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To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

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May your race always be in your favor
As California goes, the rest of the west coat will follow suit, imo. Seems to work out that way on a lot of other things.:plant grow:


It seems short sighted to say that it shouldn't be legalized. The problem in the past has been decriminalization and all the gray areas that exist. It allowed politicians and vested interest groups to point at the gray areas and the mess they created and say "see it doesn't work." If Cali legalises it can become a model of legalization and researched. That research then changes other things and so on. Eventually, all the BS that has been proliferated about mj is seen for the evil it is ---- Prohibition. Seems to me that a bunch of Nor Cal growers are going to lose their profits and that's what the real issue is about. From a global level (where mj is illegal everywhere) legalization is the only way out. The other thing is we have a single narcotics convention and when mj is legalized it undermines the entire SINGLE convention. That'll totally screw with the INCB, WHO and UNs heads:jump: Legalize ---- Go Cal. Peace.


Given the reasons I've seen here, I'd say the only people that want it to stay illegal are selfish.

1. You want to keep your untaxed money? How about helping the economy? You don't even care about the plant and helping citizens. You just want money... it's not for any kind of liberty or nobility; the people that want it illegal for this reason are just greedy. A lot of these people might point to businesses being corrupt but I mean it's the exact same mentality here. Those that fall into this category want to: avoid taxes, keep an artificial and unfair inflation to maximize profits, and no accountability in their growing methods. If that doesn't sound like corrupt business, I don't know what does.

2. Organized crime. By keeping it illegal, you're saying yes to funding career criminals. That also perpetuates the notion that marijuana is bad. As long as it is tied to criminals (who are just in it for the money), it will be negatively viewed.

3. Locking up hundreds of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens. Over 800,000 in the US. That's 800,000 people who are at a severe disadvantage to ever get back on their feet. And you want them to stay there? You want to talk about taking away an equalizer... get locked up and you're nowhere near equal...ever.

While a nice profit would be nice (and right now the profits from selling marijuana are obviously sky high), it would be in the best interest of this country to legalize it.

Flying Goat

No big corporation could ever produce weed of the quality I prefer... I must have the right to grow my own!

RE-legalize it!

Florida also has a referendum up for federal legalization... Alabama will follow soon...
legalization will hurt cartels but it will help worse criminals like the tobacco companies. so im for legalization but dont want big tobacco or big pharma anywhere near it stock pile genetics now because it will get real screwed up once companies like monsanto get involved.


Active member
I have quit buying nutes, soil, or anything made in Humboldt as a result of these selfish douchebags. I encourage ya'll to do the same. Boycott these growers and everything associated with them.

I do miss it up there but haven't been back in close to ten years and after reading about how the people there are acting I don't care to go back.


I finally learn how to grow it, and it becomes legalized.. fucking figures


I've said it before and now again , just grow A to A+ herb and even if it's legal those with top notch will still have a fine market . Like micro brew and fine spirits made in small batches:tiphat:


Do I want cannabis legalized?

YES! This is a big hell yes!

Do I support this initiative?

NO! This is a big FUCK NO!

I am not going to make anyone the new phillip morris or rj reynolds of weed. I will vote against it because legalization needs to be done right. Fuck all those rich white people who already have money trying to diversify their investments. WEED IS FOR THE PEOPLE NOT THE POWER! Imma natty bush doctor seen?


No matter what initiative there will always be some written language that will help the rich. An initiative entirely for the people will be extremely hard to pass an will probably take another 20-30 years, all the while people will still be suffering.

From others who say NO, all I see is that you have a vested economic incentive in keeping this illegal, to me that makes you no better than politicians. I understand it's hard work believe me but to keep a plant illegal purely for profit is the true evil. Anyway correct my views if I have overlooked some viewpoint.


Do I want cannabis legalized?

YES! This is a big hell yes!

Do I support this initiative?

NO! This is a big FUCK NO!

I am not going to make anyone the new phillip morris or rj reynolds of weed. I will vote against it because legalization needs to be done right. Fuck all those rich white people who already have money trying to diversify their investments. WEED IS FOR THE PEOPLE NOT THE POWER! Imma natty bush doctor seen?
sorry bro we are the guys that will be growing it industerly not philip morris the will allow you to grow your own in 25sqft and keep as much as you can at your house and youll be able to take up to an ounce where ever you go so noone said you have to byu from stores it just makes easy if you dont wanna grow
and whoever gave me bad rep i instill bad karma upon your grow may all your plants die:moon:


Do I want cannabis legalized?

YES! This is a big hell yes!

Do I support this initiative?

NO! This is a big FUCK NO!

I am not going to make anyone the new phillip morris or rj reynolds of weed. I will vote against it because legalization needs to be done right. Fuck all those rich white people who already have money trying to diversify their investments. WEED IS FOR THE PEOPLE NOT THE POWER! Imma natty bush doctor seen?

