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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Tonatiuh said:

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\access at prom
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Damn! How'd you get my prom photos! Do I have to be looking over my shoulder now?!! LOL. Yeah I saw that movie with J.K...it was actually funny. Wonder what happened to that guy anyway.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
LOL what did I start here

I noticed some sweet velvet pants, now they wont leave ya alone bro LMAO

Growasis is stellar as I would expect from you bro


accessndx said:
Damn! How'd you get my prom photos! Do I have to be looking over my shoulder now?!! LOL. Yeah I saw that movie with J.K...it was actually funny. Wonder what happened to that guy anyway.
he turned into yummybud...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
just popping my head in to say HIGH....and what HIGH i mean you can fill in yourself.....but with such a bunch in ya thread, i would suggest you choose a heavy couchlock....LMFAO....hehe alwas a laugh inhere :smile:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
gawd i love my thread!!!!!!!
you mf's are some beasts i wish we was all gettin stoned together someday fuckin would be a blast...
i aint gonna thank you guys for rippin on me all morning so F.U.C.K.O.F.F.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha just kiddin you know i love you F.U.C.K.E.R.S.

sublime wattup yo


CF -when i say mali you say bu.....hahahaha

dr.dog-youve awaken the natives LOLOL...thanks for the kind words bro.even though you released the sharks heheheheh good to see ya as always bro.

dolla bill-so which one are you? im guessin ur the one in the last pic with the red shirt. LOLOLOLOL

c-dubb- LOL

Core-wattup my brotha good to see ya as always bro.these guys are crazy huh i love it in here always good fun.peace bro.

hoosier-thought you knew bro hehehe we keep the stilos poppin out here yo.thats that new shit LOLOLOL

smokin-wattup bro,get out ur pockt protecter the shits gettin serious now!!!!

enzee-wattup bro imma pack one with ya...one of these...

sensistar,black domina,blueberry

kalichakra,and bubbleberry






here goes some room shots

FFA showin her first flowers

ss right after chop


a kc i been trainin

more randoms



Active member
ICMag Donor
That ss nug would prolly put an old man like me down and slobberin.
Don't ya hate trimming those frosty sugar leaves?

Carry on, your sunnyness...



Damn, mang, I had some ketchup to play up in here but now I can say...STELLAR!!! Even freak momma looking right!

You're crackin' me up with the 70 pairs o shoes and nerd-o-rama pics...I think I mighta been in that last one...:biglaugh:

Glad to see the show's going strong and gettin better by the day!



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hoosier wattup bro,aww man im sure you can handle it yo.
and no i love trimmin the sugary leaves bro,gets me some great scissor hash hehehehe

shitake-yo yo wattup pimpin,thank for the props bro.
hehehe yea its poppin in here these kats keep the mood right for me.
couldnt ask for better friends yo.
yuppers gettin better everyday brotha,peace.

everyone...hey fam sorry i been a lil absent latelt in ur guyses threads i been spendin alot of time with the lady,i got a court date comin next week for a dirty urine and ya know gotta get the quality time in with the fam,got the kids halloween strait and all the bills prepaid incase the fucks try to give ur nucka a few days.
idk exactly what they gonna do and to tell ya the truth my lawyer is tryin to get it continued till after my surgery...alotta stuff in my life right now tryin to slow me down.
fuck that though imma fast paced dude and i aint slowin up my stride for nobody yo.
i hadnt said about the court shit because i dont want my thread soundin like a fuckin soap opera,i just want you guys to know wassup incase i go silent for a few after next week...if so be on the lookout for Tonatiuhs Revenge in a few.at the most 90 days,i doubt that long though fareal.
so thats the dealio fam.just thought id let you cool mofos know why ur boy been a lil quiet lately.peace-T-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ooooooooofah....T...I had no idea you had court drama pending. You seem pretty calm for someone that may be on lockdown for 90....
That would blow whale dick! Well I'm sending good vibes and hoping you get nothing except a wink from the judge and a nod to walk...
You've got your chick or a friend watching the grow if the worst happens? I'm sure you've got a contingency plan....like you said nobody breakin' your stride.
Well whatever the deal is, the F.A.M. is here when you come back....in 1 day, 90 days...900 years (but honestly I'd be a bit chaffed if I was incarcerated for 900 years).
If there's anything I can do to assist you in pushing back that court date, lemme know...I think you know generally the spectrum of things I may be able to pull off.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yea maing what can ya do ya know.it aint like im gonna be stressin the shit outta 90 days it really aint that long,1 cycle :joint: :muahaha: :joint:
it sux but it is what it is right.i honestly dont think theyll give me the whole 90 though probably just part of it,or maybe more fines and more community service,if they talkin some low shit imma take the days and be done with them though.id like to have this surgery and get healed up first though the fuckin medical staff in any kinda jail sucks bug time,idk if its the loads of patients or the way the view the importance of our health as inmates i suspect the later though...
shit if you got some ideas give me a pm yo idk exactly what ya can do but id like to know ;)
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So as the pages turn, these are the days of our lives..:laughing: will Luke marry Laura? will Bo marry Hope? Will Tona get to stay out and burn mad fatties with us? Stay tuned all you nuckos in IC land..
Im pullin for ya bro..even if I cant help much..
heres some of that FFA yer growin out, same cut I think..
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Registered Medical Patient
OK...First off, mad vibes to you bro, and I hope those stupid court fuckers dont put my man down for a while!!!!!
BELIEVABLE lookin garden brotha!!!!!Your green thumb must be really BIG!!!LMAO...
Im lovin everything in her dude, they all look great. I would get lost with all those strains!!!But Id LOVE it!!!Peace T, hope you dont have to go...

- Z


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sublime-goodlookin out yo.

c-dubb-damn bro now im really lookin forward to gettin these done...and a 15-20 cycle of them in there ;)

Zeus-fasho bro thanks ,yeah it gets hectic sometimes the main thing im worried about is flowerin somethin out before ive picked the mom and lose it ...stoner shit that happens.

so everyone i took a few hour road trip the other day and when i did i came across this sign i got off the exit turned around and got back on so i could snap this pic.
hope you guys thin its as bad ass as i did...

bad ass right...peace
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Yo positive vibes to ya bro....hang in there my dude.......on a positive note the garden is fucking stellar.....peace bro