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Dubi, when selecting for your guatemalan projects, which characteristics are you trying to preserve? which phenos are better? i'm also very interested in breeding the guatamalan sativa with flo, pck, and oaxacan sativas.

Yeah,I've pretty much settled on doing the cross both ways and combining the best individuals into what will be the final cross.After that...who knows. I think both the barra and Flo will be great partners for the GS,so it might turn into a three-way of sorts. Having reread elevator mans's flo projects I thing this is the way to go. I'll get the most out of both parents this way IMO. There will be some other blue genetics making an appearance in my grow over the next year as well as some CJ stuff and perhaps some mandala stuff,and any stand out there will for sure also be put to breeding.

The common denominators in my planned projects are Mexican/Latin-American and Thai,I guess. Positive,delicious,enhancing ,KIND herb with an old-school vibe and new school flare is what I want.

Thanks for your patience,man. Much appreciated.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Dubi, when selecting for your guatemalan projects, which characteristics are you trying to preserve? which phenos are better? i'm also very interested in breeding the guatamalan sativa with flo, pck, and oaxacan sativas.

Hello bodymind,

Guatemala sativa was reproduced by komanche, but for what i saw in his plants, he selected for outdoor adaptability, vigour, floral taste and happy effect.


ACE Seeds Breeder

Yeah,I've pretty much settled on doing the cross both ways and combining the best individuals into what will be the final cross.After that...who knows. I think both the barra and Flo will be great partners for the GS,so it might turn into a three-way of sorts. Having reread elevator mans's flo projects I thing this is the way to go. I'll get the most out of both parents this way IMO. There will be some other blue genetics making an appearance in my grow over the next year as well as some CJ stuff and perhaps some mandala stuff,and any stand out there will for sure also be put to breeding.

The common denominators in my planned projects are Mexican/Latin-American and Thai,I guess. Positive,delicious,enhancing ,KIND herb with an old-school vibe and new school flare is what I want.

Thanks for your patience,man. Much appreciated.

Hello spiralofeyes,

Usually is the breeder who has a plan first but lately the plants show the way to take heheheh .... Good luck on your quest, the breeding project sounds real interesting!


Big smiles over here - I just got 100 plus guatemalan sativa seeds to inline breed and with which to carry out crosses to my line-bred flo, f-13, and dj short flo. I may also cross the guatemalan with the Barra del Cruz Oaxacan sativa male.... We shall see what happens. I have a lot going right now, so it may be a while before all this get's underway. However, i am VERY excited about the prospects.


Throbbing Member
Big smiles over here - I just got 100 plus guatemalan sativa seeds to inline breed and with which to carry out crosses to my line-bred flo, f-13, and dj short flo. I may also cross the guatemalan with the Barra del Cruz Oaxacan sativa male.... We shall see what happens. I have a lot going right now, so it may be a while before all this get's underway. However, i am VERY excited about the prospects.

I love the sound of those crosses.....:):jump:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sounds great bodymind ;)

Please, keep us updated on your progresses. Best wishes!!

Big smiles over here - I just got 100 plus guatemalan sativa seeds to inline breed and with which to carry out crosses to my line-bred flo, f-13, and dj short flo. I may also cross the guatemalan with the Barra del Cruz Oaxacan sativa male.... We shall see what happens. I have a lot going right now, so it may be a while before all this get's underway. However, i am VERY excited about the prospects.


I have twenty of the guat sativas up.... I may start my own thread, or lump the guatemalan plants into my rose flo thread over at the dj forum. I'll get some photos up somewhere as soon as there is something to show. I am very excited about this line. The germination rates are near 100% for me :)


My guatemalan seedlings have some of the strongest and most vigorous root systems I've ever seen for such tiny plants. They seem to be loving the heat and humidity more than the f-13 seedlings that they are next to.



guatemalan babies :)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Congrats bodymind :) Seedlings look beautiful and uniform, wish they work for your breeding projects with dj shorts lines.

Please, keep us updated, here or ir another thread!

I have twenty of the guat sativas up.... I may start my own thread, or lump the guatemalan plants into my rose flo thread over at the dj forum. I'll get some photos up somewhere as soon as there is something to show. I am very excited about this line. The germination rates are near 100% for me :)


Thanks Dubi - The little guatemalans are very vigorous, uniform, and seem to LOVE the heat and humidity of august. I'm beginning to pick up light scents coming from the stems, some of the scents are sweet floral, but they tempered with the old school central american sativa smell. I think they will make amazing hybrids with my dj selections, which are very stable at this point. I believe the breeding project could be great depending on what the high from the guatemalan seems to truly be. I have high hopes, but i don't want to get too excited...


