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My soil mix

Soil Amendments:
3% Alfalfa Meal
3% Blackstrap Molassas
-1% Cinnamon
20% Coco Coir
1% Corn Gluten Meal
1% Cottonseed Meal
1% Dolomite Lime
3.5% Earthworm Castings
2% Expanded Shale
1% Garlic Powder
5% Green Sand
50% Homemade Compost
1.5% Kelp Meal
5% Lava Sand
1% Rock Phosphate
1% Zeolite - Cat Litter

Liquid Additives:
B-9 Folic Acid
Fulvic Acid
Humic Acid
Beneficial Fungi
Garden Juice*

*Garden Juice:
Apple Cider Vinegar
Compost Tea
Liquid Seaweed
Liquid Fish

Vitamin C
1 pill crushed up into each soil mix during prep

3 pills crushed into mix

May further add:

Corn meal, soy bean meal, sul-po-mag, granite powder and gypsum, DE, neem seed meal & neem oil.

Any thoughts or questions? Anything I might be missing?


Wow is right..Garret Juice is something else. Can I ask how you came to decide your amounts? Also why the vitamins and aspirin??


How do you plan to get negative one percent cinnamon in there? just kidding :drum:

I must say though, that is a very in-depth soil. What do the garlic, cinnamon, and aspirin provide? I've never seen someone use those in a mix before. I'm excited to see your results.
The vitamin C is for the ascorbic acid which has been shown to increase plant growth vigor, tighten bud formation and aids the immune system.

The aspirin is a much stronger immune booster, providing salicylic acid.

I'd also add in some pixie dust somewhere in there at 2tbs/gallon.

Or I could catch the pixie and have my own pixie meal.

I must say though, that is a very in-depth soil. What do the garlic, cinnamon, and aspirin provide? I've never seen someone use those in a mix before. I'm excited to see your results.

Cinnamon is another sugar, plus is has pest repellent properties.

The garlic also has pest repellent properties, and is provides a systemic immune boost and resistence to desease. I have come up with a few things I could add if I really felt like it.

Corn meal, soy bean meal, sul-po-mag, granite powder and gypsum, DE, neem seed meal & neem oil.

mad librettist

Active member
now this is just me, but I would simplify.

Even if 100% of your additives do their job, you are not going to get an action hero crossed with a plant that produces 1 pound per cubic foot of space. I would wager that the difference per grow would be negligible compared to plain old LC mix #1, given the otherwise same environment

With aspirin and ascorbic acid, for instance, you are treating a problem you don't have. That is not a good approach IMO.


The question will be; Is the difficulty in making the mix worth any gains in yield\flavor\aroma? I'm guessing no. 50% homemade compost is the best part imo. Assuming it's good compost your plants will like that a lot. A question about the 3% blackstrap; Do you just glurp it into the mix? Can you explain more about your Garret Juice?


Too much....thatis all I can say on this mix. TOO MUCH

KISS= Keep it Simple Stupid

I am not calling you stupid it is just our moto around here. KISS

I would simplify and build on a good foundation over time.

aspirin and ascorbic acid
Are you going by the old myth that aspirin will help produce more females..........that is just a myth.

And like SC said.....I want to see pictures of these plants in veg and flower.

You have my attention wit this one for sure.

now this is just me, but I would simplify.

Even if 100% of your additives do their job, you are not going to get an action hero crossed with a plant that produces 1 pound per cubic foot of space. I would wager that the difference per grow would be negligible compared to plain old LC mix #1, given the otherwise same environment

This is my first grow that I've taken seriously, and want to get something out of. I could keep it simple and easy and the inner stoner in me is not unhappy at the prospect of a lazy garden.

Or I can utilize everything I've picked up in the past 5 years or research and practice and see what kind of tree I can get from my big bud seeds.

With aspirin and ascorbic acid, for instance, you are treating a problem you don't have. That is not a good approach IMO.

And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I want to see pix of plants grown in this mix.........in veg and flower.

You will.

The question will be; Is the difficulty in making the mix worth any gains in yield\flavor\aroma? I'm guessing no. 50% homemade compost is the best part imo. Assuming it's good compost your plants will like that a lot. A question about the 3% blackstrap; Do you just glurp it into the mix? Can you explain more about your Garret Juice?

Which ones would you cut from the mix?

The 3% blackstrap is in meal form, and I use the concentrate liquid thoughout the season as a fert.

The Garden Juice is something I picked up from this dude that has an organic show in half the country on Sunday.

Too much....thatis all I can say on this mix. TOO MUCH

KISS= Keep it Simple Stupid

I am not calling you stupid it is just our moto around here. KISS

I would simplify and build on a good foundation over time.

Why too much? I'm not using it on seedlings. Half of the ferts are slow release.

What would you cut?

Are you going by the old myth that aspirin will help produce more females..........that is just a myth.

No, the aspirin stimulates the systemic acquired resistance of the plant.

And like SC said.....I want to see pictures of these plants in veg and flower.

You have my attention wit this one for sure.

Always nice to have fans.

mad librettist

Active member
the inner stoner in me is not unhappy at the prospect of a lazy garden.

it's not about giving the gardener an optimal environment, it's about giving the plants an optimal environment.

And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

only when there is a real threat.


let's see how they do. I've never seen a mix quite like it. It would be hard for me to call you a fool when no one else has done it, experimentation....I like.


Not mad, just doubtful if the extra work is worth it. Like Jaykush said...K.i.s.s. Although if part of enjoying your hobby is finding these amendments and mixing them up then more power to you!:tiphat:

Sounds like a headache to me though! math...:mad:


Too complicated, my soil mix consists of 3 different bagged soils mixed together and a little lime added and Im getting 2 and a 1/2 zips from a 3 gal bag. I dont see how with that much science you got goin on there you could be doing much better.


mad librettist

Active member
Diseases, pests, and viruses aren't a threat?

no, they are not. given a healthy plant and soil, they are quite rare, maybe with the exception of some easy to control nuisances like mites and aphids. a sensible gardener assumes there are no threats until they are positively ID'd. The world is innocent until proven guilty, in other words. that's organick for you.

please, look into Integrated Pest Management. It can save your grow and prevent headaches.