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top 10 ways to get rid of your roomate


Active member
alrighty now i need some ideas to help me make my new asshole roomate leave on his own. the old lady collects strays both animal and human. this one is the worst ever. ex lawyer that dresses as a woman at night for kicks. now i got nothing about drag queens as long as they aint trying to bone me. but this guy is pathetic and scary in drag. he caused several arguments and tried to go to my old lady to get her support . wrong me and the lady think alike. i know this is yummy like but i need some creative stoner input to mess with him.. end of yummy rant.


Active member
i am dead serious guys this nutcase got to go one fucking way or another. legally he has the advantage being a sadass ex lawyer . i dont want him here another 6 months LOL. i have pictures of him dressed up maybe i will ??????????

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
she brought him in, she needs to get him out

if you try and do something, he will just go complain to her and try and mess things up between you and your woman.

Talk to your Lady


Midnite Knife sharpening over his bed as he sleeps???? Whispering to the Missus' Honey you got the Extra large Garbage bags this time ?'....or I kept bringing a girl the change of address booklets from the post office

What would yummy do????? hhhhmmmm


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
does he have a lease??? if not hes on a month to month you only have to give him 30 days but you need to file the papers for eviction tomorrow.


Active member
she brought him in, she needs to get him out

if you try and do something, he will just go complain to her and try and mess things up between you and your woman.

Talk to your Lady
we think alike as posted. he tries kiddie shit if daddy wont go to mommy LOL. well he is way past a kid. me and the lady been through hell over these 16 or so years. i have kicked many roomates out over the years. something tells me this asshole is gonna be trouble. i want annoying ideas to piss of your roomate and make em wanna leave on their own.


Active member
Midnite Knife sharpening over his bed as he sleeps???? Whispering to the Missus' Honey you got the Extra large Garbage bags this time ?'....or I kept bringing a girl the change of address booklets from the post office

What would yummy do????? hhhhmmmm
i did bring out the crossbow and show him the laser, expanding tips and mentioned the survival rate would be low on em . i also sharpened up my deer butchering kit including bone saw. ha ha ha


Active member
does he have a lease??? if not hes on a month to month you only have to give him 30 days but you need to file the papers for eviction tomorrow.
will look . i hope its month to month . i do know there is some agreement as the neighbor has alot of rentals and had the forms. thanks man.


Parker Schnobel
1. Take up a new instrument, such as the clarinet. Play it badly. Practice at 3 a.m.
2. Take a new interest in cooking only Indian food. Use extra curry.
3. Get a new puppy, and don't housetrain it.
4. Become a nudist. Make no apologies for your constant lack of clothing.
5. Become a "High School Musical" fanatic. Play the movies repeatedly, and sing the songs loudly every time the roommate is home.
6. Invite your mother to come stay for a week. Let her trip extend to a month.
7. Announce that your room is haunted, and you will be sleeping in the living room. Every night.
8. Never wash a single dish.
9. Flirt shamelessly with your roommate's significant other. In front of your roommate.
10. Watch your roommate sleeping. Let them wake up to find you standing over their bed, watching them.
11. Announce that you have H1N1.
12. If you have too much to drink and throw up, or you have severe stomach problems that result in frequent trips to the toilet, use their bathroom. Don't clean up.
13. Only buy tofu and soy milk, but eat their cookies and chips out of the cabinet.
14. Let your significant other move in “just until they find a place of their own.” Let that stay be for at least three months.
15. Buy an empty aquarium, and when your roommate gets home, tell them you bought a pet snake today, and it's loose in the apartment.
16. Date their mother/father.
17. Never take a shower. Ever.
18. If they are allergic to cats, get one. If they have a cat, shave it to look a lion.
19. While holding a box full of wires and duct tape, ask them if they know how to make a really good bomb.
20. Let them overhear a phone conversation with your best friend, where you are describing all the cruel and unusual punishments

joe fresh

Active member
change the locks....then deny that you did anything....

of find a friend that needs money, pay him to mug this guy and beat him down not far from the house, get him to do it a few times in a month saying "every time i see you around here this is whats gonna happen, get the picture?"

im sure he wont be around long....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
walk around naked all the time and come up behind him giving back rubs... then again hes a cross dresser you may have him trying to bend you over and rape ya....

Green lung

Active member
of find a friend that needs money, pay him to mug this guy and beat him down not far from the house, get him to do it a few times in a month saying "every time i see you around here this is whats gonna happen, get the picture?"

im sure he wont be around long....

ha thats funny


Active member
you must do things to gross him out, or freak him out...ie.....sit on the couch naked in the Indian position, and eat food and keep asking if he can smell anything ...off???? Walk out of your room first thing in the morning with a bondage mask on, and a belt around your neck, and ask him to check in on you in 7 minutes, in case things go bad. Ejaculate on the bathroom floor, and then lie to him, and accuse him of doing it. Get some bestiality porn, turn it on when he comes in the room, and then ask him if he thinks the animal in the movie, is pretty. Leave all the chips and crackers open, so they get stale, and accuse him. Tell him you need someone to talk to, and then tell him you have been having these weird dreams, and you don't want to tell your doc, cause you don't ever want to go back to the psych ward again. Best of luck......


ICMag Donor
i'd just tell the mother fucker that his time is up and he has to go. you want your life to return to normal. give his ass the boot. p


Active member
some funny assed responses . thanks guys i finally get to laugh. this guy is physcho and a horrible looking drag queen. my friends can see his pic in my gallery under ugly. ha ha fooled ya?. no serious this guy is loco. i checked his meds on web md. ya i know its sneaky but . i dont care. lithium was first and i wont go on.


With Bible in hand, just ask them if they have accepted Jesus into their lives. Proceed to quote scripture loudly and often.

They'll last three days, max.

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