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To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

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I voted No ~FUck you pay me !!! or grow your own !!!!:dance013:

God bless the plant that feeds the poor~ upper n middle class always trying to steal from the lower ~always trying to take away any economic equalizers !!!

i kinda like that, a little overly aggressive, but i feel you.

why shift the market and the money over to the over privileged rich white CEOs?

if you want to be legal become medical, they practically give scripts out. you can possess up to an oz in my county, without a script, and be given just a small fine. if that's not good enough, get a script and legally possess a pound, some scripts allow 5 pounds and 25 mature plants!

this industry is providing for the less fortunate, the low class, the people who weren't born with a silver spoons in their mouth. it's local and immensely stimulating local economies, maybe more than your willing to believe.

decriminalize non-medical small cannabis related offenses.

but don't give this local industry to the competitive capitalist pigs who run this country.

edit: PS- walmarts trying to make a second walmart in our small rural town, supersize me please! fuck that shit


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
If one is already making a living illegally then there will be no problems for these people if the bill passes. It will not become 'more illegal' to sell or grow large amounts (though it would possibly be dealt with federally if you broke the state law), if anything it will be easier to make a living if it becomes "legal".

The demand for it is not going to diminish upon legality, it is going to increase. There will be countless moving to cali, there will be countless more that previously didn't smoke that will. Think of how many millions of people there are and will be in California that use cannabis, how many of them do think grow or even know how to; they are all potential 'customers'. There is going to be a huge market for different strains and high quality bud, and best of all it will be easier than ever for nearly anyone to get without the fear of going to prison.

Still, I don't like this initiative, though I believe anything is better than nothing. We should take what we can get when we can get it. The important thing is we will have legality on some level, which will influence other states to do the same. We have 49 more chances to get it right.

No one is going to suffer from this, we just won't prosper as much. Many people have/will exceed the limits set upon them by law, I don't see it getting any harder to continue (or begin). I see it being easier than ever to make a living with cannabis.


Active member
I think we are trying to say the same thing. I want a diverse market. I know I cannot stop big business from getting into it. I am not against it, I am sorry if that's how I came across. I just want equality back in America. I want to be able to have the same opportunities as big business. I want the people to have the same opportunity. I hate walmart and big business because they kill the market and enslave the people. They make us love money by "saving" it by shopping with them.

You are right I am selfish but not for me. I am selfish for the patients who use cannabis as medicine. How will legalization affect the quality of product that is available to us? How will it be grown and processed if it is being produced mainly for a recreactional market? How will the genepool of cannabis be affected by legalization and big business starts growing shit and basically making it impossible for those of us trying to provide affordable natural medicine to patients to make existing and new strains available with the bullshit limits they have proposed. They say it will not affect prop 215. I don't believe it...I think eventually there will be even further restrictions so that people don't get "Medical Grade" cannabis. Yea I'm going conspiracy theory but it will only be a matter of time before we get another anti pot official that will try and bring it all down. All I am saying is don't jump on the first idea that comes along without even really knowing what the idea is in the long run. All I am asking my fellow Californians is to ask questions about where this is going. I want to make sure that the med patients are indeed protected from this, not so I can make money, that's just residual off of my main focus, getting natural medicine into the hands of the people that really need it.

Once again I apologize if I came off as a selfish criminal but that is not my gig. I am a legal medical patient. I believe that prohibition should end...I just want to make sure it ends for everyone forever. Together we can do it. I'm not campaigning against this initiative, I just don't support it. If you feel strong enough to vote yes on it, then by all means do so. All I am asking is that everyone educate themselves and think of everyone and not the fact that they can now smoke weed without going to jail, because it seems to me that is the reason most people want it legalized. I'm not trying to judge but to me that seems selfish...once again my 2 cents.

Great discussion everyone! Keep it danK and remember to fight for what you think is right and never let anyone tell you otherwise! :wave:

Good post!

I'll be voting YES. I have read the initiative and I don't like a lot of it. In fact it pisses me off how they blatantly wrote it to profit people like Richard. The growing restrictions are lame as well. You can grow but it has to be a 5x5 area...no perpetual gardens? No veg area lol.

