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Tonys Tent or The Escape From The Closet of DOOM


Active member
ICMag Donor
The professor TG in me wants to throw her back into veg fo another 6 weeks and bloom her by herself when everything else is done in a 20 gallon smartie.... lool...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Plannin on pullin her back more to the Ice Cream side after I fix the purple in her (hopefully).

I'll have some f2's to work with if all goes well.

Sendin a package for the server fund this weekend of some packs of the f1's to share with.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Finger painted an entire branch If the icxbs2.2 mom with her brothers love dust, might be a little collateral damage to other branches but by past results im hoping its minimal. If all goes well should be several hundred f2's to look through.

There was about 20 heads to pick from so there should be some good sins comin off her too.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i just found this thread. this is my type of growing..basement pollen chucking, an amended soil and a killer c99 in the mix somehere....need a good diesel ;-)

lovin it brother


Active member
ICMag Donor
No diesel yet bro but I got a Blue Satellite 2.2 f3 mom I made that is blowin up hard and fast and she is about to get slammed by a sour bubble male.


Make yourself at home!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
lovely work tony!,,cant wait to see these beautiful ladies 6 weeks in bloom,,bet your gonna have some amazing colours tony,,love what your doing with one of my old faves "ice cream",,,nice one tony g..peace and safe growing s2


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yo thanks s2. I was gonna ask you to pm me infor about your favorite phenos and duds you don't like to help me in selection because I know you ran alot of IC!

Just getting started with her!


Active member
ICMag Donor
The Blue Satellite f3 seems to be putting on even more trich coverage then its mom. WOW.
Gonna have fun finding a boy in that line once Im done inbreeding it a bit more!

That girl above is gonna get blasted with some Sour bubble pollen. om nom nom nom

I expect a hash fest out of that cross.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
yeah,,no probs tony,,i go back over my runs with ice cream,,i remember there were quite a few phenos,,one shorty stocky lady that tasted just like vanilla,,you will know her when you come across her tony,,the odour is unmistakeable,,good luck with her tony and i never had any ice cream go he-she on me even when running 40 odd fem plants also check out whiteberries ice cream thread ,we were both running it at the same time,,peace and regards s2


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yeah she seems very stable for no hermies when I run her too, one thing I am being sure to do is stress test the hell out of my Blue Sat males to see if they hermie. Root shoch is a good way and I have thrown out several males that threw pistils from her. My male I crossed with the IC went threw hell and never hermie so I chose him.

I am going to be selecting to the indica side so I hope I run into that vanilla!


Active member
ICMag Donor
ICxBS2.2 Day 29

ICxBS2.2 Day 29

Check it out...


A little flash is almost like an ex ray to see bud formation eh? :ying: