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weed fiend

I was talking to this girl one night in a bar, told her I'd like to have a little pussy, she said "I would too, mine's as big as a #9 wash tub"

Is that this dude?

Oregon man arrested in light saber attack

Published: Dec. 16, 2011 at 4:00 AM

PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 16 (UPI) -- Police in Oregon said they arrested a man accused of assaulting fellow Toys R Us customers with a toy light saber.

Portland police said officers responded to the store at 9:51 p.m. Wednesday on a report of a man attacking customers with the "Star Wars" toy, and they arrived to find the man swinging the light saber around in the parking lot and shouting incoherent statements.

An officer used a Taser on the man, but he was able to use the light saber to break one of the wires,:biglaugh: police said. They said the man was tackled to the ground and continued to struggle while being taken into custody.

The man, identified as David Allen Canterbury, 33, was taken to a local hospital for a mental evaluation. Police said he is being charged with three counts of assault in the fourth degree, one count of disorderly conduct in the second degree, one count of theft in the third degree, one count of resisting arrest and one count of interfering with a police officer.



Invertebrata Inebriata
yep mrs B :D

u may laugh laugh all u want, but next month i will take ONE member, activate his energy body and smoke him up... dont wine like little bitches when he comes back and tells you it was THE smoke of a life time

Seven days and counting, boyeeee!


pure dynamite
If you did your research before posting, there was no need for this 350+ posts thread. Hmm.. maybe you were just seeking some attention?!


Active member
This will simply go into my un solved mysteries file

Look, i know what i felt... i had 2 smokos (in 2008) with the energy on and it was something.

And yes, it is a "Classic Douche Bag Move" but not on my part but on those who didnt deliver. They didnt just set you up they set me up as well.


Active member
i just wanted to say, in near future, as stoners become more metaphysically advanced, it will become apparent that there is a part of human brain, which is mystical in nature and it amplifies effects of weed.

amplify would be a wrong word, it doesnt just makes weed stronger, it widens the experience. it will make smoking so much more intense and pleasurable.

whats more, this part of you brain is not the same in every man, rather every one got a unique copy - and effects vary from human to human.

i had the pleasure of testing this feature on few occasions... last time i had a smoke with this part of brain online i only took 1 toke and it was one of the most mystical experiences of my life.

good stuff :jump:

how do you activate this in your brain? well, 99% people cant do it themselves. Next year when the time comes I will let you all know how to activate it.

BUllSHIT!!!need attention?


Active member
This will simply go into my un solved mysteries file

Look, i know what i felt... i had 2 smokos (in 2008) with the energy on and it was something.

And yes, it is a "Classic Douche Bag Move" but not on my part but on those who didnt deliver. They didnt just set you up they set me up as well.

oh boy,somebody is ready for the nuthouse i think.....


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
What a damn stoner i am!
Every other week i end up falling on this trap of a thread.
Hubbleman please find another forum to troll.


Andinismo Hierbatero
This will simply go into my un solved mysteries file

you tell them Moulder!

at least you can try to get some coochie from Scully.

also, the lesson for you here is that this is what happens when you think you are in control; when in truth, you're not, and you do not know as much as you would like to; will-to-power baby.

learn or be crushed by your own hubris.


Active member
also, the lesson for you here is that this is what happens when you think you are in control; when in truth, you're not, and you do not know as much as you would like to; will-to-power baby.

learn or be crushed by your own hubris.

yea man, i was owned :frown:


i just wanted to say, in near future, as stoners become more metaphysically advanced, it will become apparent that there is a part of human brain, which is mystical in nature and it amplifies effects of weed.

amplify would be a wrong word, it doesnt just makes weed stronger, it widens the experience. it will make smoking so much more intense and pleasurable.

whats more, this part of you brain is not the same in every man, rather every one got a unique copy - and effects vary from human to human.

i had the pleasure of testing this feature on few occasions... last time i had a smoke with this part of brain online i only took 1 toke and it was one of the most mystical experiences of my life.

good stuff :jump:

how do you activate this in your brain? well, 99% people cant do it themselves. Next year when the time comes I will let you all know how to activate it.

Initially I dismissed this thread as just something silly, I suppose mainly because of the title and many trollish responses. Now that I actually read the first post with thought I'm going to have to say that you are absolutely right. The phenomenom is known as sensitization.

[url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substance_dependence#Sensitization[/url] said:
Sensitization is the increase in sensitivity to a drug after prolonged use. The proteins delta FosB and regulator of G-protein Signaling 9-2 (RGS9-2) are thought to be involved:
A transcription factor, known as delta FosB, is thought to activate genes that, counter to the effects of CREB, actually increase the user's sensitivity to the effects of the substance. Delta FosB slowly builds up with each exposure to the drug and remains activated for weeks after the last exposure—long after the effects of CREB have faded. The hypersensitivity that it causes is thought to be responsible for the intense cravings associated with drug addiction, and is often extended to even the peripheral cues of drug use, such as related behaviors or the sight of drug paraphernalia. There is some evidence that delta FosB even causes structural changes within the nucleus accumbens, which presumably helps to perpetuate the cravings, and may be responsible for the high incidence of relapses that occur in treated drug addicts.

The above quote is a bit over my knowledge level on the subject. However, if I'm not mistaken it's all related to the reward system in the brain. Basically your brain learns to associate acts that are immediately followed by a reward, like rolling a joint, with the actual reward and gives you pleasure from that already. The same is true for smells, tastes, even how the weed looks. Go without for a longer while and smell your favorite jar after that and tell me the smell alone doesn't make you smile!

Sure the effects may be relatively small but remember that cannabis itself is a sensitizer so it amplifies those feelings. And they add to the "overall feeling".

If you think I'm crazy, then tell me why I'm feeling so good after smoking a (for my tolerance) very small amount from my fancy bong?
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