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Tonatiuhs' Oasis



Man...all that talk of 'shrooms...! Been a long while, but I might have consumed my weight in shrooms in this lifetime :biglaugh:

T, I quit smoking many years ago. Then when I was in the military I took up chewing. But I kicked that, too, and I think it was MUCH tougher than smokes. You can do it, and you know, after 6 months to a year of nic-free living...there's no words to describe. Nobody likes being a slave to anything, or at least nobody I know unless it involves our favorite lady :D

Can't wait to see the new tent mods. You're giving me ideas.


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Everyone is different but, a few years back I just went cold turkey and stopped smoking cigs. I hope to see you kick the habit you know we got your back man. Everytime you want a cig just roll another spliff man. :joint:

Edit: Or eat a pack of those Newps, that might turn you off. :bashhead:


Active member
Man, T, no matter what people say about quitting smoking bogies, I still can't either!!! Smoked them damn Newports for 3 years, but can't stand menthol now. I want to taste the tobacco, damn it! But now I make my own, what with the price (over 5$ a pack, compared to less than 2 to make them), and the fact that they're "firesafe". For anyone that doesn't know what that is, they use a thicker paper that has it's own distinct, NASTY taste. It makes Camels and Marlboros taste almost identical!

Make sure and get extra filters for that humidifier, T! It'd be shitty as hell for it to get all moldy in the middle of winter, when it's dry as hell. Then you may need to order one, as you can't count on most stores to restock seasonal items like that.

That docgrowmentary sounds sick, man! Lets try and do that!

All the best,
Ya shrooms taste like shit. If you eat a lot of them you will have very strong hallucinations. I didn't like saliva it made me feel psychotic. on large amounts of mushrooms I still fell mental cognitive. shrooms are usually dried so you dont have to worry about that mushyslimmy texture. I def had the strongest most spiritual trip of my life on shrooms, but you must eat a lot of them on the other had some variates can be vary potent. Someday I would like to grow some and have another experience like that.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
yo homie
glad i realized who the hell you are. took a min. soon as i saw fuck the diaz bros i knew what was up haha. hey man missed ya fo sho. keep it real green. still aint got the white yet myself... lol


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hippie hill-salvia is more trippy but i dont really like the buzz,shrooms are cool but yea they taste nasty...although my homeboy here grows them and he says they are best fresh,before they dry....myself i liked acid the best,although its been a while since i took a good phsycodelic adventure...peace

karma-wattup brotha,you aint jackin yo always welcome to chime in around here my friend.i cant wait till i get myself back to ur side of the water so we can link up and smoke out.i gotta shake ur hand and kick it around ur parts of the world brotha...soon yo real soon.i would have liked to make the htcc but i figure the dam is the dam all year so i will definetly be putting the passport to use in a few months or so.maybe the 420 cup this year will be a fun trip...anyways i will let you know when im gonna be in the air.so you can get me a welcome pack together LOLOLOLOLOLOL ;)
yeah the humidifier is a good lil gadget,i still cant get it up where i want it but im still learning where the best setting to use.i'll get it tweeked,also i think with a lil misting i can raise it a little more if i need to.hehehe maybe we should try hypnotism to quit the ciggies yo...eyes are heavy...you sre getting sleepy :muahaha:peace.

shitake-right yo,when talk of shrooms arises the subject will stay the same for a while,i think we have all had our fun while trippin on some good shrooms...or cid;)
i know bro i gotta put the squares down,i dont think i could chew yo,that some foul tastin shit right there bro.good for you bro for quittin,takes some will power...i will try again soon...if i could only smoke when i drink that would be strait cause i hardly drink.lmma weekend warrior when it comes to drinkin.i can go for all night but thats why i keep it to the weekends yo LOL.i been tryin to upload some pics of the mods a few times today but to no avail :fsu: i gotta say its comin together in there cant wait to see the action start poppin off real nice.peace brotha.-T-

sublime-LOL eat a pack of newports,ick yo.
Everytime you want a cig just roll another spliff man.

problem with that is,a mf square tastes so good after smokin a fatty :)
peace bro.

