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Thw whole truth. Not part of it.


This is very important. This may be the last attempt to keep a very important plank in our United States.

Our nation is supposed to be of, by and for the people. The people are supposed to rule the government. Not the other way around.

In 2008 the people of Michigan passed a law. This law was supposed to protect persons that use cannabis for medical purposes. This law gives the option to the defendant in any marijuana case to defend him or herself on a medical basis. These were direct orders from the voters to our government.

Many in government don’t like this new law. Some of those are working hard to reverse the orders given to them by the voters of Michigan.

One current method being used to nullify this set of orders from the voters is for courts to not allow this law into their courtroom.

Some Michigan courts are not allowing the defense that the law requires to be allowed.

From the moment the defense is disallowed, it is as if the law had been repealed.

The people enacted a protection that the judge refuses. They order that no mention of “medical marijuana” be uttered in front of the jury.

The judge is manipulating the jury. Only the prosecutor’s case is presented. Half the truth. Not the whole truth required for accurate justice.

The judge has determined the outcome of the case before the jury hears it.

These courts are blatantly refusing to obey their employers, “we the people.”

When the courts refuse to obey the people, there is only one thing left for the people to do. That is something called jury nullification.

To enforce their twisted concept of law requires that the jury do what the judge expects. Find the defendant guilty based on incomplete information.

The solution is simple. Vote not guilty in ANY marijuana case. The courts are presenting incomplete information to juries. That’s not fair. If you’re selected for a jury, just vote not guilty.

Many will tell you “you can’t do that.” And that’s not true. Our system of justice removes a jury from examination. They are locked behind closed doors. They can vote any way they wish for any reason they wish.

Since our courts are ignoring the direct order of the voters, vote "not guilty" if you're on any jury trial for any marijuana charge.

Forward this to everyone you can. "We the people" must now enforce this law we passed.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I think if I were the defendant and asked when taking the stand if I swear to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," I'd have to say, "No, the judge will not allow it." I think any time a defendant is not allowed a reasonable defense in a mmj case, they should refuse the oath. I wonder if this has ever happened and what the response of the court would be.


Last week, in Oakland county Michigan, the court was unable to seat a jury.

The entire jury pool had been tainted with information.


Active member
i have jury duty at the end of the month wich i think in itself is endentured servantry under the threat of prison or fines,plainley unconstitutional.
any other hypocritical stances you would like me to point out in court ill try if it will make a diffeence,the only thing im gonna be pissed about is not being able to smoke the whole time.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I think if I were the defendant and asked when taking the stand if I swear to "tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," I'd have to say, "No, the judge will not allow it." I think any time a defendant is not allowed a reasonable defense in a mmj case, they should refuse the oath. I wonder if this has ever happened and what the response of the court would be.

Contempt of court.. fines, jail, whatever the judge wants really.

Once you're in the system the jury is the only last bastion of freedom... not the defendant's reason.

Bentom you should really consider it a duty worthy of real people.

So many people cut out just to keep high while there are old people with nothing to do and hate in their hearts judging people.

We have to work for us... not against us.

Get high when your work is done.



Contempt of court.. fines, jail, whatever the judge wants really.

Once you're in the system the jury is the only last bastion of freedom... not the defendant's reason.

Bentom you should really consider it a duty worthy of real people.

So many people cut out just to keep high while there are old people with nothing to do and hate in their hearts judging people.

We have to work for us... not against us.

Get high when your work is done.


Can you imagine a judge putting someone in jail because they voted not guilty?????

Don't tell anyone why you voted the way you did. Just vote not guilty.


i have jury duty at the end of the month wich i think in itself is endentured servantry under the threat of prison or fines,plainley unconstitutional.
any other hypocritical stances you would like me to point out in court ill try if it will make a diffeence,the only thing im gonna be pissed about is not being able to smoke the whole time.

Make a difference????

Your single vote could keep someone out of jail.

On a jury .. YOU are the MAJORITY.

Don't like the marijuana laws? Then make it so they can't get a conviction.

If they can't convict, they'll stop arresting.


Game Bred
i have jury duty at the end of the month wich i think in itself is endentured servantry under the threat of prison or fines,plainley unconstitutional.

how is jury duty unconstitutional exactly?

if the constitution provides for trial by jury,not having a jury would be unconstitutional.

indentured servitude?
you cant be serious?


Active member
Make a difference????

Your single vote could keep someone out of jail.

On a jury .. YOU are the MAJORITY.

thats the only reason im going,it could be me at somepoint sitting infront of the firing squad.
if i could somhow broaden the picture to the judge at exactly what takes place in courts across the country and just make it seem so hipocritical that there couldnt be a counter to the truth, impossible to ignore, and then possibley have some change brought about by it.
the only thing thats telling me no is the fact that the judge could be one of those who profit from it and dont give a danm and just shake their head and nod in agreement.
or wost add me to the list for voicing my opinion.


