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THSeeds - Finished?


you didnt get lucky you got the same as everyone else good beans from a good company and good guy..........Adam is not one of the so called "greedy breeders" as mentioned above......c'mon gypsy hasn't this thread been rendered irrelivent yet????


Don't go running to the teacher!!! That's not cool.

Everything here has been polite & civil... no ripping, no bashing. Peeps have been giving their feedback on real life experiences... don't trivialize that.

This does serve a purpose... it is informative.

Each of us is expressing our points of view civilly. Why go running to the parents to try to rat out the other kids when they're playing nicely... just because you don't like the results of the game???

Leave it up Gypsy! ;-)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
HEavy duty fruity, while it had massive variation between plants and i thought the seeds were way overpriced (friend bought em), had the best purple indica pheno i've ever smoked.. From purple plants that is.

I was gonna buy the seeds and go on a pheno hunt for that purp, but i had their Skunk XXX with 0% germ and got other seeds, from another company.. Oh, they never answered my email either. Tough shit.


I could really care less about your opnion.......I'm not running anywhere or telling anyone anything I see a whole bunch of bad information coming from people with no pics to prove it............I've also noticed that those who are supporting thseeds are posting pics of beautifull plants.............So lets see the pics guys show us your hermies and bad looking plants cause you really want to inform people right????not just jump on the hate band wagon that the op started.........right So lets see them.......If ya gonna spout ya mouf off then back it up cuz............all Im saying...



Who are you? Why are you taking this so personally?? Wow...

Look, as you seem to be misreading my posts... I've flat out said that they produce some very nice looking plants... and very vigorous.

My buddy has this Sage that looks phenomenal... phenomenal. He sells the crap out of it because it has such great bag appeal.

But he always smokes & wants my nugs... any day of the week... and I never take any of his... twice on Sunday.

And you're correct, this is just my opinion... just like any one else. Why so personal? Why attack the validity of the thread?

K... I'm done... only responding because it is now between the two of us for some reason??? btw, I'm totally cool with disagreeing & arguing... and I totally respect your position. I just don't want the thread deleted. peace


there is nothing between you and I.....I dont know you.......nor you me...........& we disagree.........so be it...........but there are ALOT of peeps here bashing a guy who has done alot more for this community than any one of them.........Also they have nothing to back up the claims.........Thats my problem.........not with you or your opnion.........


HEavy duty fruity, while it had massive variation between plants and i thought the seeds were way overpriced (friend bought em), had the best purple indica pheno i've ever smoked.. From purple plants that is.

I was gonna buy the seeds and go on a pheno hunt for that purp, but i had their Skunk XXX with 0% germ and got other seeds, from another company.. Oh, they never answered my email either. Tough shit.

yea that purple pheno in hdf is some of the best weed I ever smoked as well........So I bought a pack yes pretty pricey I thought as well .but Adam went out of his way to help me through email.........Told me how to feed her which traits to look for etc..........told me there would be variation.....Said to search for the purple one also...I didnt get it.........What I did get was 3 females 2 phenos but very similar smoke (just variation in growth patterns and yeild........All yeilded excellent and reeked of fruity skunk.......covered in bulbous trics,sticky and stinky as can be...................Weed that literally sold itself...........I made way more than my money back and was very pleased with Adam's help.........while the weed was not "superstar" status.....It was hands down straight up very good weed..........I miss that purple pheno though...........might have to say fuck it to the chemdog ibl............and get me some more hdf......


I could really care less about your opnion.......I'm not running anywhere or telling anyone anything I see a whole bunch of bad information coming from people with no pics to prove it............I've also noticed that those who are supporting thseeds are posting pics of beautifull plants.............So lets see the pics guys show us your hermies and bad looking plants cause you really want to inform people right????not just jump on the hate band wagon that the op started.........right So lets see them.......If ya gonna spout ya mouf off then back it up cuz............all Im saying...

People that didn't have good luck with THSeeds don't have pics of plants they threw away? Or of 0% germ rates? Strange... :moon:

I also enjoy hearing other's experiences, and for me the price of the seeds is nothing compared to the time and space I need to put into growing them. I don't have time for genetics that may or may not be ok.


People that didn't have good luck with THSeeds don't have pics of plants they threw away? Or of 0% germ rates? Strange... :moon:

I also enjoy hearing other's experiences, and for me the price of the seeds is nothing compared to the time and space I need to put into growing them. I don't have time for genetics that may or may not be ok.

yea pretty convienent aint it........I know I post pics of the strains Im unhappy with and the reasons why........so bye bye now


yea pretty convienent aint it........I know I post pics of the strains Im unhappy with and the reasons why........so bye bye now

Thanks for the neg. rep. Obviously you can't hold an adult conversation or listen to the moderator. I won't retaliate, you'll just be added to the ignore list. :)


ok now which part of your post was ment to have a adult conversation?

"People that didn't have good luck with THSeeds don't have pics of plants they threw away? Or of 0% germ rates? Strange...

was it the statement or the smiley????
cause it seems like you were trying to provoke me....weren't you? c'mon now be honest

hdf from thseeds