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Top secret stoner info

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it has something to do with the stupid chakras


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im going to give more info here:

Timothy Leary came up with the original manifesto on "brain chakras"



When this fifth "body-brain" is activated, flat Euclidean figure-ground configurations explode multi-dimensionally. Gestalts shift, in McLuhan's terms, from linear VISUAL SPACE to all-encompassing SENSORY SPACE. A hedonic turn-on occurs, a rapturous amusement, a detachment from the previously compulsive mechanism of the first four circuits. I turned this circuit on with pot and Tantra.

Everyone who deals with this knows that pot is the catalyst for brain gear number 5.

But here is something i dont quite understand:

It looks as if every human got this thing in their brain / energy body from birth...

In theory one will smoke weed and the 5th chakra rolls and you get that special mystical high i was talking about. But in reality this does not happen UNTIL , in my experience, higher dimensional being OPENS / activates this weed chakra...

Well, my 5th chakra was popped open in 2007 or 2008 for a short period, and that is when i experienced majestic mystical high i am raving about here.

The Cherubim - higher spiritual beings were supposed to COME THROUGH for me this week , but they did not, hences - my fail and "trolling"

I was looking forward to this for a long time, and i believed the Cherubim were legit beings, after all they activated me...


Active member
The Cherubim - higher spiritual beings were supposed to COME THROUGH for me this week , but they did not, hences - my fail and "trolling"

I was looking forward to this for a long time, and i believed the Cherubim were legit beings, after all they activated me...

yep ,ready for the nuthouse....


Oooooooooooh, Hubbleman, so it wasn't YOUR fault for making promises and claims to a bunch of people on this forum and then, as expected, not being able to deliver your snake oil.......it was the fault of higher demensional/spiritual beings that screwed you over. (sarcasm font)Well then that makes perfect sence and is completely understandable. Maybe you need to be a little more discriminatory when choosing your imaginary friends.


Active member
This will simply go into my un solved mysteries file

Look, i know what i felt... i had 2 smokos (in 2008) with the energy on and it was something.

And yes, it is a "Classic Douche Bag Move" but not on my part but on those who didnt deliver. They didnt just set you up they set me up as well.

So next time you want to make a thread like this, punch yourself in the face instead and then wait until you actually have something worth sharing.


Damn why'd you have to say something like that Snoopster. Totally ruined my high. Fuck you.


epic ..... just fucking epic! now every stranger i see today is going to be wondering why i can't stop grinning.

some awesome pics in this thread!!!!


Invertebrata Inebriata
Look dude, i been duped too, so no need for this

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you for the thrashing you are now receiving? Like I said earlier, if you had an ounce of shame, you'd just crawl away and never return. But I knew you wouldn't because you are an attention-whore.

So keep on going, the Super Duper Funny Pic Thread is a little slow today, and we can all use a good laugh, you fucking buffoon.:wave:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This is officially the "What would happen if yummybud took too much acid?" Thread. Can I get a mod to rename it?


Kiss My Ring
i was expecting some david copperfield mystification and got Cherubim misdirection, thank you, can i get my attention back?

guest 77721

I've just read Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson. It's an interesting read based on Leary's 8 Circuit model and written for laymen with lessons exercises to practice with.

Leary proposes a model of our conciousness that analogues a computer with 8 operating circuits.

The neurogenetic circuits:

1. The Oral Bio-Survival Circuit
2. The Anal Emotional Territorial Circuit
3. The Time-Binding Semantic Circuit
4. The "Moral" Socio-Sexual Circuit
5. The Holistic Neurosomatic Circuit
6. The Collective Neurogenetic Circuit
7. The Meta-Programming Circuit
8. The Non-Local Quantum Circuit

Bottom line is most people operate on circuits 1,2, and 4 and sadly most of the world hasn't activated 3 which is rationality and critical thinking. All the 4 primary circuits are robotic animalistic behaviour.

To access the higher levels, there are multiple paths. The eastern religions are one path by meditation, yoga etc...

Cannabis activates circuit 5, the HAPPY circuit. All of us peace luvvin' stoner hippies would rather be happy then all the stressed out angry assholes in this world.

Apparently the higher circuits can be activated by psychedelics such as mescaline, psylocibin and LSD.

Religious ecstasy is another way to open up circuit 5. Sadly you have to live in a cave to get to the higher levels using the Eastern religious practices.

For what it's worth, Hubbleman is attempting to communicate something that can't be expressed this way. Each individual creates his own reality. Sadly, Hubbleman's reality tunnel doesn't intersect with ours very well, otherwise we would be able to communicate with him more freely.

im going to give more info here:

Timothy Leary came up with the original manifesto on "brain chakras"


Everyone who deals with this knows that pot is the catalyst for brain gear number 5.

But here is something i dont quite understand:

It looks as if every human got this thing in their brain / energy body from birth...

In theory one will smoke weed and the 5th chakra rolls and you get that special mystical high i was talking about. But in reality this does not happen UNTIL , in my experience, higher dimensional being OPENS / activates this weed chakra...

Well, my 5th chakra was popped open in 2007 or 2008 for a short period, and that is when i experienced majestic mystical high i am raving about here.

The Cherubim - higher spiritual beings were supposed to COME THROUGH for me this week , but they did not, hences - my fail and "trolling"

I was looking forward to this for a long time, and i believed the Cherubim were legit beings, after all they activated me...


Kiss My Ring
some psilocybin then, i'd liked to have been on that level. were it just mental persuasion,
i could see Cherubim clearly then. didn't Prometheus crash into the sea?
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