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Thw whole truth. Not part of it.


Active member
im not trying to get out of jury duty though, im trying to point out the injustice of a system that calls itself the "justice" system.
we simply dont need it if it dosnt prtect us from the govt, it just turns into a form of control.
without going on a huge tangent i just wanted to point out its hypocracy.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Tangent away Ben!

I'm going to advise you that the jury is one of the last lines of justice in our unjust system.

But go on, because I'd like to hear a better option.


Active member
I have to disagree.

You owe everyone the same respect you expect.


mustard i naturally abide by this rule i treat everyone with respect even if others dont do the same for me.i dont need a govt to tell me that. its because good moral people raised me.

like i said im not trying to avoid it just point out its hypocracy without being locked up through some leagle court room loophole.
i want to voice you and everyones disatisfaction at the way things are run if you want me to.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't see hypocrisy here yet. They want you and eleven other people to decide on something, not one judge... but twelve people from the real world*

If we did away with a jury, the only reality I see with the current system is one judge.

A judge... an elected official.. in these, the days of unlimited corporate campaign donations, that doesn't sound like a better system.


*they may not be from the real world if real world people dodge their duty


Game Bred
I don't see hypocrisy here yet. They want you and eleven other people to decide on something, not one judge... but twelve people from the real world*

*they may not be from the real world if real world people dodge their duty

ohhhh gawd NOOOOOO
not my jury i hope!!!!



Please read the other thread about jury nullification.

The time to understand your rights as a juror is before you are behind those closed doors.

Interesting...though I read the article as it was written in a slanted fashion...kind of takes away from its agenda. I understand the concept though.

Law is objective....it is written objective. Whether I make a jury is another issue. I am honest and have no agendas....if they want me on their jury or if they don't....
fine by me. It comes down to my individual sense of honesty....generally this comes out during jury selection.


Active member
i could give better ways of preventing violence and living in peace in the first place,then i dont think people would commit crimes then their wouldnt be a need for a "system".
barring the simply ourtright insane of course they need help not punishment.
it can happen when people concider it a civic duty to look after their neighbor or familiy instead.
why would we do that though when they can just charge us a fee and if their out of our sight their out of mind courtisey of the "system". thats apathey.


Game Bred
i could give better ways of preventing violence and living in peace in the first place,then i dont think people would commit crimes cause their wouldnt be a need for a "system".
barring the simply ourtright insane of course they need help not punishment.
it can happen when people concider it a civic duty to look after their neighbor or familiy instead.
why would we do that though when they can just charge us a fee and if their out of our sight their out of mind courtisey of the "system". thats apathey.

the human animal is a predator...
the utopia you espouse is contrary to the evolutionary history of the species...

anarchy is where you will see the slavery you fear..


Active member
animal yes, preditor you have a choice. thats what having a bigger brain affords you you dont have to be a victom of circumstance.
if you so choose to revert and be a nusence than go right ahead its just the excuse needed to put you/us the animal in the cage.
a tiger is a predator it dosnt have the copacity to see a alternitive food sources,it has to hunt and KILL somthing just about every few days just to live,if you killed somthing everyday just to stay alive i would say you are most certainley suffering mentally and physicly and need help not oppresion. not doing harm is almost as good as helping.
the utopia i imagine and strive for isnt for my benifit since i live and die and only the effects of my compasion will live on thats what i focus on even if it seems impossable i feel better just knowing its the road less travled and im doing it reguardless.

Big D

its slavery the constitution says no slavery endentured or otherwise,wich means your not born into slavery to pay off your predoccesors balance with work or money i beleive that went for slave owners of the time and the govt.

i was born as a natural being,i never agreed to it,they say do it or go to jail or pay fines or both. it dosnt sound like a choice.

thats how i see it, i dont owe anyone anything just from being born on the same peice of land,then force my butt to court to enforce laws i dont agree with so even if it is constitutional it certainley isnt fair, and is slavery in everything but name.

they pay you to be on a jury. for your gas and your time... slaves didn't get paid.


Game Bred
if you killed somthing everyday just to stay alive i would say you are most certainley suffering mentally and physicly and need help not oppresion.

we all do EVERY DAY!!!!

we just find it more "civilized" to let someone else do the actual killing be it plant or animal...

i think if we had to do the killing ourselves we would appreciate what we have more.

truth is without laws the strongest amongst us would quickly enslave the weak and we would have laws once again.
so "strive" away but it's not only impossible for the human animal to coexist without strife it is unnatural.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
For what it's worth...any jury i have been on have been comprised of people who don't want to be there and don't seem to care at all. I don't know how effective that is, or what the other option is, but it does not seem like "fair" trials.