But...it is a step. Although it sets the stage for big biz and governments to make their cut...it keeps people out of jail. It makes a big portion of our population, not criminals anymore. Going to jail sucks and it usually will ruin a persons life...and we only get one of those.

I'm a card holder so it doesn't open many more doors for me...I am going to vote yes because it just may keep someone out of jail, keep someone from getting rousted by the cops. That and I want everyone to get high:tiphat:


Regardless of who gets rich, many many people will stay out of jail because of this, and lives will be saved.

The legislation isn't perfect of course, but it's a step in the right direction. I hear the argument that price is going to plummet and mom&pop growers will be out of business but it is a moral imperative to keep people out of jail and coffins IMO.

Also I think there is room for a quality cannabis market, just as many microbreweries and wineries make a lot of money even though a few chains dominate. Think about it; they're growing government shwag and you've got REZ gear. If your shit is good people will want it. If you have to pay taxes, that sucks, but everyone else has to pay them, so sack up.

I will be voting and encouraging everyone to vote yes!

Kind of confusing though, I can have an ounce but a 5x5 grow space? That's a lot more than an ounce..
I think it will pass, but am fearful of the big corporations (that already own huge plots of land) screwing things up for everyone.

It isn't the big corporations you should be worried about, it's government trying to take a too big slice of the pie. That's what thwarts any efforts of smaller businesses to try and compete with monopolies that are the big businesses.


Hey, I would like to say that I voted no to express something broader.

I do not grow for any source of income (haha look at my small 600 watt grow log). I just think that it would be too soon and under the wrong circumstances.

Is there a such thing as decriminalized but not legal? Once it becomes full out legal are you ready to have companies such as Philip Morris pimping the cannabis plant?

I do not like high prices. I do not like people going to jail for a plant. I pretty much am just confused.

prog know sis

Legal with no limits for anything, time for cali/usa to have something of value contribute to its gdp. Legal with limits is a slap in the face, because we all know the big corp's won't have these limitations. Fair competition. Legalization. No sin tax on cannabis like baccy or alcohol. Meds and food products should be tax free, recreational products should be taxed at your local and state level, textiles the same. Cannabis seed fuel no tax. Power (back) to the people

Anything else is a dick slap on the forehead. yes it will pass


If one is already making a living illegally then there will be no problems for these people if the bill passes. It will not become 'more illegal' to sell or grow large amounts (though it would possibly be dealt with federally if you broke the state law), if anything it will be easier to make a living if it becomes "legal".

The demand for it is not going to diminish upon legality, it is going to increase. There will be countless moving to cali, there will be countless more that previously didn't smoke that will. Think of how many millions of people there are and will be in California that use cannabis, how many of them do think grow or even know how to; they are all potential 'customers'. There is going to be a huge market for different strains and high quality bud, and best of all it will be easier than ever for nearly anyone to get without the fear of going to prison.

Still, I don't like this initiative, though I believe anything is better than nothing. We should take what we can get when we can get it. The important thing is we will have legality on some level, which will influence other states to do the same. We have 49 more chances to get it right.

No one is going to suffer from this, we just won't prosper as much. Many people have/will exceed the limits set upon them by law, I don't see it getting any harder to continue (or begin). I see it being easier than ever to make a living with cannabis.

this gives me hope. i like that.


Active member
marijuana needs to be legal, regardless of red tape attached. who cares if big corporations make an attempt at capitalizing on it? most people will grow their own; those who dont will still prefer quality over quantity, keeping most of the greedy cash croppers happy to some extent.

and even if you cant support yourself anymore growing, then thats just an unfortunate result of long over-due change that is good for everyone who wishes to enjoy medicinal/recreational use of the good herb without legal and social persecution.

if this passes, and which it will, im moving to cali immediately. because not only do i enjoy smoking weed, but growing it as well. a love affair straight from the heart. so, i implore everyone who has the chance to vote, vote yes, and make a huge stride forward for everyone ; )
I think its great you guys out there on the west coast are going to try this. It is also pretty scary though corporate money could F up a wet dream and in the long run they can have anything they want because your state and federal government rarely has you in interest. Look at the destruction agricultural crops like corn and grain because of genes that are pattented and easily spread through pollen. If a big Corp. wants something its going to happen it might not be instant but it will happen. Hopefully this will be a peacful transition to weed freedom though. Go For the Gold