TG-yea bro i know a few folks that make thier own cigs with that machine with the filters and everything.i just deal with the prices yo,maybe that will be what make me quit LOL.
a long time ago i took this survey for this place and they would send me free menthol ciggeretes that was like testing the tastes and what not.the packs were plain white boxes with numbers on them.like 215 or 342 and then i smoked them and call in this # and answer some questions and they kept sendin packs of cigs LOL.i finaly just stopped callin in and they stopped sendin them but they sent like 10 packs a month for a few months there...crazy huh...
i got a couple extra filters and wicks for it.
as far as the docgrowmentury... i'll give it a go if you can get/or already have the ss i have the mss just starting flower right now,and some in veg.we can make a joint thread like enzee and shitake have goin..holla at me im down for it bro.peace.

en-lighten-ment- wattup yo,i feel you bro.i feel the same way about the salvia...too trippy....but i gotta say bro you are exactly right.different types of shrooms will get you goin faster then others .there is a bajillion different types of hallucenegetic mushrooms.it depends on what ones you have as far as to how much you'll need to get you fryin real good.i was thinkin about ordering some and growin them out,seems real easy as long as you keep it sterile,and i have good friends in these boards that will help me if i need it.
probably wont be long...once i start thinkin on somethin i usualy try to make it happen i'll post here if/when that adventure begins...peace-T-

sirsmoke-wattup brotha!been a minute my man,glad you picked up on the trail yo.
glad to have you yo,you already know.im sure the elusive White isnt far from you brotha...you never know when she will drop in ur space.....ya feel me.

well fam imma try these uploads again and see what they are actin like....if they aint trippin anymore i'll be back to hit up some pics.
peace and be safe this weekend.-T-


Fuck a whole bunch of tripping. I did that shit too much....Used to grow mushrooms, B+ and the were enormous...Blech...

Everything is looking fantastic man. Got some new pics up, when you get a chance stop by and tell me what you think.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ahhhh finaly, the pics...

ahhhh finaly, the pics...

i hear ya CTSV,i was just at ur spot,shits lookin outstanding yo.


ok here we go fam...
first ill start with the work i di with the e-z as far as gettin it empties and filled,a veg shot or 2 ,then into the flower room,some macros, and lastly the tent upgrades...

these came out of the e-z clone,theres more variety then whats shown theres some jilly beans and strawberry coughs,also some pre 98 bubba and a few ffas and bpps.

these went in,they are all black dominas and sensi stars,,,3 fa and 3 bpp as well.

veg still nice and full after takin my 15 out and flippin them;)

ok now some flower shots...

FFA fillin out real nice...

these are the newest into flower to give ya an idea of the height i flip them at...

more randoms..

i still have more fam hold up a sec....


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
down for a few more?

down for a few more?

ok heres some macros...a few of the bottoms of the leaf frost and then just some lil shots...

ok now for the tent...does ur guys tent that run one look all crazy sucked in when its sealed up...like this?

had to edit thid my pc is trippin out yo...

ok so you remember how the tent looked before with the window fan tryin to do somethin,all kinda just thrown in there ...

then i put a intake and a fan with the air coming from outside,damper and reostat...

still wasnt thrilled so went and did a lil shopping...

put in a elbow for the intake..

hung a new fan dropped the humidifier in there and put velcro on the flaps to keep them open easier,the doors to keep them open when im workin in there and thats about it i think...anyways heres how shes sittin as of yesterday...

and still plenty of headroom for growth.

hope ya dig the update fam.it should be gettin interesting in the tent real fast...
i got minor work to do tonight...choose mamas of all the strains i have,repot them and maybe splash a little water around ,everything been fed so its water if anything...i'll snap a few pics of the mom selection and however i gotta redo the veg room for them...i think i see another tent in the near future...a mama tent...
peace fam-T-
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
LOL yea tryin to flex up huh ...hehehhe crazy bro it just be suckin in like whoa..it still sturdy as a mf no problems or nothin just be lookin crazy when i seal it up.
peace big brotha.im about to go see ho many mangos can fit in the e-z...F.U.C.K.I.T. might as well see what i can cut while doin the trans plants right yo...i hate throwin good would be cuts away...-T-


Active member
ICMag Donor
Confuseus say...nevah tho gud green away, when you can wash dat shit!

