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This Week I Will Be Mostly Planting.......2010 UK Auto Greenhouse/Great Outdoors Grow


I cant get tired of your greenhouse Dargo!

I know eh! I drool over it every time i stop in, one hell of a professional job... That sour60 looks good enough to call indoor mate!

I planted about 25 mi5's direct into the ground dargo, i hope they end up like yours', actually if they do i might be in trouble i'll have one hell of a bushy patch on my hands.


havnt had time do do photos working silly hours untill thursday. I taken loads and will add them when I got time, i uploaded loads to my greenhouse album already but forgot to add them here.

Aye m8..scourge of Daliah growers..they eat all the foliage.

I didn't know they ate canna though..until I caught the little bugger.


Old gardeners trick is to put a plastic coffee cup on top of a bamboo cane..stuff it with a bit of dried grass...so it is like a nest...and leave it overnight.

Then lift the cup in the morning..and you should find your earwigs
fast asleep in it.

Watch out..they DO nip...with their front pincers.

Nasty little blighters..:look at this:

I can see loads of them in the greenhouse frame, i been jabbing them with a little stick!

Wow Bro looks Awesome man! super stuff & Mi5 heaven! Good Luck with the jungle bro, you'll be able to fill a few mason jars with just BHO at this rate lol! ;)

Thanks, if they all grow the size of the ones by my compost bin im in for a MASSIVE early autum harvest. im going to have to get some big bubble bags and a honeybee extractor for all the trim. the male I used as the dad for the mi5 im growing now (the massive ones) is the male I used to pollenate the amnesia x blue cheese girls so hopefully they will be massive aswell

excellent germ rates and that guerilla grow just looks totally awesome. You are going to have a carpet of seedlings in a week or 2 - looking forward to watching this!

thanks, out of all the beans only a few didnt germinate.

I cant get tired of your greenhouse Dargo![/QUOTE

thanks :)

wow!! dargo your plants looks great,potatos too:D
greetings from poland

keep it green

thanks, the red potatos are really nice I only have a few left now.

I know eh! I drool over it every time i stop in, one hell of a professional job... That sour60 looks good enough to call indoor mate!

I planted about 25 mi5's direct into the ground dargo, i hope they end up like yours', actually if they do i might be in trouble i'll have one hell of a bushy patch on my hands.

thanks :D the sour 60 are ready for the chop but I cant do it yet as I love them to much, il leave them another week or so.

good luck with your mi5, make sure you upload lots of photos. I hope you get some beasts! everytime I look at my outdoor ones I smile and laugh to myself in disbelief at there size lol

Hey Dargo your garden is gorgeous!

thanks, I love my garden :)

CHEERS DARGO,i love your garden...i want also me my "out"sweet garden mate!!



garden is looking fantastic Dargo, Seems i missed a bit while on my vacation. I would share my veggie garden pics but while on vacation my water pump seized and i lost a good bit of my veggies. Although my hot peppers and such are still thriving ill have to get pics of them i guess


shame :( what did you lose?


outdoor Mi5's





Marijuana Enthusiast
MMMM I love your greenhouse setup man, its one of a kind! Cant wait to see your (Amnesia X Blue Cheese) xMi5 F1s! Gonna be a very interesting cross!

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Looking lovely Dargo...I've got some Bad Betty tooo...!

The Mi5's are huge! They look like a right arse to trim though.

The Sour 60's look really good, I'm really enjoying the high.


Looking lovely Dargo...I've got some Bad Betty tooo...!

The Mi5's are huge! They look like a right arse to trim though.

The Sour 60's look really good, I'm really enjoying the high.

Yea im not looking forward to trimming them lol, each branch is like 2-3 of my smaller autos in 1! I got a good few hundred planted out aswell, if they all go this big im going il still be trimming in the spring :( the biggest thing for me doing it alone is having to trim it all at the end on my own lol. Im noticing 2 different phenos within my massive phenos, one has lots of little indica style nugs with hardley any leafs in the bud, the other (the tallest one) is a bit more airy longer sativa style buds. the indica looking one is going to be ready way before the sativia one, il take some close ups later.

I didnt relize the bad betty beans was a bit fresh and I didnt give them a dry before I germinated and only ended up with 5, 4 girls 1 boy so im happy. Il add some photos of the ALF#3 in a bit, I dryed them beans a few days before germinating, 10 out of 10 made it :)

I love the sour 60, I harvested the sour pheno yesterday, the kush pheno is still going, just waiting for a few more amber, but shes changing fast so gotta keep my eye on here (not that I got a problem with that lol)


MMMM I love your greenhouse setup man, its one of a kind! Cant wait to see your (Amnesia X Blue Cheese) xMi5 F1s! Gonna be a very interesting cross!

Thanks :) the "Psirens! (amnesia x blue cheese) X Mi5 growing outdoors and in the greenhouse are F2's, il be going to see how there doing in a bit, havnt had a chance since I took the photo a week or so ago


New member
hehe dargo unbelievable grow you've got going :) I just want to set up camp in your garden and claim squatters rights ;)

loving the carpet idea!


oh dear! seems the local slug population had a good feast, I can see about 20 and a few half plants left!!! good job I still got a load more taking up space in the greenhouse that I will plant out. I want a hedge :D


the other outdoor mi5's




Yea im not looking forward to trimming them lol, each branch is like 2-3 of my smaller autos in 1! I got a good few hundred planted out aswell, if they all go this big im going il still be trimming in the spring

Yeah..Spring..which Year..?

Thing is..I think she will be Well worth it..
the more I see of her the more I Like her..:kissass:

I want a hedge
:plant grow::plant grow::plant grow::plant grow::plant grow:

I wanna a FARM...


a little bit of spice

a little bit of spice

Hope you dont mind dargo, i figured id share what i got out of the garden today.

Things are looking mighty well in your garden


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