Once i gave a kid a ride home from court after we served on a jury for roughly 6 hours...
he believed what we just saw was acting... he looked at me in disbelief when i told him that was a real case with real outcomes. errr? this is not a tv, this is real life.

makes me wonder how stupid i must of seemed for them to pick me right after him for jury selection.


The biggest problem I see with the legal system & juries in general is a lot of times people are chosen by the lawyers to get the conviction they want!
Question to perspective juror what is your view on cannabis, especially if it's a drug case ,you answer honestly, well we don't need you!:plant grow:
We need to work together to change the federal government's stance on cannabis, or change the government!!!!


we all do EVERY DAY!!!!

we just find it more "civilized" to let someone else do the actual killing be it plant or animal...

i think if we had to do the killing ourselves we would appreciate what we have more.

truth is without laws the strongest amongst us would quickly enslave the weak and we would have laws once again.
so "strive" away but it's not only impossible for the human animal to coexist without strife it is unnatural.

I smell...the truth


Active member
we all do EVERY DAY!!!!

we just find it more "civilized" to let someone else do the actual killing be it plant or animal...

i think if we had to do the killing ourselves we would appreciate what we have more.

truth is without laws the strongest amongst us would quickly enslave the weak and we would have laws once again.
so "strive" away but it's not only impossible for the human animal to coexist without strife it is unnatural.

civil i dont think so. but your right you would have to be nuts to go around killing and feel nothing that was my point.since we dont like that ,nd would go nuts from doing it day after day,we enslave speciese and then pay somone to do the dirty work but were all just as guilty,just not as traumatised.
a different means to the same end for people and animals.
why do it if you know your causing pain and death? and even if your only out for yourself you should avoid tresspassing against anything ,the laws of nature go like this do good get good ,do bad and get bad, plant beans you get beans ,melons you get melons ect.... why would we spend day and night justifying and lying to ourself to convince ourself otherwise?
it would be pointless actually ceasing and reversing our evolution from that perspective.


Game Bred
i disagree...
we SHOULD kill to eat!
there is no trauma to a human for doing what we are meant to do.

in the corners of your mouth are pointy teeth. they are not for eating grass.

we are killers. this idea that we are not is what defies the laws of nature.

if government were to disappear from the face of the planet at midnight,by 12:05 some well armed charismatic individual would be gathering weaker individuals to begin marching towards his reign...


Active member
yes im well aware of the K9's but are they here to continue their service or be phased out in evolution since we consider ourself at the forfront how would we know?
the argument that we need to kill is perposterous,every tooth we have we use but just because we designate them as meat or herbovior in nature doesnt mean we are defined by them.
im not gonna let my teeth designate actions that im well in control of.
also how isnt that a reasonable defense in court then im a killer by nature its the fault of my pointy teeth. seems a bit rediculous.
the other myth is that we need meat to survive, i see plenty of herboviors that hold there own,stamina endurence and strength all with the main diet of grass and would run us flat over if we confront them with the prospect of death.


Game Bred
yes im well aware of the K9's but are they here to continue their service or be phased out in evolution since we consider ourself at the forfront how would we know?
the argument that we need to kill is perposterous,every tooth we have we use but just because we designate them as meat or herbovior in nature doesnt mean we are defined by them.
im not gonna let my teeth designate actions that im well in control of.
also how isnt that a reasonable defense in court then im a killer by nature its the fault of my pointy teeth. seems a bit rediculous.
the other myth is that we need meat to survive, i see plenty of herboviors that hold there own,stamina endurence and strength all with the main diet of grass and would run us flat over if we confront them with the prospect of death.

you too can live off grass..
just need to grow a couple of ruminant stomachs...
i didn't know nature had a court? do they have juries in the court of nature?
i guess in nature court YES pointy teeth would be a defense?


Active member
sarcasim is hard to convey on the interweb ,my appologies.
your argument was that killing is natural and having a set of k9's makes it OK,when in society your punished dependant on whats being killed and the person/s judging you.

my argument is nothing/no-one deserves a oppresive life,natural or not. if we can make living easy for everything thats here why would your own need to kill trump somthing elses need to live.
why would the govt feel the need to punish people when they can only speculate as to whats been done most of the time.
i am choosing to voice the opinions of others while im there to show that govt version of life and our version are different but ours shouldnt be oppressed just because of a majority vote.
if the majority of the people are dumb,the theres no fixing it your going to have a dumb outcome and nothing in the law says the people judging you had to have anyform of education,again not fair if a lawyer obviously educated can spin a story to suite his needs.
theres so much wrong from the ground up yet this is what the people have decided is fair,blah im sick of it i dont want to be told what to do,i respect people i try to lead a good life yet somone wants to tell me whats right and wrong.i dont see going along with the program as the solution.
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