AInt nuttin but a thang tho...:pimp3:

Dewd...that tent sucks! (s)


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Shit tona..yougot one hella strain collection. Dont get em confused! I did that once in my garden, but once they flowered, I knew what was what.Keep up the growing!



Active member
Oh yeah, man, I got a few of the SS right now, one ready to give up a few cuts in a week or so. I might even throw one of the cuts I got into flower around then too. I'm going to be putting some strawberry cough clones into flower then.

I'll update the thread later on, and take a fuckload of pics, so that I get all of them and the different phenos of shit I got.

All the best,


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
CF-fuck the cam addin ten lbs.....i want the tent to add atleast 1- 1 1/2 LOL.

hoosier-wattup yo,i feel you bro,im gonna have to try to make some oil this time.can i use trim to make good oil?
peace brotha.

en-lighten-hehe thanks bro...
to get the pics big,when ur makin ur post and you put in the pic command there will be a part that says ... -thumb...
just take out the -thumb and they will be big in ur post bro.i hope that was understandable brotha...when you try it you'll see what i mean yo.peace

whiskeytango-i know bro,i keep them labeled and real organized as i can...i dont get them confused i just worry about flowerin all of 1 strain out before i have my mamas established...i did that with a hashberry pheno ,now its gone...too bad so sad...
oh well i aint that keen on the hb anyways...to many problems with nanners yo.them are some dank lookin nuggz bro...what are they?

sleepy-thankyou bro,glad you are enjoying the show ;)i'll try to keep it interesting...
come on thru anytime ur always welcome yo.i like ur avvy...cracks me up.

TG-sounds good bro,i have a few cuts that i took like a couple weeks ago and five i just flipped this week in the tent.i also just flipped 2 s.coughs in the tent at the same time bro....you run that yet?the cough...how long did it go yo if you did...i have some pics of the work i put in tonight too all the mamas...i'll get them up after i munch out .peace

en-lighten-hahahahahahahaha... :muahaha:

i'll be back with pics fam.peace


ok here goes the work from tonight...chose and transplanted all the new mamas into 3 gallon pots,there was a few in 5 gallon pots already but these will be flowered and new mamas into 3 gallon pots to save a lil space,also because i think imma get another tent for my mamas to chill in.and id rather use the 3 instead of the 5 gallon pots in a tent.if i do get a tent for the moms imma probably just use flouros in there or maybe another 600...what you guys think?

anyways heres the pics.in no perticular order they are... The White,
Mango Haze,
Big Pink Pole,
Free For All,
Bubba Kush,
Pre 98 Bubba Kush,
Jilly Bean,
Strawberry Cough,
Massachussets Super Skunk,
G 13 x Burmese x Northern Kush,
S99 x Sour Bubble,
Black Domina,
Sensi Star,
and Kalichakra.
my bubbleberry mom is a new one i just cut,the last mom of her is in flower now and the new mama is in a cup still.
i have like 2-3 of each of the elites left in 1 gallon buckets,imma put a couple more in the tent tomorrow if they can fit,if not they will be gettin tossed into flower in the big room soon...like this week soon...

everything in a 3 or 5 gallon bucket is a mom.was hard but i tried to fit them all in the pic...

one didnt fit in the bigger veg room so its under flouros

here goes my big bd mama shes about 8 months old i put her in the bucket on
4/25,i just took like 35 cuts off her and shes ready to give me 35 more if i want...i love this chik LOL...

and heres a sesnsi star and a small blueberry mom.the bb almost got flowered the other day when i did the flip,i grabbed her up quick though so i dont flower all them chikas out...bein down for a while got me just a lil behind on the work.im caught up now though ;)

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