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**((Thundurkel's 252w Fluoro Frenzy))**


yea i would check ph in coco, its the most important thing in my opinion. My flora grow/micro would bring my ph from 7 to 5.5 and i know they have nute buffers but not sure if thats the same thing you are talking about. anyway my girls didnt like the ph that low and soon showed signs of calcium def. i brought it up to 5.8 and they did very well untill one of them in 6th week of flowering showed cal deficiency again. i brought ph to 6.1 and the love it. no complains on 4 different girls from seed. after reading other peoples journals and stuff i realized that almost everyone raises ph to 6-6.2. some of the guys went 5.8 for veg then raised it in bloom. I think AN is a rip off, they got like 20 different products and most are very expensive. I did use their big bud powder but it was cheap as hell and worked well. I would suggest using canna or house and garden coco specific nutes. i see the best results around the coco forum with these guys so im gonna give them a try next time. I heard canna and H&G are very close in results but H&G was less salty.

anyway last thing i wanted to say is if you are using the vial and dropper ph kit, make sure that it is actually yellow and not yellow-orange. my was gh ph control kit and 5.8 was solid yellow and up to 6.2 barely any different. if its yellow-green/orange then its a bit off
Amazing thread so far Thunderkel. You and Dr. Bud have been influencing my growing tendencies for the better part of a year now--I used to think big thoughts, HID's, Aeroponics, Hydroponics! But nay, with a little tender love and care, mixed with a decent amount of CFL's and soda bottles, you can get some mighty fine buds.



Amazing thread so far Thunderkel. You and Dr. Bud have been influencing my growing tendencies for the better part of a year now--I used to think big thoughts, HID's, Aeroponics, Hydroponics! But nay, with a little tender love and care, mixed with a decent amount of CFL's and soda bottles, you can get some mighty fine buds.


i think that thundo's comparison of coco vs soil speaks for itself. to me its clear, soil has more taste and hydro has better yields


Active member
I find if I check and stabilize the PH to 5.8 after I put the base nutrients then add whatever additives. The only thing that will change the PH for me is H&G Roots Excelurator.

guest 77721

Here's a link to the fact sheet on FloraNova

It says that FN is pH stabilized and to use GH pH adjusters to set the pH between 5.5. and 6.5.

What that means is the the pH will hold steady but you have to adjust it. That's normal because everyone has different water.

Crappy salt based fertilizers like Shultz or Miracle Grow leave a salt residue that tanks the pH over time.

I'm running the A/N Sensi line which is comparable to the FloraNova. The pH is steady over the grow. When I used Shultz I had to flush the soil several times.

I'd still recommend getting a pH test kit, especially for CoCo pH 5.8.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Well actually soiless mixes give just as must taste to me, just like the bag says you get the speed and yield of hydroponics with the benefits of a natural organic soil... Cuz I have a buddy that grows in Rock Wool and one that does the Ready Gro Moisture Formula and the soiless grows taste just as good as my Fox Farm soil and nutes grows I did.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hey Red did you know that the Sensi line up is a part of the new PH PPM Perfect thing the AN has invented?? They say if your water has a ph of 4.5 - 8.5 (Which is everybody's) you'll never need a PH kit or Pen again!! They have this whole new "System" they are doing and the Sensi and Grow Micro and Bloom have been reformulated the ph ppm perfect shit which sounds really nice but what I want to find out is if you can get away with just the Sensi line or if you need to have one of the Bigger Yield's Bundle to get that perfect ph in any ol tap water...


Just Call me Urkle!!
ok so here's the little video about the new ph technology which seems too good to be true but who knows.. Then in my West Coast Cannabis mag they have a 2page spread talking about it and show the Sensi line with the Micro Bloom and Grow and those are supposed to be the base nutes you pick one of the 2 then they have 4 different bundles of additives...

guest 77721

I'll have to check in on that. AN pumps out a lot of BS. I do know that the A/N line is more geared to soil or soilless mediums and not so much straight hydro as the GH lineup.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea they are ALOT of hype and the owner Mike seems likes a douche bag in his Underground Growers video lol I am hopefully getting a 3part line up of AN nutes from my buddy cuz he tried them on his first or second grow and burnt his girls so he use's GH Keep It Simple Solution with Flora Nova... I have to say I LOVE Flora Nova for it's simplicity and it only takes 1tsp per gal for great results! I know people say that Pure Blend Pro gives better tasting bud but I was wondering if I flush with molasses if it will be similar in sweetness?

guest 77721

I was thinkin' you'd be going with AN's Monkey Juice for Coco. From what I can tell Sensi with BigBud is the same as FloraNova with Floralicious. If you like Floranova, you'd like Sensi or Connisseur.

