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todays "why did you bother ?" headline is....


The Tri Guy
From having their emerging sense of reality warped, and from having their rights to privacy in the bathrooms violated. I'm suspicious of any adult wanting to spend time alone with other people's kids, but when they're cross dressing, pan fucking, weirdos carrying dildos around their waste and making kids swear allegance to alphabet soup flags rather than their national flag, yeah I become suspicious.


Well-known member
People like trolling the GOP but it will always be a 2 way street to me. Glorifying a pride flag and branding a law enforcement flag as racist isnt freedom. Neither is "counseling" 5th graders about gender transition. Interesting times. I know a lot of republicans and none of them are these trans bashing black oppressors they're painted as on marijuana forums(of all things). My daughter was friends with a trans student through most of high school and she never faced any of this bs the media sensationalizes. Some kids said some nasty things behind her back but hey thats what teens do. Yeah, weve reached a point in this country where some folks just need something to get their panties in a twist about. Perhaps its time to defund the social workers and invest in some serious OVERsensitivity counseling.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I guess I need to go get some panties to wear so I can get them twisted.

Harm is being considered outside of the definition.

Just because someone wears something doesn't mean that they are trying to take advantage of children.

There's a very prevalent push to get people to think that our future is being convoluted by perversion.

I'm seeing very few people who are aware that people are people and regardless of political affiliation or gender there will be bad apples.

If you think that everything is black and white and you have to agree with everyone on everything then you probably need to reevaluate your beliefs and values.

Take me for example... I think you have the right to own a gun and you have the right to have an abortion. I also think we should have our taxes fund healthcare before over bloating a military budget. I also think that sending our industry across borders was a terrible decision.

I support the right for you to fly a LGBTQ flag yet I will also clean up after your KKK rally. While I support freedom, I can't say that I don't possess personal bias. I didn't see a lot of hate coming from the LGBTQ... and while pride was certainly the theme of either, something about the realization of acceptance of others' freedom was mostly just one sided.

I recognize value placed on others.

I will still support the freedom for others to take generations to come around to see that hate has no place in a happy healthy society.

Only one side seemed to want everyone happy.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I was almost abducted by a gay serial killer as a boy...was in Woolworths, 7-8, and some guy was like hey wanna come out to my car and look at some Playboy's? He followed me around and offered to buy toys for me but I ran for the register and had them page my stepmother. The guy vanished. Very messed up.
"Rapist gets wiener chopped"

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
nobody hates a religious person for their beliefs. they hate them for trying to make THEIR beliefs into laws for those that have different beliefs. anti-abortion folks were not forced to have abortions. anti-gun folks are not forced to buy/own AR-15s or pistols. anti-drug cretins are not forced to smoke cannabis, nor do they have to let their kids do so. as long as anti-choice folks are at the helm of the GOP, it will all stay the same. they aren't into change, unless we go backwards.

A lot of people do hate others for their religious beliefs.... it's not very open minded or considerate.

I know your gun can damage my family and my property... but I would like to trust you to respect me and mine enough to not damage those things.

Anything that seeing someone else wearing certain clothes can do to you is not nearly as offensive as getting shot.

What I'm noticing that seems actually dangerous is people assuming that open minded people are trying to narrow minds of future generations.

I think it's likely to be the people who would like to be accepted who would be trying to enlighten and educate people before it's the people trying to exclude others who would be helpful in determining how we should get along.

I would be of the opinion that earlier generations' heads were further up the ass.

It's obviously still not over.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I was almost abducted by a gay serial killer as a boy...was in Woolworths, 7-8, and some guy was like hey wanna come out to my car and look at some Playboy's? He followed me around and offered to buy toys for me but I ran for the register and had them page my stepmother. The guy vanished. Very messed up.
"Rapist gets wiener chopped"

Did you get him prosecuted?

I was abused at six and didn't understand enough to get anything done about it.

That is scary stuff... I'm sorry that you had to experience that.

People can really suck.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Did you get him prosecuted?

I was abused at six and didn't understand enough to get anything done about it.

That is scary stuff... I'm sorry that you had to experience that.

People can really suck.
No didn't catch the guy...we walked around the store and he was gone. The days before video cameras so it was a dead end. My stepmom got mad at me for letting him go, said he was going to hurt other kids and I didn't do enough to stop him. Hey it was scary. Mustardman I'm sorry what happened to you man. I hope you're doing okay ❤️👍


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That suggests that you are old fashioned and out of time.

I don't think we should be limiting freedom for others to harmlessly do what they like.

I understand that many people are challenged and disgusted by others' personal choices and would like to remind people how much you value your freedom.

Freedom is not about hoarding it for a limited population, nor is it meant to be applied arbitrarily.

If my neighbor wants to wear womens' undergarments and go to drag shows he is not infringing on my rights or freedom.

The moment someone is publicly shaming him and telling him that he is not free they would be infringing on his rights and freedom.

The day we decide to stop legislating morality is the day we embrace freedom.

Until that day it's going to look like people hating each other.... we're only hurting ourselves.
Oki I doki,,,,
thanks for sharing ya opinion,,,s2
Last edited:

Frosty Nuggets

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You don't see heterosexuals having pride parades.
They gay community says that you are born that way so what is there to be proud of? You work to achieve something in life, that is something to be proud of.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
No didn't catch the guy...we walked around the store and he was gone. The days before video cameras so it was a dead end. My stepmom got mad at me for letting him go, said he was going to hurt other kids and I didn't do enough to stop him. Hey it was scary. Mustardman I'm sorry what happened to you man. I hope you're doing okay ❤️👍

I'm sad to hear that it's so prevalent in society.

I'm angry to know you had to suffer that kind of fear.

I wonder if that kind of damage is contagious... I really worry about our future in general.

You don't see heterosexuals having pride parades.
They gay community says that you are born that way so what is there to be proud of? You work to achieve something in life, that is something to be proud of.

I don't see heterosexual pride parades because most heterosexual people comprehend that they haven't been repressed.

If you want to throw a heterosexual pride parade you should.

You would learn more than I can teach you.

If you think that you aren't allowed to be proud you might be judging even yourself.

By all means you should love yourself.

What I question is your ability to love others.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I really do appreciate that lifestyles are different for good reason and celebration of others' freedom is not foremost in many minds.

I think it's worth the effort to accept or even celebrate harmless difference while effort against the allowance thereof due to personal preference is a pet peeve of mine.

It's okay if you think that I am a flaming homosexual crossdresser because that's not going to stop me from being me.

I'm actually a straight guy that likes shooting cowboy guns. Perhaps next time I get to a competition I'll wear a bonnet. It really doesn't matter. I'd likely have to remind you of that simple fact.

Maybe if you watched me you could see that the only people who think a bonnet is in any way an issue are so narrow minded that they wouldn't care (or even be angry) if I won.

I really don't want to wear panties or a bonnet but I think it's not going to harm children or wreck my accuracy or timing on the range if I did just that.

I guess I'll admit that I have been late in realizing why this belongs in a "why did I bother" thread...

I simply can't expect acceptance of some by others and would bet against it, as sad as that might be.


Well-known member
"EPA tells Norfolk Southern to temporarily stop shipping toxic train derailment waste"

"Federal officials say more than 100 children worked in dangerous jobs for slaughterhouse cleaning firm"

so it spilled off a train and they put it back on another train? and then child slavery


Well-known member
You don't see heterosexuals having pride parades.
They gay community says that you are born that way so what is there to be proud of? You work to achieve something in life, that is something to be proud of.


that sign says daddy trump. lol



