waters, to the shrmp draggers that literally bring up everyting their nets come in contact with.

If the State catches me wasting any part of a moose or fish, etc. I can be fined, lose my firearm(s) or fishing gear, and potentially be jailed. The trawlers simply get a fat paycheck for doing FAR worse. And again, they're Federally protected.
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Well-known member
I was just watching Jasper Carrot live. I know it was live, because he put the telly on to wave to himself. Then had a flick around for something better to watch :)

moose eater

Well-known member
We had a wind storm begin last Sunday or Monday, power flickered tremendously for a while on Monday, went out, came back on, then went out again for about 46 hours before it came back. Meanwhile the company that provides fiber-optic phone, cable and internet had all their stuff go down too. At least they'll pro-rate their billing to show we had no phone, internet or tv for about 68 hours.

Wind storm took out our screen tent in the back property where we'd been meeting with folks in a COVID-safe setting. Even Mother Nature is costing me money, and not slowing down enough to even simply say "Hey, THANKS!!"

Numerous trips to town, involving me having to explain to parts counter guys why the parts they ordered were incorrect, and identifiying the parts that I needed. ON THEIR computers. The computers they have access to all day long..

Newest German Shepherd gets praise where ever she goes pretty much. They all seem to think she's a sweet-heart, and she is... until the 19 year-old poodle gets out in the open, in which case she seems to think he's a ping-pong ball and her paw is a paddle. She gets additional enjoyment from pouncing right in front of him, really hard, and seeing what kind of reaction she can get out of him. Couple times she pushed him down the stairwell and seemed to get some amount of satisfaction from watching him slide down on his belly.

With the 12-year-old Norwegian Elkhoud, the Elkhound being a matriarch here, the newest GSD goes ballistic when the Elkhound gets near to my wife's side of the bed, anybody's feet at the dinner table, etc., etc.

So now the preparation for the trip I'm already about 2 weeks late for, is further broken up by providing protection services to the other 2 dogs, and trying to ever-so-gently instill some sort of sensitivity and respect for the GSD to express toward the other 2.

She's proving to be a very smart, very playful, fairly large, very strong puppy, who may simply need another canine buddy whom she has less chance of seriously harming when she gets WAY excited and HAPPY! Either that,or one or both of us are going to need some serious doggie sedatives. And benzodiazapines don't typically work on canines, if I remember correctly (old porcupine quill removal learning experience with a Nortwegian Elkhoud from about 1976 or 1977 that involved some valium, shotguns from a joint or 3, and whiskey-dunked cinnamon doughnuts, and I'm not too certain what else....).
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Three Berries

Active member
There were many pecans that set this year. Over the past two weeks they have rained to the ground. It was a large nut set that is now a nut carpet. Second year in a row. Pecan trees are fickle, but like baseball fans say every year, "Wait'll next year."
My pear tree and oaks are like that. Every other year is heavy. This year the wild raspberries were a huge crop. And nobody eating them except me and the spiders.

Last fall/winter were weird here with really wet ground going into winter. The ground froze, we got snow, then a thaw, then a heavy rain and followed by a fast hard freeze and more snow. Ice covered about all the ground all winter, flowed like a glacier. Wiped out a lot of bugs though it looks like.

moose eater

Well-known member
I'll give them some fertilizer late winter/early spring.
I was taught that we're supposed to water the ornamental trees, fruit trees, etc., in mid-May through mid-June up here. That and the raspberries, too.

I've done iot later with limited negative results, but I figure teh trees need more time to use up the food coming up through the roots, and the fruiting shouldn't involve a bunch of changes in their feed.

Frost warning last night; July 28. Moderate heat for this Summer. Never saw our scorchers in the high 90's f. Spent maybe a week or so in the 80s and that seemed toasty enough.

Unusually dry in this Spring and early Summer compared to the last bunch of years, too.... following a Winter that saw moderate temps compared to days of old, but a BUNCH more snow than is typical.

As I've said before, if we have to continue in our downward climate spiral here, tolerating the weather of the wet-n-moldy coast, and the red-neck politics to boot, then I at least want some fresh seafood out my front door.

Out shortly to sort spare parts for the boat, and to put together any other supplies I need under the bow. Then run shop water for the girls (the 3 Soul Mate now need tied up).

Outboard dealer had no spare gaskets for the drain and vent screws in the gear case on the lower unit of my new kicker. The same gaskets that the manufacturer tells owners not to open up those ports without replacing those gaskets... the ones the dealer doesn't have...

If I'm lucky, the parts will be in about a week from now, for a trip I was supposed to have left on over 2 weeks ago... Fucking Murphy!! So I figure I'll crack the top vent screw on that motor, be cautious to examine the gasket under magnification and light, take a Q-tip (no, that's not a hunch reported by a brain-dead delusional conspiracy theorist, but rather a cotton swab), carefully insert it into the vent hole, and see if, indeed, they filled the gear case at the factory as they said they did. But I'm not about to risk a brand new outboard on some hack at a factory promising me that "No, the checks in the mail!!"

Every now and again I wonder if thoughtless people ever stop, look in the mirror, and ask themselves, "How many poeople did I take the liberty of costing extra time, money or energy today without their permission?" Probably very few. That's the best, or at least one of the more pointed attributes that tends to have them regarded as 'thoughtless people.'
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ICMag Donor
Never heard of it. And these coils are muskol not pic. Smoking hash in a vape and some ice cool auto staring at water in not remote enough Halliburton Highlands. 70s rock across the small lake and a chainsaw. Always a chainsaw.

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