Can't say if PBP is better that a good flushed hydro grow but it's gotta be better than a poorly flushed one. I used molasses on my last grow and one plant that got flushed well was sweet tasting. The other one I didn't get the nutes out and it was harsh.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea I'm hoping to get some samples from a few different nutrient companies this month so we'll see what I end up liking in the end but right now Flora Nova's simplicity is the shit!! Plus it's given me the biggest plants I've grown and it's doing it in Kellogg Patio Plus soil now too! I have 7 plants in 18oz Hefty Party cups of Patio Plus and 3 of them were stressed plants I took out of the coco blend soil and washed the roots and transplanted and the other 4 were freshly rooted clones. The 4 new ones are GREAT looking!! I have a Super Silver Haze I flowered at 4" and in 8days of flowering the bitch is 10" tall! so I see it finishing out at 21-22" and the Thunder Goo's and Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity are on there way to finishing out at 16-17" so I'm back on track oh yea!!

I was checking out Humboldt Nutrients and they have a 1part called Oneness that looks promising so anybody looking for simplicity check it out cuz it also says if you let the mix sit for 24hrs your nutrient mix with ph itself between 5.5 and 8.5 which is nice for lazy fuckers like myself...

guest 77721

You gotta wonder how much of this magic comes from adding Dolomite lime to the soil.
I had nothing but pH issues with salt based nutes until I started adding D-Lime and continue to use it with the higher quality AN nutes.


Just Call me Urkle!!
The Big Update!!! I'm Back!!!

The Big Update!!! I'm Back!!!

Yea I have NO issues using Flora Nova Grow n Bloom with Floralicious Plus, you all saw how the garden was looking a while back with all my nute problems I was having. Then I went to making tea which seemed to be working ok but I wasn't getting the stretch I was used to from my strains.. So I dumped the tea and just picked up the bottle of Flora Nova Grow I had and started using it like I did with the Coco vs Soil test and I feed my girls 5ml of FN Grow 4 drops of Superthrive and 1ml of Floralicious Plus for the first 3 weeks the I hit em with the FN Bloom at 7ml per gal and I'm just hitting the beginning of week 4 for the 11 plants I flowered at once that were still in the BGCB and it's 50/50 BG Coco Blend and Ocean Forest.. I was feeding them the tea for the first week then it was the big switch and here we are now....



First we will start with what I'm calling NorCal Master Kush cuz it's a Master Kush from Mendo and it's OG Kush x Mendo Purps and since there is SO Cal MK I figured this one is going to end up being known as the NorCal MK.. Anyway that was week 3 or 4 after a 2 feedings of FN Grow to green em up but it's been Bloom ever since





Here they are at 6 1/2 weeks and I'm going to take them to 9-10 weeks, they smell so lemony right now with the hint of Mendo Purps scent peeking through...


Main Flower Chamber on 5-9-09 with no deficiencies anymore :woohoo:


Here's some NorCal Master Kush close ups in the cab that day frosting up:joint:

Pt 2 of this update coming after these messages lol


Just Call me Urkle!!
The Big Update Pt 2 !!!

The Big Update Pt 2 !!!

So here's the second part of my update and what we will be looking at is some of the Thunder Goo's that I brought back to life with Flora Nova Grow and Superthrive. Also the first row I have got to start fresh with so on with the show:joint:







Here's 3 of my Thunder Goo's that just started week 4 and it's possible the last 4 pics which are just 2 plants may be Urkle or Lavender, I finally figured out if my moms were different and they were but when I figured it out I already had all of them labeled Thunder Goo so I wont know until week 6 or so cuz that's when you can tell by the smell and how much bigger the trichomes are.. I was told the strain was either Urkle or GDP but after buying a 8th of Lavish which is a Lavender cross it smells more like the Lavender so we'll see :joint:


Here we have the new row I started with fresh rooted clones and vegged em till the starting height of 4" for all of them.. From left to right it's 2 Thunder Goo's a Maui Wowi x Tooty Fruity and a Super Silver Haze(MNS Version) at 8 days of flowering. They are all in Kellogg Patio Plus soil and have been fed Flora Nova Grow 5ml per gal and 4 drops of Superthrive... I can tell by how tall they are already they are on the way to being 16"-21" !!! I'm stoked:joint:

Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity close up


The 2 Thunder Goo's up close and pretty with the perfect amount of greenage

And finally the Super Silver Haze that's already 10" tall after a week of flower!! This bitch might get to tall on me and that's not a bad thing at all!!

And last but not least we have a shot of my new Mom and Veg cab :joint:

Oh yea I'm back everybody and excited to be using Roots Coco Fiber mix for every new row I put in from here on out which my first coco row is being put into flower in 3 days!!! I will be perpetual in 8-9 weeks so stay tuned...


Just Call me Urkle!!
aint nothing better than a happy green garden man and us got it

Damn skippy! I can't wait to finally have my perpetual going again and this time it's going to be all coco so I should see some damn good yields.. I want that 3/4oz to 2 1/2oz every week and I'm on a mission to get that and then work to beat it... I think I can pull 2-3oz a week no problem once every row is coco :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
real nice bro,and i really like how you kept them mamas with them fat stalks so small bro,im trying to achieve the same type of thing with all my mamas right now.thanks for sharin them shots yo.peace-T-


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thanks Tonatiuh they best way to get a mom like that is from a reveg that's how I did it with the Thunder Goo but the other one which is my Maui Wowi Tooty Fruity took a while to shape a mold into that so I have another Thunder Goo revegging to make me another mom of that cuz I love that strain so much!!!

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