Its like this...if someone like say phillip morris tries to put a bunch of shit in the weed that doesnt need to be there the consumers will respond....most of us have learned our lesson and are aware off assholes like big tobacco. We have a choice as consumers who we buy from....ultimately we have the power. Cannabis has opened my mind. I started smoking again alittle over a year ago because of a back injury. I stayed "clean" for almost 15 years. During that time I had apparently matured...who knew that could happen. When I began taking cannabis as a med I also found a spirtual herb that put me in touch with my feelings. Bob marley said and this is not an exact quote but the gist that when u smoke the herb it makes you see yourself....that is trully some powerful vision. Most of us dont really look at ourselves we mull around in this hum drum life like fucking robots never really paying attention to who we are and how we effect the people we share this planet with. Here in the usa we accept foolish wars and notions because for the most part we the people have become nothing more than sheep to our government.....a comodidty to make money from. Cannabis has helped me medically but I would say that my spiritual connection with cannabis is the most valuable expierence that came to me.
We can win the battle but first we must win the hearts and minds of the people...those closed minded people who havent looked inside themselves will see this world for what it really is. It will take time and in fact some people will try cannabis and it will probally scare the shit out of them, some of them will be too far gone or unwilling to submit spiritually. Either way by legalizing herb we will begin the process of freeing the minds of people who may not otherwise be touched or blessed by the spiritual essence of cannabis. When I was young I liked getting stoned, I didnt care about the world really just the next party. The word spirtuality never came into play. It has changed my life and my heart and soul rejoice. It will take time but tyrants can not hold us down forever, we will rise. Its about oppresion, many people in america were actually against freeing slaves....it was a slow painful process but far worth it. We must start our slow painful process somewhere and it will get better, it takes time.
Peace and love always.


My point is that the people need to be educated on the matter at hand. You know how many smokers, not legal patients, have told me they are going to vote for it this November without even reading initiative? All they see is "Legalization" and they want to vote for it. That's great for them but what about me and all the other people who want to make a living with cannabis? I am trying to make a living doing what I love and I love working with plants, this plant in particular. I do not want to have to jump through hoops and give some rich bastard my left testicle to be able to practice a legit business with cannabis because some other rich asshole wrote an initiative that lines both of their pockets with gold and leaves me and the rest of the growers and industry peeps in the cold. Yea I could go work for them but then what the hell is the point of that? I'm sick of oiling this machine we have called the industrial revolution. It's time for a new revolution and it starts with this. If we give that up we might as well change the name of every single business to Walmart and pay everyone minimum wage and call ourselves China. :joint:


you live in a taxed contry you should still be happy with not getting busted for making that living
your just not able to compete with real world economy
try earning your money not stealling it dont you every think about the guy your selling to and how he cant smoke or he cant feed his fam cuz you take his money
a real ? for you why dont you sell crack more money and its illegal
if you have kids you can lose them and all your shit but not if this bill passes


My point is that the people need to be educated on the matter at hand. You know how many smokers, not legal patients, have told me they are going to vote for it this November without even reading initiative? All they see is "Legalization" and they want to vote for it. That's great for them but what about me and all the other people who want to make a living with cannabis? I am trying to make a living doing what I love and I love working with plants, this plant in particular. I do not want to have to jump through hoops and give some rich bastard my left testicle to be able to practice a legit business with cannabis because some other rich asshole wrote an initiative that lines both of their pockets with gold and leaves me and the rest of the growers and industry peeps in the cold. Yea I could go work for them but then what the hell is the point of that? I'm sick of oiling this machine we have called the industrial revolution. It's time for a new revolution and it starts with this. If we give that up we might as well change the name of every single business to Walmart and pay everyone minimum wage and call ourselves China. :joint:

I dont know if my point came across but it is simply this. You identify with the issue and how it will directly affect you, not how it will benefit the cause and others who's minds are enslaved, im sure you do not care about them, this speaks of selfish character. By refusing so see the big picture you become one of those close minded people. The type of people who love to shop at walmart, because it saves THEM money. You see the type of person you fear is who you are becoming. I am guessing this is going to have no effect or sway these beliefs you have. I would hope in your lifetime you learn to value your spirit more than your money. Peace


I dont know if my point came across but it is simply this. You identify with the issue and how it will directly affect you, not how it will benefit the cause and others who's minds are enslaved, im sure you do not care about them, this speaks of selfish character. By refusing so see the big picture you become one of those close minded people. The type of people who love to shop at walmart, because it saves THEM money. You see the type of person you fear is who you are becoming. I am guessing this is going to have no effect or sway these beliefs you have. I would hope in your lifetime you learn to value your spirit more than your money. Peace

I think we are trying to say the same thing. I want a diverse market. I know I cannot stop big business from getting into it. I am not against it, I am sorry if that's how I came across. I just want equality back in America. I want to be able to have the same opportunities as big business. I want the people to have the same opportunity. I hate walmart and big business because they kill the market and enslave the people. They make us love money by "saving" it by shopping with them.

You are right I am selfish but not for me. I am selfish for the patients who use cannabis as medicine. How will legalization affect the quality of product that is available to us? How will it be grown and processed if it is being produced mainly for a recreactional market? How will the genepool of cannabis be affected by legalization and big business starts growing shit and basically making it impossible for those of us trying to provide affordable natural medicine to patients to make existing and new strains available with the bullshit limits they have proposed. They say it will not affect prop 215. I don't believe it...I think eventually there will be even further restrictions so that people don't get "Medical Grade" cannabis. Yea I'm going conspiracy theory but it will only be a matter of time before we get another anti pot official that will try and bring it all down. All I am saying is don't jump on the first idea that comes along without even really knowing what the idea is in the long run. All I am asking my fellow Californians is to ask questions about where this is going. I want to make sure that the med patients are indeed protected from this, not so I can make money, that's just residual off of my main focus, getting natural medicine into the hands of the people that really need it.

Once again I apologize if I came off as a selfish criminal but that is not my gig. I am a legal medical patient. I believe that prohibition should end...I just want to make sure it ends for everyone forever. Together we can do it. I'm not campaigning against this initiative, I just don't support it. If you feel strong enough to vote yes on it, then by all means do so. All I am asking is that everyone educate themselves and think of everyone and not the fact that they can now smoke weed without going to jail, because it seems to me that is the reason most people want it legalized. I'm not trying to judge but to me that seems selfish...once again my 2 cents.

Great discussion everyone! Keep it danK and remember to fight for what you think is right and never let anyone tell you otherwise! :wave:

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