Game Bred
ive said it b4 and ill say it again...

you ppl who would see me go back to prison for your own fiscal protection are no better than richard nixon!

in fact you are worse...

you would rather see ppl go to fucking prison..lives ruined, families broken, and votes taken out of the system....

why because you are afraid that philip morris will break FEDERAL law in California?

are you fucking stupid? big corp. will not be involved until it is legal at a federal level.

is a ten year head start not good enough for you?
are you that inferior of a business person that you cant compete with schwag with a ten year head start?
are you so myopic that you believe big corporations will break federal drug law?
your either blind or stupid..i hope the former i think the latter.
anyone who would vote against this measure should turn off the hps and open a meth lab..you would do less harm


I voted for No... Marijuana is one of the last great equalizers for the lower and middle class in this country... and I hope it stays that wasy for all of the people that have put their life's work into this plant... I know families that have being growing for decades, not to get rich, but just to make a decent living in a time where a good job is hard to come by (considering everybody doesnt have 15-20k a year to go to college).

We have seen this before... During prohibition of alcohol the citizens took matters into their own hands and produced their own alcohol... After prohibition ended, the government made sure to outlaw the production of alcohol by the citizens (making sure they always get their tax cut on alcohol sales). I think the same thing will happen with marijuana eventually. Big corporations will spend millions if not billions to lobby on capitol hill to make marijuana the new moonshine, making it legal to purchase in stores but illegal to produce for personal consumption. Why wouldnt they??? Who is going to stop them when they have billions sitting around waiting on the next hot "investment" to pop up??
Ok so.
1) Read the post above then read it again.
2) Lol at the number of people afraid of competition.
3) Being willing to grow before it was legal doesn't entitle to you to anything more then someone who starts after it is.
4) You would hope that anyone who has dedicated there life to something would be good at it.

You automatically assume that it's "corporations" that are going to take the lead. How about just being intelligent, showing some initiative and putting some work in. You don't think that all the vendors on this forum aren't looking to get slice of the pie from this as well as the more accomplished growers? If your too lazy to learn and practise the basic business model yes you will be washed away by the flood. If on the other hand you are proactive you can have the life of any other business owner.

The issue of legalization is sperate from the current practices of corporate America and the government.
It isn't the big corporations you should be worried about, it's government trying to take a too big slice of the pie. That's what thwarts any efforts of smaller businesses to try and compete with monopolies that are the big businesses.

big business/government semantics in this pseudo democracy there 1 in the same and yeah they always want more than they need at the expense of the majority. look at what monsanto has done with gmo soybeans and how they treat the farmers who are basically forced to grow there seeds its messed up i would hate to see cannabis end up in such a situation.
Ok so.
1) Read the post above then read it again.
2) Lol at the number of people afraid of competition.
3) Being willing to grow before it was legal doesn't entitle to you to anything more then someone who starts after it is.
4) You would hope that anyone who has dedicated there life to something would be good at it.

You automatically assume that it's "corporations" that are going to take the lead. How about just being intelligent, showing some initiative and putting some work in. You don't think that all the vendors on this forum aren't looking to get slice of the pie from this as well as the more accomplished growers? If your too lazy to learn and practise the basic business model yes you will be washed away by the flood. If on the other hand you are proactive you can have the life of any other business owner.

The issue of legalization is sperate from the current practices of corporate America and the government.

i work in small business i have for many years in different trades. it has nothing to do with intelligence or being lazy big corporate monsters squeeze out small businesses often times there is nothing that can be done to save the business i have witnessed it many times. big pharma and tobacco would be immediately involved if cannabis were legalized and would stop the huge percentage of the rest from much profit at all. thats the problem with capitalism under the guise of endless greed in this country. so im for legalization but that will create many new problems we currently dont deal with regarding cannabis.

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