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top og/chem?


Active member
and how the fuck am i misleading people when i have pics and documentation of the herm problem!and the thing is i bought the seeds cause i heard it never happened with the og/chem,but it does.
anyways,i stated my opinion and im done here.
buddyholly,you got some growin up to do!im 39 years old and im too old for punks like you!

Buddy Holly

you heard it never happened with og/chem? you heard wrong. trust me. so who told you that? cgs? or someone else?

relax. it doesnt get much easier so you better learn to laugh and smile some more.


Active member
well im smiling cause you toned it down a lil.....lets just live and let live!
im sorry,i get offended sometimes and put my back to the wall when i feel like im being targeted....all good,lets just move on....


Active member
So sick of all these growers bitching about Hermies. Jesus. Just foliar feed up until day 35, the water will disable the pollen, rendering it useless. Also, the seed plants ALWAYS throw a nanner or two the first run, but the clones don't so much. If I tossed every plant that had a few dicks in the garbage, I would be on the streets, lol.

Not talking shit, CB, just trying to give u some perspective. these genetics have the extreme desire to self replicate, due to their sativa background. Light leaks, high temps, low humidity, over fertilized, etc, etc, etc. have adverse effects on ALL OG, Sour and Chem genetics. The clone onlys came from herm plants, every single one of them. This trait cannot be bred out, just ask REZ!!, if he was around, lol.

Gotta remember, these strains ain't Ak47, chronic or white widow. This is Elite cloneonly territory, gotta bring your A game.



Active member
i just wanted to apologize for being a dick on this thread.the truth is i was real upset about losing my crop to seed and needed to blame something other than my own error.ive had time to reflect and realize that i went about this all wrong...what can i say imhuman and sometimes make dumb decisions....i did try the ogchem cause i got about half ounce of dry bud and it was extremelyu potent and tasty,def bedtime weed cause it put me right the fuck out.i will be getting more seeds and doing it again along with strawberry dogshit....truth is you guys at connoisseur really have your shit together and are getting some fabulous reviews so keep it up guys!you do really well with the pairings you choose for parents!

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