Active member
its slavery the constitution says no slavery endentured or otherwise,wich means your not born into slavery to pay off your predoccesors balance with work or money i beleive that went for slave owners of the time and the govt.

i was born as a natural being,i never agreed to it,they say do it or go to jail or pay fines or both. it dosnt sound like a choice.

thats how i see it, i dont owe anyone anything just from being born on the same peice of land,then force my butt to court to enforce laws i dont agree with so even if it is constitutional it certainley isnt fair, and is slavery in everything but name.


its slavery the constitution says no slavery endentured or otherwise,wich means your not born into slavery to pay off your predoccesors balance with work or money i beleive that went for slave owners of the time and the govt.

i was born as a natural being,i never agreed to it,they say do it or go to jail or pay fines or both. it dosnt sound like a choice.

thats how i see it, i dont owe anyone anything just from being born on the same peice of land,then force my butt to court to enforce laws i dont agree with so even if it is constitutional it certainley isnt fair, and is slavery in everything but name.

Pull the plug on them ..

My government declared a war against me... their mistake.

Do you feel they have attacked you also? Pull their plug.


Game Bred
its slavery the constitution says no slavery endentured or otherwise,wich means your not born into slavery to pay off your predoccesors balance with work or money i beleive that went for slave owners of the time and the govt.

i was born as a natural being,i never agreed to it,they say do it or go to jail or pay fines or both. it dosnt sound like a choice.

thats how i see it, i dont owe anyone anything just from being born on the same peice of land,then force my butt to court to enforce laws i dont agree with so even if it is constitutional it certainley isnt fair, and is slavery in everything but name.


you re actually comparing this^^^^

to this

yeah right...

cmon man get real.

you are subjected to jury duty because you are also protected by the sixth amendment.
you enjoy the rights and privileges of "being born on the same peice of land"[SIC] yet want none of the responsibilities of those privileges.


Active member
my ammended rights are being used against me to work for them? thats a crime they dont get punished for.
the comparison sounds silly but ,if i dont do like the govt tells me in the second picture then you end up like the first picture,they dont use whips anymore they dont have to you get maced and rubber bullets to the face and attacked with clubs(in prison).
and if you can imagine a life without big brother then thats freedom and what needs to be protected by the people.


Game Bred
my ammended rights are being used against me to work for them?
no with those rights come some responsibilities.
if i dont do like the govt tells me in the second picture then you end up like the first picture,they dont use whips anymore they dont have to you get maced and rubber bullets to the face and attacked with clubs.

all you have to do to avoid jury duty is:
A: never get a drivers licence
B:become a convicted felon
C:leave the country

no rubber bullets or tazers just choose one of the above (there are other ways to avoid participating in your civic responsibilities)
but FFS you enjoy the rights afforded you yet feel doing your part is somehow a usurpation?!?!?!
jury duty sucks,but it is better than not having jury trials!

what do you propose is a better system?

you think jury duty is slavery...
ok so who serves on juries in your world?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
i dont owe anyone anything just from being born on the same peice of land

I have to disagree.

You owe everyone the same respect you expect.


If you're going to let some holy rollers bury some pot smoker under sodomites because you want to stay home and get high then everybody owes you the same disgraceful display should you be hung out to dry... those same holy rollers will cast you down with no one to speak out for reason, because they're home getting high.

What the fuck is going to happen to us in a world of such laziness and apathy?!

You certainly do owe everybody something... who raised you?


Game Bred

complacency disguised as disestablishmentarianism...(?)

it's one of the main problems with society today.

"i dont like the system so i refuse to participate"

like a spoiled child who don't like the game so they run home rather than change the game...

hopefully ben is just young.

M³ is he recyclable?



I just received a letter the other day....report on june 10th....I think it important....whereas I don't consider a political vote as important. It is a vote that matters....and it can change a person's life. Must be taken serious. As much as I do not like to participate in "The System"....I will be a honest voice of reason....and objective in accordance with what law states. Law should be objective.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
hopefully ben is just young.

M³ is he recyclable?

I hope so!! We'll see how well received my copper coins are.

I remember feeling like standing mute till the bad dream passes, and must agree it's probably a phase most go through.

But the fact remains "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."

Hopefully reality sets in before we find our hands in shackles.


I just received a letter the other day....report on june 10th....I think it important....whereas I don't consider a political vote as important. It is a vote that matters....and it can change a person's life. Must be taken serious. As much as I do not like to participate in "The System"....I will be a honest voice of reason....and objective in accordance with what law states. Law should be objective.

Please read the other thread about jury nullification.

The time to understand your rights as a juror is before you are behind those closed doors.

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