Ok, i need to update with a photo, but I will attempt to describe the guatemalans so far. The stem smells combine black pepper and bubble-gum signatures in a very unique blend. The plant are extremely vigorous and hardy, and the root system is massive and lateral - huge network of strong roots, but no main tap root.... the roots tend to spread laterally.


ACE Seeds Breeder
You are right bodymind :)

Guatemala are very vigorous and branchy in veg. You are good detecting aromas ... your description is very accurate!

It's a pure landrace sativa and maybe not the easiest choice for an indoor grow but she works better indoors than many other tropical landrace sativas. Good luck on your selections!

Ok, i need to update with a photo, but I will attempt to describe the guatemalans so far. The stem smells combine black pepper and bubble-gum signatures in a very unique blend. The plant are extremely vigorous and hardy, and the root system is massive and lateral - huge network of strong roots, but no main tap root.... the roots tend to spread laterally.


You are right bodymind :)

Guatemala are very vigorous and branchy in veg. You are good detecting aromas ... your description is very accurate!

It's a pure landrace sativa and maybe not the easiest choice for an indoor grow but she works better indoors than many other tropical landrace sativas. Good luck on your selections!

Thanks Dubi... I really, really spend a lot of time analyzing and observing scents. The guatemalan is unique so far: black pepper and strawberry bubble gum.

I am breeding for tropical outdoor conditions, and judging by the way it is growing now I am very excited for it's potoential!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello bodymind,

Observation is one of the keys for breeding ;)

The guatemala sativa vigour, her happy effect and pepper/woody and strawbery bubblegum aromas are the main traits we have tried to breed with tikal (our guatemala based hybrid), but tikal is quite more resinous, strong and high yielding than pure guatemala.

Cant wait to see your guatemala sativas flowering. Best wishes!

Thanks Dubi... I really, really spend a lot of time analyzing and observing scents. The guatemalan is unique so far: black pepper and strawberry bubble gum.

I am breeding for tropical outdoor conditions, and judging by the way it is growing now I am very excited for it's potoential!




Guatemalan sativas: beautiful, intensely vigorous roots, scents of black pepper, strawberry, and floral sweetness. Looks at the red stems! They are mostly females, with a couple of males and a couple of undeclared plants that will probably be females. It's really interesting to observe photo responsiveness and flower initiation during different times of the year and in different lines. I've been observing similar stuff in my flo lines grown at different times of the year outdoors. Some plants show sex early and really want to flower as soon as they initiate. Other plants that seem similar in appearance, perhaps slightly more sativa, will maintain vegetative growth vigor until age combined with light period initiate flowering.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Growing nicely there!! :yummy:

How many seedlings have you got there? Female/male ratio ?

Im starting with the new guatemala selections as we speak :D ....


Dubi! It's great to hear that you are also making guatemalan selections! I'm interested to see what your selection process is like.

I started with twenty seeds from a large pool of open pollinated seeds. Eighteen sprouts came up. Overall, I had 14 females and 4 males. I culled the earliest and tallest male a few weeks ago, and I am left with three males, one of which has the same very lanky appearance to to first male, and I may cull him as well. The other two males have better proportioned internode spacing and smell more floral, spicy, bubblegummy - instead of grassy, earthy, and sweet like the tallest and earliest males. One of the two keeper males is VERY slow to show flowering traits - it is way behind some of the females. I am considering using him along with the other similar, but slightly earlier flowering, male. I am fairly confident with my decision to get rid of the very tall and very early males, but I'm not sure what to do with this very late flowering male - he smells great and has great structure, but so does the other male that I have kept - only he is a little bit earlier to flower. Anyway, your insight would help. I would like to have more than one male to pollinate with, but I'm not sure I really need to have more than one male since I have so many nice looking females to maintain diversity and with which to make selections.

I had one mutant, runty female that I tossed in the compost, but over all the plants are incredibly vigorous and uniform, though obviously possessing some variation in the line, which makes for a good landrace strain.... The relatively short internode spacing is really impressive to me. The plants seem to stretch less than my inbred line of rose-scented flo.

I am also going to make some hybrids with the guatemalan sativa. I will cross the guatemalan with my rose scented (very sativa) flo and with dj short flo x my flo as well. I also have big sur holy weed, blue moonshine, f-13, and an aracta trainwreck/hawaii x flo f2 that i could pollinate... I am mainly interested in keeping things simple right now, until I figure out what my preferences are within this line.

Any input will be greatly appreciated, dubi. I will start a thread about this project with the next photo update. I am doing this project outside late in the season and the plants are remaining quite compact as they initiate flowering :)

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